[翻譯] A-Rod's historic month ends

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作者 chentsangyi (地球南端的異鄉人)
時間 2007-04-30 12:48:05
留言 9則留言 (6推 0噓 3→)

文章原址:http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20070429& content_id=1937864&vkey=news_mlb&fext=.jsp&c_id=mlb 縮址:http://tinyurl.com/2833ws A-Rod's historic month ends A-Rod締造歷史的一個月告終 Yankees slugger closes April tied for record with 14 homers 洋基巨砲四月14轟追平紀錄 By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com 04/29/2007 8:15 PM ET NEW YORK -- Alex Rodriguez did not hit a home run on Sunday against the Red Sox, ensuring that he will conclude the month tied for the Major League record with 14 homers in April. Rodriguez, who leads the Major Leagues in both home runs and RBIs with 34, wrapped his historic month by batting .355 and would appear to be a shoo-in for American League Player of the Month honors. 紐約訊 -- Alex Rodriguez 沒能在週日(29)與紅襪的對戰中敲出全壘 打,這也確定他只能追平聯盟四月份 14 支全壘打的紀錄。Rodriguez 現在是大聯盟的全壘打王,同時擁有全聯盟最高的 34 分打點,加上 .355 的打擊率,在締造紀錄的這個月份,他幾乎穩坐美聯本月最佳球 員的寶座。 "I've done it before," Rodriguez said recently. "You pay the price and you expect to reap some rewards. I don't worry about what happened yesterday or tomorrow. I'm worried about today." 「我以前也這麼做過,」Rodriguez 最近表示,「你付出了多少也相 對會期待有些回收。我不在乎昨天或明天發生些什麼,我只在乎現在 。」 The 31-year-old Rodriguez equaled the 14 home runs hit by St. Louis Cardinals first baseman Albert Pujols, who accomplished the feat in April 2006. 31 歲的 Rodriguez 打平了 2006 年四月由聖路易紅雀隊一壘手 Albert Pujols 所創下 14 支全壘打的紀錄。 Rodriguez is in his fourth season with the Yankees and, he says, his most comfortable. Rodriguez has spoken often about feeling that he has been in a "good place" from the first day of Spring Training in Tampa, Fla., though there have been physical adjustments, as well. 這是 Rodriguez 在洋基的第四個球季,如他所述,也是他最自在的 一個球季。Rodriguez 自從在佛羅里達 Tampa 展開春訓的第一天起 便時常提到他處於「最佳狀況」,雖然這經歷過一些體能調整。 Rodriguez made great efforts to trim his body weight and fat over the offseason, and hitting coach Kevin Long has tinkered with his swing, making it shorter to the ball and more compact. Rodriguez 在球季結束後這段時間努力地調整體重與體脂肪,打擊教 練 Kevin Long 也修正他的揮擊動作,使他能更快速而精準地擊球。 "I definitely feel a bit more athletic, and I feel younger," Rodriguez said. 「我真的感到活力充沛,而且也覺得自己變年輕了。」 The torrid beginning to Rodriguez's season has prompted some to question if, given his head start, he could challenge Barry Bonds' single-season record of 73 home runs. Rodriguez 火熱的開季表現讓某些人開始思考,如果他維持季初的熱 度,他有可能挑戰 Barry Bonds 所保持單季 73 轟的紀錄。 "If he stays healthy, I don't know what the limit would be for him," said Yankees manager Joe Torre. "He's very talented, and he's gifted. He doesn't take his ability for granted -- he's out there working every day and trying to keep himself ready to play." 「如果他保持健康,我還真不知道他的極限在哪,」洋基總教練 Joe Torre 說,「他天賦異稟,但是他並不把自己的能力視為理所當 然 -- 他日復一日地練習並且試著讓自己隨時處於備戰狀態。」 A-Rod finished one RBI shy of Juan Gonzalez's Major League record for most RBIs hit in April, set in 1998 with the Texas Rangers. Gonzalez drove in 35 runs that month. A-Rod 差一分打點就能追平德州遊騎兵隊 Juan Gonzalez 在 1998 年創下的大聯盟四月份最高打點紀錄 -- 35 分。 Rodriguez had his final shot at that record in the eighth inning of New York's 7-4 loss to Boston on Sunday afternoon, but Mike Timlin induced Rodriguez to hit into an inning-ending double play. Rodriguez 的最後機會出現在週日(29)下午,洋基以四比七敗給紅襪 那場比賽的第八局,但是 Mike Timlin 讓 Rodriguez 揮出了一支雙 殺打,結束洋基那一局的進攻。 Rodriguez, who has outhomered five Major League teams through Sunday's action, became the first Yankees player to have as many as 14 home runs and 34 RBIs in a single calendar month since June 1961, when Roger Maris collected 15 home runs and 35 RBIs. Rodriguez 在週日(29)賽後累記的全壘打數甚至超過某五隻大聯盟球 隊的全壘打數(*1),也使他 14 轟 34 打點的成績成為洋基僅次於 Roger Maris 於 1961 年單月敲出 15 支全壘打拿下 35 打點的紀 錄。 The accomplishments would be a lot more enjoyable for Rodriguez, however, if the team would resume its winning ways. The Yankees have lost eight of their last nine games and look to right the ship on Tuesday at Texas -- a place familiar to Rodriguez -- as a new month begins for both A-Rod and the Yankees. Rodriguez 原本能更盡情地享受他創造的成就 -- 如果球隊能找回他們 贏球的方法。洋基在最近的賽事中九戰八敗,他們期待能在週二(5/1) ,在德州這個 Rodriguez 熟悉的地方,扭轉頹勢,展開一個對 A-rod 和洋基而言都是嶄新的月份。 Rodriguez signed a 10-year, $252 million contract with the Texas Rangers before the 2001 season and was traded to the Yankees prior to the 2004 season. Rodriguez 在 2001 年開季前跟德州遊騎兵簽下一張十年兩億五千二 百萬美元的合約,而後在 2004 年開季前被交易到洋基。 "Once we get on a roll, I think we're going to be fine," Rodriguez said. "The things to start worrying about this month is winning two out of three, three out of four. Small bites and small steps." 「我想當我們穩定下來後就沒問題了。」Rodriguez 說,「接下來這 個月該考慮的是三戰二勝、四戰三勝,步步為營,漸漸蠶食。」 Bryan Hoch is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. *1. 剛剛去查了各隊全壘打統計,好像是兩隊12支(國民、道奇)、一隊10支(落磯), 外加平一隊14支(雙城)。大概是查的時間晚了一點,各隊又有轟出來吧。 >///< 能看到 A-rod 打球真幸福! -- MLB 新手翻譯,品質不保證 歡迎 MLB 前輩批評指點 "囧> -- ◆ From: 04/30 13:09
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harryrain:推推~~ 04/30 13:02

harryrain:這篇文po在A-Rod板比較好喔~因為板主會給獎金XD 04/30 13:02

Poleaxe:原po自己轉貼過去就可以了 04/30 13:06

chentsangyi:感謝各位前輩告知 囧> 04/30 13:08

chentsangyi:A-Rod 會是歷史人物吧 XD 個人覺得放在這裡也可以啦 04/30 13:12

eric2003002:推推 04/30 13:34

mobrick:他已經穩會是 10 年後大家津津樂道的對象了吧 04/30 19:37

LinaInverse:可惜啊 他有一個星期的時間可以破紀錄的說 04/30 20:12

harryrain:他還有很多很多個月可以破紀錄,不用急XD 04/30 20:37
