[翻譯] 本季東山再起強力競爭者:Lee, Harden, Quentin

看板 MLB
作者 IAmaMouse (我是一隻老鼠)
時間 2008-09-17 01:42:37
留言 30則留言 (14推 0噓 16→)

http://0rz.tw/7e4MH Lee, Harden, Quentin top Comebackers Lee、Harden、Quentin是本季東山再起的佼佼者 The Major League road more traveled is seldom smooth and clear. It is full of speed bumps, potholes -- and trap doors. 漫長的大聯盟之路很少一路順暢,而是充滿了顛簸和陷阱。 Every year, numerous players fall through them, for various reasons. Injury. Performance regression. Emotional bankruptcy. 每年,大量的球員因各種原因表現下滑,例如受傷、退化、情緒失控。 Some don't resurface, free-falling into private life. Others summon the drive and dedication that made them pro athletes in the first place, and author impressive returns. 有些人無法重新振作,就此退出舞台。其他人則重新奮起,力圖成為最佳的運動員, 並寫下令人難忘的再起。 Modern sports medicine has turned "comeback" into part of the routine. Players, particularly pitchers, regularly undergo get-well regimens they know will keep them shelved for sometimes more than a season, then enable them to return perhaps better than new. 現代運動醫學已經將「復出」變成例行公事的一部分。球員,特次是投手,經常地 歷經將會使他們超過一個球季無法出賽的治療及復健,然後使他們復出之後甚至能 比全新的(身體)還好。 Not coincidentally, the Comeback Player of the Year Award became the newest official entry in the display case when Major League Baseball formally launched it after the 2005 season. 非巧合,MLB在2005年設立了最新的官方獎項-年度東山再起獎。 According to the award's basic guidelines, the honor is bestowed upon a player in each league who "re-emerged on the baseball field" during the season. 根據這個獎項的基本方針,此獎將頒給兩聯盟各一位在本球季再度有好表現的球員。 For purposes of this preview, a collective nod to those who persevered and let inner faith light their paths, our interpretation is that means reclaiming prior stature -- whatever the source of the drag. 這個預覽的目的,對於一群堅忍不拔,並且堅持心中信念以照亮前方道路的球員們, 我們的解釋是那表示重新回到之前的水準,不論當初下滑的原因為何。 (翻的狗屁不通,這句好困難啊......Orz 前面不重要,請直接跳到後面吧...) We present each league's top five candidates, in alphabetical order. 我們介紹兩聯盟的五位最佳候選人,按字母順序排列。 AMERICAN LEAGUE 美聯 Justin Duchscherer, A's: Limited to 16 innings last season by right hip problems that eventually required surgery, the 30-year-old former reliever resurfaced as an eye-popping starter. The man who made 188 consecutive relief appearances from 2004-07 took a turn leading the league in ERA, and remained in contention for that title until that hip problem resurfaced in late August. 運動家Justin Duchscherer上一季因為右邊咖噌(髖關節?)的問題需要動手術,最終 只投了16局,這位30歲的前RP復出成為一位亮眼的先發。在2004-07連續188場後援登 場的他,直到八月底咖噌的問題復發前,還在美聯ERA榜上不時居於領先地位。 Cliff Lee, Indians: From 5-8, and barnstorming starts up and down Cleveland's farm system, to 21-2 and the favorite's role in the Cy Young Award race? Comebacks don't come bigger or more inspirationally than that. And it is a comeback in the truest sense of the word, considering the lefty had been 32-16 in 2005-06. 印地安人Cliff Lee從5勝8敗,而且上下遊走大小聯盟,到21勝2敗,而且在賽揚獎 競爭上處於最有希望的位置?沒有比這個更另人震撼及激勵人心的東山再起了。如果 再考慮到這位左投在2005-06球季共拿下32勝16敗,這是一個真正符合字面意思的 「東山再起」。 Carlos Quentin, White Sox: He was the D-backs' Golden Boy in '06, when he broke into The Show with four homers and nine RBIs in his first seven games. But last year, between a perceived lack of discipline at bat and a bum shoulder, Arizona soured on him and virtually gave away the current AL home run leader. Quentin recently fractured his right wrist and is trying to return before the end of the season. 白襪Carlos Quentin當他在前七場比賽交出4隻HR和9分打點,他是06年響尾蛇的 Golden Boy。但去年,因為無法掌握好球帶和肩膀疼痛,響尾蛇對他感到失望,最終 放棄了這位美聯的全壘打領先者。Quentin最近把自己的右手腕弄骨折了,並試著在 球季結束前回到球場。(還有機會嗎?) B.J. Ryan, Blue Jays: Four innings into his '07 season, his left elbow popped and he was a ligament-replacement patient. He has reclaimed his '05-'06 status as the game's premier southpaw closer, and most recently has been front-and-center in Toronto's late-season drive. The Jays are 25-3 in his last 28 appearances. 藍鳥B.J. Ryan在07年投了4局,他的左手肘發出爆裂聲,然後就等著換韌帶了。 他已經回到05-06球季身為比賽中最重要的左CP時的狀態,且最近在藍鳥的季末衝刺 中扮演重要角色。藍鳥在他過去28次登板拿下25勝3敗。 Ervin Santana, Angels: He wasn't able to get out of the fourth inning in seven of his 26 starts last season, when his struggles reached all the way down to Triple-A. In '08, he has gone seven-plus innings in 16 of his 29 starts, while shaving more than a run off his previous career ERA. But he definitely had a history to recapture -- witness his 16-8 record for his sophomore '06 campaign. 天使Ervin Santana上一季他26次先發中有7場無法投超過4局,他的掙扎使他降到 3A。在08球季,他在29場先發有16場投到7局以上,ERA比生涯平均低了超過1。但是 他的確有個過去要重現,他06球季以二年級生拿下16勝8敗。 Honorable mention: Rocco Baldelli, Rays; Carl Pavano, Yankees; Juan Rivera, Angels. 其他值得一提的球員:光芒Rocco Baldelli、洋基Carl Pavano、天使Juan Rivera (沒想到Pavano也被提到,是因為他在谷底太久了嗎 = =?) NATIONAL LEAGUE 國聯 Jody Gerut, Padres: His return from a three-year battle with a right knee injury has been one of San Diego's few bright spots. He was limited to 16 at-bats with the Indians in '05, and sat out both of the ensuing seasons. Now he is second on the Padres with a .297 average, again showing the power and clutch bat that had made him one of the American League's top rookies in '03. 教士Jody Gerut他與右膝傷勢奮鬥3年後的復出是教士本季少數的亮點之一。05年在 印地安人只有16打數,然後接下來兩個球季都當了觀眾。現在他0.297的打擊率在教士 排第2,再度展現了他03年美聯頂尖新秀之一時的力量和關鍵打擊。 Rich Harden, Cubs: He began his comeback from a three-year injury siege in Oakland, and, except for the occasional timeout, has continued it on Chicago's North Side. After various ailments -- back, shoulder, elbow -- limited him to a total of five wins in '06 and '07 combined, he already has 10 this season and his 23 starts are 10 more than he'd totaled in the past two seasons. 小熊Rich Harden他的復出從在奧克蘭3年的渾身傷勢開始,除了少數時間,在芝加 哥時也持續維持這個狀態。在許多的治療-包括背部、肩膀、手肘-使得他在06和07 球季總共只拿到5勝之後,他本季已經拿到10勝,而且他本季23場先發比過去2季總和 還要多10場。 Gabe Kapler, Brewers: In a sport that has had many player-managers, the last being Pete Rose, Kapler is the first manager-then-player. He'd retired following the '06 season to manage in Boston's system -- which only convinced him that playing is more fun. And the ever-popular outfielder has made a smashing return, as Milwaukee's fourth outfielder putting up his best numbers (.301, eight homers, 38 RBIs) since '01. Kapler was recently diagnosed with a torn right latissimus muscle, but may try to play through the injury. 釀酒人Gabe Kapler在一個許多球員退休後轉教練的運動中-最近的一位是Pete Rose -Kapler是唯一一位當了教練又回來當球員的選手。他在06球季後退休並且在紅襪系統 中任教,這使得他確信打球還是比較有趣的。而這位持續受歡迎的外野手有一個非凡的 復出,身為釀酒人的第4號外野手,他的數據(打擊率0.301、8HRs、38打點)表現是自從 01年以來最佳的。Kapler最近被診斷出右闊背肌撕裂,但是或許會試著帶傷上陣。 (這會不會太神奇了 <@@>) Chan Ho Park, Dodgers: His '07 Major League season consisted of one start for the Mets, in which he was shelled for seven runs over four innings, and he knocked around the Minors the rest of the time. Park has re-emerged with his original club -- he made his big league debut with the Dodgers in 1994 -- as a tireless setup guy, with an ERA of 2.95 in 46 games. 道奇朴贊浩他的07球季由1場在大都會的先發組成,在4局內炸了7分,然後之後就在 小聯盟流浪。朴贊浩在他最初的球隊復出-他1994年在道奇大聯盟初登板-成為一位 耐操的setup,在46場比賽中ERA 2.95。 Kerry Wood, Cubs: Bowing to a litany of right arm problems, Wood, a long way from the tall Texan with the 20-strikeout game, has reinvented himself as a successful closer. He will approach his total number of appearances from '04-'07, and his 29 saves have freed Ryan Dempster to flourish in the rotation. 小熊Kerry Wood受困於連串的右肩傷勢,已經不是單場20K的高大德州人的Wood, 以一位成功的closer再出發。他將要接近他04-07年的總出場數,而他的29次救援成 功使得Ryan Dempster在輪值中盡情發揮。 Honorable mention: Mike Lincoln, Reds; Fernando Tatis, Mets 其他值得一提的球員:紅人Mike Lincoln、大都會Fernando Tatis -- ◆ From: 09/17 22:57
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1221586958.A.768.html

mrkey:vote for C.Lee and K.Wood 09/17 01:43

mrkey:這兩人完全解決了他們所屬球隊戰力上的缺失 而且表現亮眼 09/17 01:44

realestate:Painvano光是在合約結束前能再次上場投球就足以得獎了 09/17 01:45

IAmaMouse:我個人投Lee and Harden :p 09/17 01:45

Fitzwilliam:但Lee一個人終究撐不住Tribes >< 09/17 01:46

Liriano:我投Wood, Lee有賽揚可以拿了 09/17 01:48

IAmaMouse:投Wood並不影響Lee啊,兩聯盟是分開的 09/17 01:52

IAmaMouse:相對的,都一口氣反彈到CY了,幾乎是comeback的極限了XD 09/17 01:53

galewind:Pavano只要從躺著變成坐著就值得拿東山再起獎了(大誤) 09/17 01:53

goopa:Shoppach可以挑戰最佳進步獎,不過不符合東山再起獎的定義... 09/17 01:58

goopa:國聯我也投Wood... 09/17 01:59

goopa:美聯我想投一位甚至沒被提及的人選... 09/17 01:59

goopa:Milton Bradley 09/17 02:00

jayin07:我覺得comeback award根本是選career high的... 09/17 02:00

goopa:Tex的Frank Francisco太晚接手CL了... 09/17 02:02

goopa:要不然他那曲折的經歷也應得到榮譽提名... 09/17 02:02

goopa:國聯還有 Jorge Cantu 也應該被提名... 09/17 02:04

IAmaMouse:Bradley可能是受到之前成績的影響 09/17 02:06

IAmaMouse:他的缺賽...實在太多了,偏偏出賽最多那年成績又低於 09/17 02:07

IAmaMouse:生涯平均 09/17 02:07

mess0706:Career平穩的選手就算career high也拿不到啊 09/17 02:07

eon4:Quentin的美聯全壘打王還沒有被超越喔.. 09/17 05:09

ryuin:有錢人的被安打率每年都超低!!!威到不行. 09/17 07:26

impose:Tatis就是當年單局從朴贊浩手中打兩支滿貫全壘打的人 09/17 08:19

impose:結果兩個人今年一起入圍東山再起獎阿 09/17 08:19

kgjojo:Brad Lidge ~~~ 09/17 09:08

IAmaMouse:對齁,Quentin的HR應該只是平手而已 09/17 09:31

hllmayday:Quetin很威 白襪球迷很愛他 09/17 10:52

askj:借轉Cubs板,感謝 :) 09/17 22:56

Dorasaga:可惜Bradley傷, Dusch也傷... 前者我很懷疑他隱瞞傷勢 09/18 00:30
