[閒聊] Reddit:KZ vs SKT

看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (禾子可可)
時間 2018-03-07 01:27:52
留言 12則留言 (11推 0噓 1→)

原文網址:https://redd.it/82du14 新手翻譯,如有錯誤請不吝指教。 再...再翻一篇 -- I fucking lost it watching Peanut kill Blossom, then the camera switching to untara running into nexus turrets LMAOOO 當我看到Peanut殺Bloosom的時候我都快起肖了,然後鏡頭就轉到Untara衝往主堡塔,笑死 Untara trying to join KZ in the fountain was something to watch. Untara嘗試加入溫泉裡的KZ真的很值得一看。 Good guy KZ Untara making this somewhat entertaining to watch. KZ Untara真是好人,讓這一切變得更有觀賞性了。 Is this the bronze game Captain Flowers was going to cast? 這就是Captain Flowes要播的那場銅牌遊戲嗎? (註:Captain Flowers(就是昨天意外開黃腔的那個主播)準備要播一場銅牌的soloq 詳情可參考這篇 https://redd.it/80wvu2 No papa wanted to one up him and cast a challenger v. bronze game 不,PapaSmithy想要領先他一步,於是播了一場菁英vs銅牌的遊戲 Faker at the start of the series Faker at the end of the series Faker在系列賽的開始 Faker在系列賽的結尾 (註:下面那行的原文是斜體(tilted)的,而tilted也有心態炸裂的意思) Peanut made sure he really was the problem for SKT (in Game 2) Peanut(在第二場)確定了他真的是SKT的問題所在 Peanut causing SKT loses since S6! Peanut在S6就開始讓SKT輸了! I already love the missing tracker's knife in Korea. Now it looks like every single one of KZ members can solo carry and it's just pleasure to watch. 我已經愛上在韓國消失的綠打野刀了。現在看起來KZ的每個人都有能力單人Carry比賽,觀 看這真是一種享受。 RIP Ambition 安掌門R.I.P. Good luck to non KR teams at MSI holy shit 老天,祝MSI的非韓隊伍好運 Echo fox vs Kingzone please the blood bath of the century 拜託,我想看FOX vs KZ。這會是本世紀的大屠殺。 Would be awesome seeing how aggressive Dardoch plans to play against KZ. Huni against Khan would be something too. But I feel like the bottom side is heavily in favor of KZ 看Dardoch計畫對KZ打得多激進肯定很讚。Huni對上Khan肯定也很棒。但是我感覺下路 是KZ佔大優。 Bottom side would be a stomp for KZ unless A/A suddenly become gods lmao 下路肯定是KZ輾壓的局,除非Altec/Adrian突然間變得跟神一樣 There's not enough weed in the world 這世上沒有那麼多大麻 HOLY. SHIT. I have almost never seen a series so one sided. Peanut has no mercy towards his former team lol. 我的老天。 我從未看過如此一面倒的系列賽。Peanut完全沒有對他的前東家展現任何憐憫。 pretty sure what KingZone did in game 2 is illegal in most of the world 我很確定KZ在第二場的表現在世界的大部分地區都是非法的。 https://clips.twitch.tv/PoliteKawaiiHamKAPOW Khan's drifting was the highlight of the series Khan的甩尾是這整個系列賽的精華 I'm sad i couldnt watch game 2 i'm under 18 :( 我很難過,我不能看第二場,因為我未滿18 :( -- 都2018了還有人= =不加空格= = --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1520357278.A.9E1.html

TwinkyLee : 未滿18XDDDD 03/07 01:37

TwinkyLee : 看高光真的笑噴 03/07 01:37

monicayuan : 未滿18XDDDDDD 03/07 01:48

b151063124 : 在大部分國家都不合法 笑死 03/07 01:54

Shane8610 : Dejavu 03/07 02:05

takutosky : 第二場太血腥了 難怪18不能看 03/07 03:26

ken1825 : 沒有綠打野刀真的是控圖型JG的噩夢 03/07 06:35

dd810714 : 沒那麼多大麻笑死 03/07 09:30

MippiDing : 還好不是LPL,不然整場都會被剪光光 03/07 12:17

amberkuosfan: 未滿18笑死 03/07 12:25

ray938828 : 違法跟未滿18超有梗 03/07 16:27

ap9xxx : 這世上沒有那麼多大麻XD 03/07 18:51
