[外電] Manny Has 'Chip On His Shoulder'

看板 MLB
作者 honey4617912 (三一萬能俠)
時間 2011-02-19 19:39:59
留言 16則留言 (8推 0噓 8→)

Manny Has 'Chip On His Shoulder' Manny Ramirez admitted Thursday that he's coming to Spring Training with a chip on his shoulder. "I just got a chip on my shoulder that I want to be here, I want to get my stuff right and show people I can play," Ramirez said. A motivated Manny is a scary proposition, of course, Still, having to sign for just $2 million had to be a wake-up call for the slugger, and if he hopes to get a better contract next offseason he'll need to improve dramatically on his batting line from last season. http://www.rotoworld.com/player/mlb/1884/manny-ramirez Feb 17, 9:32 AM Source: The Tampa Tribune on Twitter 咩尼認為自己受了委屈,他將證明自己還能打 全面啟動的咩尼是個噩夢;但是, 我們都知道他隨時可以把他的開關關掉。 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1298115604.A.394.html

a7v333:除非他不想打了,不然鬧下去就只能準備退休了 02/19 19:44

Faith1128:他的肩膀上有洋芋片!? 02/19 19:52

YHank:之前惡搞太大了 他年紀也差不多了 大家都會怕他這種個性 02/19 19:59

YHank:如果已經決定退休了(沒在簽約機會) 會不會就開始亂打亂鬧... 02/19 20:00

uranusjr:Chip on shoulder 是準備好了的意思, 來自英國(後來傳到 02/19 20:13

uranusjr:美國)的打架起手式是把木片放在肩膀上, 對方把木片擊落 02/19 20:13

uranusjr:代表接受挑戰 02/19 20:13

duncan6502:推樓上高手 外國接受決鬥、挑戰的方式還真多= = 02/19 22:11

rookiebear:請問把鞋子掛在電線杆上有何看法XD? 02/19 22:15

bluetory99:學到新的片語 02/19 22:21

honey4617912:http://tinyurl.com/4qwgsht 02/19 22:25

honey4617912:因為原文用'admit'所以我才覺得是這意思 02/19 22:28

A1pha:二樓害我一直想像那個畫面,害我一直笑XDDDD 02/19 23:20

rayven:明明是肩膀植入晶片(誤 02/20 14:49

claus:u大幾乎講對了,不單只是準備好的意思,而是又包含了內心含 02/20 18:49

claus:有某種幾乎「報仇」的目的,之前有受到不平或不滿的待遇 02/20 18:50
