[閒聊] Curt Schilling的tweets

看板 MLB
作者 charliee (Double E)
時間 2011-03-20 21:09:17
留言 16則留言 (9推 0噓 7→)

八小時前發了好多tweets 有些還蠻有趣的 隨便節錄了幾則發給大家看看 有興趣的可以去他的twitter帳號看 看完只有一個感想 他意見真不是普通多的 http://twitter.com/#!/gehrig38 1.Best modern day hitter, Manny RH Barry LH when they cheated, Gonzo LH Pujols RH of non cheaters 2.Best gamer, videos, teammate = Pedroia, Toughest out (runner 3rd less than 2 outs?) Gwynn, Nomar = not what I expected, 3.Varitek, Tommy Greene hardest workers, Mirabelli, Kevin Jordan favorite teammates, San Diego favorite city to travel if I wasn’t pitching 4.tougher out? Jeter far harder than Arod, Arod has many holes and is a huge guesser, Jeter not so much 5.Oh one more hitter I don't think i ever got out, OWNED me, Derek Lee, HATED facing him and HATED even more that he was such a damn nice guy! 6.best mound visit? Podres asking me if I saw the hooters by the visitors on deck circle in St Louis when I was giving up like 55 runs in 1st -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1300626560.A.ED6.html

Sizemore24:No.4 XD 03/20 21:14

charliee:第六點投手教練很屌 03/20 21:15

Beisbol:他為什麼要把帳號取作Gehrig 03/20 21:17

BMHSEA:第一點戰意十足XD 03/20 21:38

Westmoreland:因為在1995年獲頒Lou Gehrig Memorial Award 03/20 21:46

Westmoreland:同年大兒子出生也取名Gehrig 03/20 21:47

TimChiu:因為他正在努力幫助lou gehrig disease(漸凍人)的患者 03/20 22:05

s19790824:第一點XD 03/20 22:23

prereality:默默挺紅襪隊友 03/20 22:33

JohnH:SD真的很漂亮 03/20 23:13

conjohn:推Derrek Lee 03/21 00:04

RAYWU321:第6點很好笑XDD 03/21 00:14

mayday2242:number6 ... lmao 03/21 00:33

yclinpa:6. happened on July 1, 1993? 03/21 08:15

yclinpa:Curt's line in that game: 2.2-11-11-7-1-0 03/21 08:16

yclinpa:He gave up 5 runs and 6 hits in the first inning 03/21 08:17
