[分享] 棒球場上不成文的規定

看板 MLB
作者 abc12812 (Sudba tseloveka)
時間 2008-08-23 21:14:56
留言 29則留言 (24推 0噓 5→)

剛剛在這個網站上看到的,還蠻有趣的 http://tinyurl.com/5bgpqr 1. Never put the tying or go-ahead run on base. 2. Play for the tie at home, go for the victory on the road. 3. Don't hit and run with an 0-2 count. 4. Don't play the infield in early in the game. 5. Never make the first or third out at third. 6. Never steal when you're two or more runs down. 7. Don't steal when you're well ahead. 8. Don't steal third with two outs. 9. Don't bunt for a hit when you need a sacrifice. 10. Never throw behind the runner. 11. Left and right fielders concede everything to center fielder. 12. Never give up a home run on an 0-2 count. 13. Never let the score influence the way you manage. 14. Don't go against the percentages. 15. Take a strike when your club is behind in a ballgame. 16. Leadoff hitter must be a base stealer. Designated hitter must be a power hitter. 17. Never give an intentional walk if first base is occupied. 18. With runners in scoring position and first base open, walk the number eight hitter to get to the pitcher. 19. In rundown situations, always run the runner back toward the base from which he came. 20. If you play for one run, that's all you'll get. 21. Don't bunt with a power hitter up. 22. Don't take the bat out of your best hitter's hands by sacrificing in front of him. 23. Only use your bullpen stopper in late-inning situations. 24. Don't use your stopper in a tie game - only when you're ahead. 25. Hit behind the runner at first. 26. If one of your players gets knocked down by a pitch, retaliate. 27. Hit the ball where it's pitched. 28. A manager should remain detached from his players. 29. Never mention a no-hitter while it's in progress. 30. With a right-hander on the mound, don't walk a right-handed hitter to pitch to a left-handed hitter. -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1219497299.A.4A1.html

MandarinKing:第一點我看到有點想哭 08/23 21:17

jayin07:哈哈哈,黃色標起來非常有暗示性XDDDDDDDD 08/23 21:20

jas620:哈哈哈,快笑,不然別人以為我們看不懂。。 08/23 21:21

gorhow:樓上很靠北喔 XD 08/23 21:22

jayin07:後來往下看了看,也不完全跟這次中華隊有關係lol 08/23 21:23

CCF52:第一個黃色是什麼意思啊 不太懂0rz 08/23 21:26

hungry:第29點好像在這個板比較常見XD 08/23 21:27

eei:不要在比賽前半段把趨前防守 08/23 21:27

Agency:內野趨前吧 08/23 21:27

CCF52:哈哈的確有針對性 08/23 21:29

Belladonaa:第一點...奧運突破僵局制...sxxks 08/23 21:31

Agency:第一點 Maddon sucks 08/23 21:44

YHank:其實多半都有道理在阿 反正就是這樣搞得分/贏球機率比較大 08/23 21:45

ahuahala:第三點是啥意思啊 08/23 21:56

maxspeed150:在2S0B的時候不要玩打跑 08/23 21:58

jayin07:球數絕對落後的時候不要執行打帶跑戰術 08/23 21:58

ahuahala:好希望有強者可以翻譯並解釋一下喔!! 08/23 21:58

Belladonaa:不要對 Barry Bonds 連投七顆速球! 08/23 22:00

wtgcarot:應該要全部反黃吧 08/23 22:06

waitla:最近 Ross Bernstein 有寫一本書叫「The Code ~baseball's 08/23 22:12

waitla:unwritten rules and its ignore-at-your-own-risk code of 08/23 22:13

waitla:Conduct」 有興趣可以找來看 :P 08/23 22:13

skylaru:誰可以幫忙翻譯......................... 08/23 22:15

waitla:http://0rz.tw/a24Gt 封面很讚喔 XDD 08/23 22:17

Belladonaa:XDD 規定不能打臉嗎 08/23 22:20

jack18262:24點對應到MO.............MO肯!!! 08/23 22:24

ROCAF:原來老美也會強調要低調 08/23 22:28

A1pha:第16點讓我想到,以前運動家的第一棒,叫做Giambi XD 08/23 22:37

A1pha:當時教練還說,「這是我第一次看到需要換代跑得第一棒」XD 08/23 22:38
