[外電] Jermaine Dye to retire

看板 MLB
作者 stonemonkey (ネギ)
時間 2011-04-01 04:28:00
留言 22則留言 (15推 1噓 6→)

Outfielder Jermaine Dye will retire from baseball according to Ken Rosenthal of FOXSports. Early in February reports indicated that the veteran outfielder was heading to retirement. “I would still like to play, but I think my choices have passed and teams have gone with other people,” Dye said. “I will continue to stay in shape and hopefully someone will call,” Dye said last month. “If nothing gets done by the end of the spring, I may call it a career.” “I feel I can contribute to a team in a big way,” Dye said. “I guess I’m just shocked that nobody has called. Regardless if a team thinks I have slowed defensively, I think my offensive numbers make a case for themselves.” The Los Angeles Dodgers were willing to give Dye a Minor League offer this Spring, but he declined it. 拒絕了躲人Minor合約的Dye決定不玩了.... http://tinyurl.com/4bxmmej -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1301603283.A.B1C.html

Ryushuier:您願退休也不要去國民 好漢子 04/01 04:30

sam09:美國現在還是3/31 04/01 04:33

Purekim:囧面戴 QQ 04/01 05:07

mrkey:究竟是自我感覺良好還是種族issue...hmm...... 04/01 05:43

mess0706:囧面戴這麼快退休..感覺他還可以打耶... 04/01 05:59

ckevint:這是自信吧XD 不太懂M大的種族說是怎樣... 04/01 06:07

dog218:騙不到我啦阿呆 04/01 06:11

mrkey:c大, 11088 04/01 06:24

ckevint:這問題的話 只能說一直有 不過說有種族issue也難說 04/01 06:33

ckevint:畢竟沒球打的白人大有人在 有球打的黑人也不少 04/01 06:33

foolishboy:大砲這麼早退休@口@ 04/01 08:03

cl3bp6:不過他的防守很囧 04/01 08:10

Fitzwilliam:他可是有名的雷射肩呢。防守很囧? 04/01 11:14

jr00725016:他的防守就是很差,有雷射肩也改變不了這件事 04/01 12:12

rex9999:可憐的貸… 04/01 12:27

EEERRIICC:來台灣吧... 04/01 14:40

ajburnett:可憐的傢伙... 04/01 14:50

lwei781:牛牛需要您 04/01 14:59

antonio019:雷射肩可以來興農當洋投 04/01 19:11

BleedWang:他連小聯盟都不肯待了 怎麼可能來中職 04/01 21:12

Carreras: 太慘喏 標準的時不我予 04/01 21:27

joe0726:Randy Winn也退休了... 04/02 10:45
