[閒聊] Reddit:RNG vs IG

看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (禾子可可)
時間 2018-04-22 00:06:03
留言 21則留言 (18推 0噓 3→)

原文網址:https://redd.it/8dvqan -- no one gets in between Uzi and second place. 沒有人能處在Uzi和亞軍中間。 Please no. 拜託不要。 please no edg at msi pls no 拜託不要EDG打MSI,拜託不要 3-0 WE 3-1 Snake 3-2 IG ??? 2-3 EDG/RW (這應該不用翻吧XD) Uzi makes it to another final inb4 EDG wins yet again Uzi又打進決賽了,不過未看先猜EDG還是會贏 Clearlove is ready to take away from Uzi once again. 廠長已經準備好再次從Uzi手上奪走冠軍了。 ROYAL NEVER FUCKING GIVES UP 皇族永不他媽的言棄 According to the script it's time for uzi to lose to clearlvoe in the finals again 根據劇本,是時候讓Uzi再次在總決賽輸給廠長了 If anyone is wondering why IG didn't live up to hype 1.The Shy was injured and could not play today, it is sort of like KZ without Khan 2.Thanks to that Rookie got target banned, along with Xiaohu stepping up hugely in the wins compared to regular season, Rookie still played great 4/5 games imo 3.Bot lane experience made the obvious difference, with JackeyLove being in his first playoffs, ever, him being only 17 this year, made a lot of Rookie mistakes and when fighting against Uzi you cannot do that 如果有人好奇為什麼IG沒有達到人們的期待的話 1.TheShy受傷了,他今天不能上場,這有點像少了Khan的KZ 2.由於Rookie被針對性的Ban角,此外,小虎在獲勝的場次中跟季賽相比進步了很多。在我 看來,Rookie還是在五場裡面的四場表現出色 3.下路的經驗是最明顯的差別。JackeyLove在打他的第一個季後賽,而且他今年只有17歲, 犯了很多新手才會犯的失誤,而在對上Uzi時,你不能這麼做 Congratulations to EDG winning lpl! 恭喜EDG獲得LPL冠軍! What was JackeyLove doing? JackeyLove到底在銃三小? The IG hype train crashed before even reaching msi IG Hype Train在打進MSI前就撞毀了 TheShy why couldn't you just heal faster smh. TheShy,為什麼你就是不能早點好起來呢?(搖頭) -- 幹 又輸光了 QQ -- 都2018了還有人= =不加空格= = --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1524326767.A.292.html

wai0806 : RNG 亞軍(1/2) 04/22 00:07

Bewho : =加空格= 04/22 00:07

hdotistyle : 誰都不能阻止uzi拿冠軍 04/22 00:09

d59203z : 亞軍之前無對手 04/22 00:10

samsam80821 : 亞軍 04/22 00:10

hdotistyle : 靠背 我怎麼打冠軍 亞軍啦 04/22 00:12

qwer338859 : EDG永不團滅 04/22 00:12

zx8967 : 亞軍之魂 永不言退 04/22 00:13

Darvish5566 : 可麗噁辣虎冠軍賽才是唯一的辣虎 揭開辣虎懂了嗎? 04/22 00:13

jwind3 : 國外肯定不知道兄弟象可以在UZI跟亞軍中間 04/22 00:14

StephenChou : TL突破魔咒了 RNG呢 Kappa 04/22 00:16

aasaasaas947: 亞軍 04/22 00:17

ilove640 : TL還是4啊 第4支拿冠軍的隊伍= = 04/22 00:26

algebraic : 恭喜RNG勇奪亞軍!!!! 04/22 00:36

GA2006165027: 一定冠軍,春季季後亞軍已經拿過了,msi亞軍沒拿過 04/22 00:36

yam276 : 可是那次沒uzi 04/22 00:56

enigma4052 : 那句為什麼要翻成銃三小......... 04/22 03:54

peeson04 : 有翻錯嗎?? 04/22 04:14

stussy : 萬年老二魂 04/22 09:30

FrankeyLo : 沒翻錯吧 只是太口語而已 04/22 10:15

tedyamiekids: 誰都不能阻止球z冥燈 04/22 12:25
