[外電] Wang expects to begin season on DL

看板 MLB
作者 xiemark (aisinjuro)
時間 2011-02-15 10:39:43
留言 38則留言 (24推 0噓 14→)

Chien-Ming Wang expects to begin season on disabled list Aaron Gleeman Feb 14, 2011, 1:45 PM EST Chien-Ming Wang threw from flat ground at Nationals camp today and has already tossed four bullpen sessions since re-signing with the team in December, but the rehabbing right-hander told Adam Kilgore of the Washington Post that he expects to begin the season on the disabled list. Wang is still recovering from shoulder surgery that caused him to miss much of 2009 and all of 2010. After earning $2 million without throwing an inning for the Nationals last season he’ll give it another try on a one-year, $1 million deal that includes up to $5 million in incentives. Kilgore writes that “he seemingly can be ruled to make the Opening Day rotation” and “is aiming to be ready to pitch in the majors by late April or May.” Until then he’ll likely be placed on the DL and build up arm strength on a minor-league rehab assignment. He hasn’t seen game action since July 4, 2009. http://tinyurl.com/4mxeqg6 -- ╭⌒╮ ─ ● ─ / \ ╭ ⌒╮╭⌒╮. / │ \ .╭⌒╮ / .╭⌒╮. ╭ ⌒╮. ╭ ⌒╮. / ╭ ⌒╮ ╭⌒╮ ╭⌒╮ ╱◥██◣ / *╱◥██◣.,**, ╬╬╬╬╬╬ ︱田︱田田︱ ╬╬╬╬╬╬ ︱田︱田田︱ ╱◥██◣ -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1297737586.A.841.html

cjs010629:台媒:王練投狀況良好 可望在3月熱身賽出賽 02/15 10:43

VaROne:難 02/15 10:46

rex9999:挑戰第三次19勝~ 02/15 10:55

walkcloud:不意外 02/15 11:13

JGB:到底傷的多重啊 02/15 11:18

abidog:... 02/15 11:20

abidog:我還以為又受傷了嚇死人 02/15 11:21

timolin:國民目前先發投手那麼多,讓王開季掛DL先去小聯盟也很正常 02/15 11:25

linjosh5566:反正台媒每天都會自己放消息出來 02/15 11:25

sony1256:不意外 王的傷勢本來就慢慢來 太急只會又受傷 02/15 11:34

sony1256:台媒反正腦內補完都一年了 再久一點也沒差 02/15 11:35

pomo20010:王建民加油!! 02/15 11:35

searoar:這不能怪媒體吧 國民給2M本來就是預期去年就可以出賽 02/15 12:13

a558815:王葛格加油 02/15 12:41

MinChuan:不意外阿 02/15 12:52

MinChuan:慢慢把傷養好才是真的 02/15 12:53

upscom:繼續躺著賺 02/15 12:56

Asucks:完全不意外,關於台媒報導王的復健歡樂新聞我從來不看 02/15 13:08

DM24Tim:加油!!!! 02/15 13:53

tealee:台媒害台灣一堆人愛酸王建民 02/15 14:28

nininic:推樓上.從去年開始.新聞就是:復建、樂觀、以後一定殺爆MLB 02/15 15:17

nininic:沒簽王的是豬頭 幾乎每一則都是這些字眼而已吧!! 02/15 15:18

loveleexx:支持!!!!! 好好養傷 重新出發!! 02/15 15:35

iamoyp:王不是本來就沒有預計開季上大聯盟嗎? 02/15 15:42

iamoyp:擺在傷兵名單是正常啊 02/15 15:43

echomica:說台媒導致很多人酸王建民 這些人也不過就侷限在PTT而已 02/15 16:00

kenro:正常阿 先放在傷兵名單沒錯 02/15 16:52

kenro:不過酸的人 誰理他們阿 不喜歡球員無所謂但別把自己搞像白癡 02/15 16:57

kenro:王自己也說還需要1~2個月時間來調整訓練 更沒說過什麼大話 02/15 17:00

songga0909:WANG GO~ 就有一些沒水準的人會因為台媒而酸阿 02/15 17:25

songga0909:會看板的人還會為了那種新聞而亂酸 真是很奇妙 02/15 17:26

handfoxx:PTT宅宅真多 02/15 18:02

MarcLin:說真的,王本人是很樸實的運動員,被酸成這樣也算奇蹟阿 02/15 18:37

yuenwwjd:王樸實,酸酸一點也不阿 02/15 18:41

newest:你無法理解酸酸的腦子在想什麼,因為正常人是弱鹼性的 02/15 19:01

slg:離開NYY了~~個人覺得酸他的人會大幅減少才對~:P 02/15 23:17

szza2000:王這種低調做公益,默默復健的球員也被酸真沒理由 02/15 23:36

tony780504:加油!! 02/16 00:01
