[情報] 目前LCS前四週收視情況

看板 LoL
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
時間 2024-02-14 21:49:32
留言 16則留言 (10推 1噓 5→)

https://reurl.cc/13ljgm The average number of viewers for LCS Spring 2024 broadcasts has slightly increa sed compared to last spring. However, fewer fans are watching the league's offic ial channels, while additional coverage from community casters Caedrel and Baian o has brought in extra viewership. 目前春季賽LCS收視比去年有微幅上升 而雖然看聯盟主頻道的人變少了 但Co-stream的部分(Caedrel)帶了額外的收視 During the first four weeks of LCS Spring 2024, the peak viewership on broadcast s reached 192.8K viewers — this audience was drawn to the match between Cloud9 and Shopify Rebellion. Worth noting that in the first four weeks of LCS Spring 2 023, the peak viewership was 178.8K — the match between Cloud9 and 100 Thieves was the most popular during the entire group stage. 前四週賽事,巔峰收視是C9 出戰SR 的192.8K 註:2023年春季賽前四週LCS賽事中,巔峰收視是C9 出戰100T的 本季迄今巔峰人數前三 https://i.imgur.com/xE36gui.jpg
After the first four weeks of LCS Spring 2024, the most watched teams are Cloud9 and NRG Esports, both accumulating 1.18M Hours Watched each. These teams have s lightly improved their performance from last season and are now the main "engine s" driving the league's viewership statistics. Compared to Spring 2023, watch ti me has also increased for FlyQuest and Immortals. 累積觀看小時最多的隊伍是C9和NRG 各累積約118萬小時 此外FLY和IMT收視也比去年上升 100 Thieves and Team Liquid, which led in watch hours last spring (after 4 weeks ), show a downward trend. Team Dignitas ranks last in total viewing hours among all participants, with 876.6K HW. Last spring, this team also occupied lower pos itions in the standings. 100T和TL收視則是下降 收視墊底的則是DIG(累積87.6萬小時收看) 2024 VS 2023收視比較 https://i.imgur.com/BR8raMk.jpg
目前平均收視是113,568(+6.8%) — https://i.imgur.com/rGioHAc.jpg
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1707918574.A.543.html

emptie : 大亂鬥 沒有強隊跟弱隊 超刺激 02/14 21:52

Nuey : 翻譯:每一隊都醜到吐 只有G2還算正常 02/14 21:58

Nuey : 喔 這是LCS喔 抱歉走錯了 沒看LCS== 02/14 21:58

julianscorpi: 把G2拿掉 其實你說的也沒錯啦 歐美一家親 02/14 22:06

yamana1115 : 歐美最巔峰真的是S9 02/14 22:09

yamana1115 : 現在回不去了 02/14 22:10

lb01833364 : 還是好少 笑死 02/14 22:13

bear15328 : who car 我只看LPL 02/14 22:19

alpacaHong : 我覺得主要是去年太慘 02/14 22:28

Crazzzzz : 可是我剛剛才在LCK實況文遇到熊哥欸 02/14 22:37

maple2378 : 所以這數據是有包含Co-stream喔 02/14 23:48

maple2378 : 那怎麼感覺比較像是Caedrel的原因== 02/14 23:49

knight714 : Caedrel真的超多人看 然後DL和Sneaky好像也都有萬人 02/14 23:52

h75311418 : 一個人改變收視也太強= = 02/15 01:15

AuroraHunter: Pedro xdd 02/15 01:39

s91026 : 少兩隊濃縮應該也有幫助賽區觀賞性 02/15 09:20
