[閒聊] Reddit:FOX vs CG

看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (禾子可可)
時間 2018-04-08 14:37:09
留言 11則留言 (8推 1噓 2→)

原文網址:https://redd.it/8alroc -- This was so sad to watch. What the fuck even happened to CG? All 3 games lasted about as long as game 5 of their series vs 100T lmao 這真是太讓人難過了。CG到底發生什麼事了?三場比賽加起來的時間幾乎跟他們打100T的第 五場的時間一樣,笑死 After eliminating TSM their job is done 在淘汰TSM後,他們的工作就完成了 seriously though where was this cg two weeks ago (掛TSM頭像)我認真的,兩個禮拜前的CG在哪? playing vs a worse team 和一支更爛的隊伍打 [ALL] EF Altec: "GG EZ" EF Altec: Ty for carry :) [所有人] FOX Altec:"GG EZ" FOX Altec:感謝Carry :) Altec the kind of guy to do nothing on the group project but still gets an A. Altec就是那種在小組報告中什麼事都沒做,但還是能得到A的傢伙 Echo Fox chrono-breaking back to a timeline where they were winning FOX回溯到了他們還在連勝時的時間點 Febiven chronobreaking back to the time where he was invisible with h2k Febiven回溯到了他在H2K時整場鬼隱的時間點 Pregame show gave an over/under line of 67.5 kills for the series. This barely scraped over 67.5 minutes. 賽前分析台在討論整個系列賽的擊殺數會不會超過67.5 這三場加起來幾乎不超過67.5分鐘。 Seems like Phreak learned a new word today 看起來Phreak今天學到了一個新的單字 註:Phreak今天播報時一直使用"courtesy"這個單字 https://youtu.be/P-3GOo_nWoc
Ladies and gentlemen, I present Lira's inner monologue for the whole series 各位先生女士,我為各位帶來LirA在這整個系列賽的內心獨白 i blame the desk for believing in us. WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE UNDERDOGS. THAT'S HOW WE WIN (掛CG頭像)我會怪分析台相信我們。我們應該要是不被看好的那邊。這就是我們獲勝的方法 Those pauses lasted longer than the entire series 那些暫停持續的時間比這整個系列賽還久 Febiven, the new Azir king of NA, dethroned by the old king Fenix who clutches his legacy once more Febiven,NA的新阿祈爾王,被舊王Fenix罷免了,他再次掌握了他的遺產 Pretty sure if I played like Lira did, I would get permanently banned 我很確定如果我打得跟LirA一樣的話,我會被永BAN not in Korea 在韓國的話不會 註:在婊cowsep Altec this series - http://i.imgur.com/2HW90D1.jpg
這個系列賽的Altec Every time phreak said Courtesy a poro died. Phreak每說一次courtesy就有一隻普羅死去。 CLG fans now that the top three teams all have ex-CLG members: https://i.imgur.com/I1tGpaP.jpg
前三名的隊伍都有前CLG成員,CLG粉現在的樣子: 註:TL:Xmithie、Pobelter、DL 100T:Aphromoo FOX:Dardoch I can't believe TSM lost to this 我不敢相信TSM輸給這隊 -- 都2018了還有人= =不加空格= = -- *done 感謝
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1523169433.A.4A1.html

Hatsukazekai: Altec LUL 04/08 14:39

swbthj : TSM被瘋狂鞭屍 04/08 14:40

lunar : TSM LUL 04/08 14:42

cececcc : 我以為CG至少會拿一場= = 04/08 14:47

helloeric : TSM:? 04/08 14:48

GTX2080 : \CLG/\CLG/\CLG/\CLG/\CLG/ 04/08 15:00

j1125387 : 爛隊改更爛的隊伍更婊吧XD 04/08 15:05

OuO56 : 這是我從FWvsSKT後看過最虐的bo5了 04/08 15:29

ja11s4o1n7 : OuO56 沒看過夏季賽被0:3的AHQ嗎? 04/08 16:15

ja11s4o1n7 : 啊…原來是個A粉,沒事了QQ 04/08 16:15

coox : 為什麼A粉這麼喜歡黑電狼 04/08 17:04
