[外絮] HLE FB

看板 LoL
作者 wang7752 (^^b)
時間 2020-05-10 20:10:16
留言 7則留言 (4推 2噓 1→)

https://bit.ly/2Agg64r Hanwha Life Esports has terminated the contract with 'Zenit' Jeon TaeGwon, who played until last season, based on a mutual agreement. 'Zenit' has been great dedication for the team, and we believe he will be a significant asset for any team. We thank him for all he has done and wish him all the best for the future. HLE官宣跟替補下路Zenit說掰掰了,Zenit這賽季出賽五場,1-4。 難道前GRF下路真的要重聚HLE了嗎? --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1589112619.A.E2F.html

diefish5566 : 寧願叫輔助轉叫中路轉也不要讓他上場的咖= = 05/10 20:10

pb1101 : 當初kt這種表現還簽 也是厲害 05/10 20:22

bear15328 : 這哪隊? WHO CAR 05/10 20:24

love913109 : 當初kt簽就完全問號 05/10 20:29

faelone : KT那表現,下一季還有工作也是絕的,LCK真沒人一樣 05/10 20:42

blastGG : 你改版 我不管 Vsta這滿有潛力的還在就好 05/10 21:01

isawe1222 : 李手都扛不住的戳仔 05/11 11:57
