[外絮] KDF X(Moham/IlllIma離隊)

看板 LoL
作者 oDNSoIce (松山魂)
時間 2023-11-20 15:19:14
留言 6則留言 (4推 0噓 2→)

來源:https://twitter.com/KDF_LoL/status/1726495735414423888 https://twitter.com/KDF_LoL/status/1726498152625410263 We officially announce the contract with Jaehoon 'Moham' Jung from LCK CL has ended. We would like to thank for his dedication to the team in 2023 season. Thank you. We officially announce the contract with 'IlllIma' from LCK CL has ended. We would like to thank for his dedication to the team in 2023 season. Thank you. https://imgur.com/dkTjRfC https://imgur.com/DUHCsA4 繼上週的Jun之後 KDF再宣布二隊輔助選手Moham以及二隊上路IlllIma離隊 Moham今年出賽機會變少,整個夏季賽都在二隊打比賽 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1700464757.A.C92.html

wade59420 : IlllIma終究還是沒等到機會 畢竟DuDu蠻強的啊 11/20 15:44

zweibeee : lllllma那眼睛嘴巴是P上去的嗎 11/20 15:54

hololive45P : 主隊跟T1練完變強太多,大概也是覺得沒上場機會 11/20 15:55

FncRookie001: 一立馬現在應該也沒人要了 在二隊泡到身價爛掉 11/20 16:17

FncRookie001: 看能不能去歐洲打工吧 11/20 16:17

macocu : 這比較像dudu還會在KDF?沒人要挖還是不想走? 11/20 16:35
