[閒聊] reddit TL VS EDG

看板 LoL
作者 JEFF11503 (厭世魯宅)
時間 2018-10-12 18:00:18
留言 19則留言 (15推 0噓 4→)

1.NA fans before this game: I wish our teams were more proactive NA fans after this game: nvm 比賽開始前的NA迷:我希望我們的隊伍更積極點 結束後的NA迷:算了當我沒說 >All expected, TL was NA's 4th loss. 不出所料,TL輸掉NA的第四場比賽 >>all according to keikaku 計畫通 >TL fans the first 10 minutes: Xmithie is the greatest Gragas in the world TL fans the rest of the game: nvm 前十分鐘的TL粉:Xmithie是世界上最棒酒桶! 之後的TL粉:算了當我沒說 >"Hold up no no not like that" -every sleep deprived American watching this. 「別,別這樣」 --每個熬夜看比賽的美國人 >Looks like C9 is once again NA's only hope out of Groups 看起來C9又是NA最後希望了 >>This year only took 3 days for that to be determined 今年只需要三天呢 >>>i mean TSM isnt here to actually be a decent team week 1 and then choke 我是說TSM不在這然後就不會有個很棒的第一週然後false hope >>>It really is insane how quickly NA collapses. One can really see C9 let out a sigh and be like "well... Guess we need to save any honor our region has left" TL is the best team out of NA, no question, same as TSM was before. How the hell does it fall to C9 to be the one to bring ANY results? Why does the first seed of NA go boom every year? NA倒的這麼快真是不可思議,可以看到C9嘆一口氣說「好吧,我猜我們要來拯救北美」 TL就像之前的TSM一樣,無庸置疑是NA最強,到底是怎樣C9又變成最後希望? 2.I woke up at 5 to watch that... 我在五點起來就為了這個 >I stayed up until 2:30. Fucking shoot me. :^) 我熬夜到兩點半,斃了我吧 3.Xmithie saving EDG from Pobelter taunt with that barrel near the Herald was sad to see. Xmithie把EDG從Probelter的嘲諷旁炸開還真是讓人難過 4."OK GUYS LETS BE PATIENT AND SCALE UP OUR ADC" "OH LOOK A BAD FIGHT!!" 「大夥夾住然後養肥我們的AD」 「誒看一個糟糕的團戰」 >"We have one of the best ADCs in the west and have drafted a composition that will compliment his skills" "Wait lmao is that a Mountain drake" 「我們有西方最強AD之一,然後還選了個能讓他開秀的陣容」 「等等,那是個地龍嗎?」 https://goo.gl/bA3Kct -- "There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first or last time. I owe him my best." -Joe DiMaggio --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1539338422.A.AC4.html

mm4669075 : XD 10/12 18:03

rexlanlee : 最後一個XD 10/12 18:03

Allenlin0720: 輸掉第四場XDDD 10/12 18:03

anpinjou : 大師兄今年看來也是這樣子了 10/12 18:06

fish0112 : TL看能不能偷到一場吧 至少不要0-6 10/12 18:07

harden5566 : 最強酒桶? 10/12 18:07

jclz888 : 想到MAD蠻有可能輸給狀況差的TL我就頭皮發麻 10/12 18:10

StephenChou : NA WHY SO QUIET LUL 10/12 18:15

frostdumplng: 酒桶先問問lms吧‧_ゝ‧ 10/12 18:16

jinx5566 : 不會啦,TL最少2-4 看能不能3-3拼加賽了 10/12 18:17

bcqqa7785 : 最後一個什麼意思 10/12 18:18

puro : 去年的LMS也是這樣呢 早起看比賽然後氣到睡不著 10/12 18:18

angus10498 : XD 10/12 18:18

davidluo8 : 北美人還是別把希望放在這兩個亞洲人NA隊吧 10/12 18:18

qazwsx855193: 樓上 tl五個都亞裔== 10/12 18:25

t20031210 : 最後一個好好笑XD 10/12 18:26

chigo520 : 歐美有人稱得上酒桶強? 10/12 18:32

sses60802 : 看不懂最後一個:( 10/12 18:35

kbljkblj : 算了,當我沒說 10/12 18:35
