[閒聊] Reddit:KZ vs AFs

看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (禾子可可)
時間 2018-04-14 23:22:46
留言 6則留言 (5推 0噓 1→)

原文網址:https://redd.it/8c6a16 https://redd.it/8c6iz8 https://redd.it/8c6qlg https://redd.it/8c7aas -- (KZ進場討論) LOL at Khan laughing his ass off like "This is the dumbest shit ever" Khan在狂笑耶,就好像"這是有史以來最愚蠢的狗屁爛蛋了" And Pray like "Can we freaking play already, wtf is this" 然後PraY就好像"可以讓我們趕快開打嗎,這到底是三小" Lol that sigh from Pray like "We're really doing this....ffs" PraY的那聲嘆氣就好像"我們都已經這樣做了...投降吧" LOL I think the weirdest part is that they just made afreeca walk in like a bunch of plebs. 我想最詭異的部分就是他們就這樣讓AFs像一群雜魚一樣走進來。 Friends: can you stop being so dramatic please?? KZ: 朋友:你不要再這麼愛演了,可以嗎? KZ: 第一場討論 That was some excellent vision control by Afreeca. AFs的視野控制真的很棒。 the kz bandwagoners on this sub already starting to sweat 論壇裡的KZ一日迷已經開始冒冷汗了 第二場討論 Peanut evolved from SKT Peanut to KZ Peanut, 100% KP holy shit Peanut從SKT Peanut進化成KZ Peanut了,100%擊殺參與率,哇靠 4 tanks cant win 4個坦克贏不了比賽 系列賽討論 3 ROX Tigers > 1 ROX Tiger. That's why the score is 3:1 Numbers don't lie. 3個ROX的成員 > 1個ROX的成員。 這就是為什麼比數會是3:1的原因 數字不會說謊。 SKT vs KT, SKT wins game 1: 1-3 KT vs Afreeca, KT wins game 1: 1-3 Afreeca vs KZ, Afreeca wins game 1: 1-3 I see a pattern here. SKT vs KT,SKT贏了第一場:1-3 KT vs AFs,KT贏了第一場:1-3 AFs vs KZ,AFs贏了第一場:1-3 我看出其中的規則了。 You say pattern, we say script 你覺得是規則,我們覺得是劇本 https://i.imgur.com/iAHGmsm.png
圖片內容: 護理師:先生,你已經昏迷兩場比賽了 AFs教練:噢,我等不及再度擊敗凱莎了 Knows that no team beats KZ when they have strong lanes. goes ahead and locks in 3 weak lanes Unbelievable 知道當KZ有優勢線時沒有隊伍可以擊敗他們。照樣選3路劣勢。真是難以置信 Watching PraY play Kai'sa was so fun. That guy has absolutely no fear. 看PraY玩凱莎真的很有趣。這傢伙真的毫無畏懼。 Pray 22-4-17 on Kai'Sa for the series PraY這整個系列賽使用凱莎的戰績是22/4/17 https://i.imgur.com/IHc4Jqu.jpg
What will Afreeca Do? AFs會怎麼做? Congratulations to KZ for winning 2018 msi! 恭喜KZ贏下2018 MSI! -- 幹 今天下KZ跟RNG都贏 就M17讓我輸錢= = -- 都2018了還有人= =不加空格= = -- 看他們季末一波連勝想說穩了 誰知道 幹 叫非洲BAN KAI'SA
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1523719370.A.88E.html

lay10521 : B口N04/14 23:23

Speedwagon : BAN KAI'SA04/14 23:25

as946304 : 我全下MAD 爽賺一波04/14 23:33

pokeyok : M17你也敢下 真是厲害04/14 23:51

teletubby : Ffs=for fuck’s sake04/15 01:15

fan0226 : 最後一張圖是什麼意思?04/15 01:24
