[閒聊] Reddit:GGS vs FOX

看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (禾子可可)
時間 2018-03-04 15:12:56
留言 11則留言 (9推 0噓 2→)

原文網址:https://redd.it/81up56 新手翻譯,如有錯誤請不吝指教。 -- Altec and Adrian got SMASHED. Altec和Adrian被幹爆了。 Cant really blame them. Playing against Deft and Mata can be really hard. 你真的不能責怪他們。對上Deft和Mata可以是很困難的。 Casters after draft : ''We have alots of animals in this game'' there was indeed alot of animals in this game xayah,rakan,volibear,azir,alistar and echo fox's botlane 主播在選角後:"這場裡面有很多動物呢。" 確實,這場有很多動物:剎雅,銳空,熊,牛 和FOX的下路 Matt and Deftly channeled their inner Mata and Deft. Matt和Deftly引導出了他們內心的Mata和Deft。 CLG with the upset of the week! GGS: Hold my beer CLG和這周的爆冷門! GGS:讓我秀一手吧 Both team should just go out and grab a drink together. 這兩支隊伍應該要一起出去然後喝一杯。 I'm pretty sure Hai is the only member of GGS that is old enough to drink though. 我很確定Hai是GGS隊上唯一一個年紀夠大可以喝酒的。 (還真的...GGS的上/野/中/下/輔的年齡分別是19/18/25/20/20) GGS: Hold my bear* GGS:幫我拿我的酒(X)熊(O) thank mr volibear 感謝熊熊先生 SPAM THIS LOLI TO HELP VOLI 發這個蘿莉圖來幫助熊熊 (應該是在講pedobear) Maybe 8.4 broke NA, we should try turning it off and on 也許8.4版本正在摧毀NA,我們應該試著把它關上再打開。 Hai and super-buffing a team on the brink of elimination. Name a more iconic duo. Hai和buff一支瀕臨淘汰的隊伍。講一個更具代表性的組合吧。 We dared to critizice him when the man was clearly going for the split-long reverse sweep. 當這個男人很明顯地要來一個長期的大逆轉時,我們竟然敢批評他。 He once went from 8th place to worlds. Now it’s time for 10th place to MSI. 他曾經從第八名到進世界賽。現在是從第十名到進MSI的時候了。 Tonight is just the night for upsets 今晚就是爆冷門之夜 yeah congrats to GGS, CLG and TSM 是啊,恭喜GGS、CLG和TSM Fun fact: This is the first time Huni has lost a regular season match point to an NA team not named TSM or CLG 有趣的事實:這是Huni第一次在季賽輸給一支不是叫TSM或CLG的NA隊伍。 CLG and Golden Guardians top 2. Don't @ me. CLG和GGS會是前兩名。別標記我。 https://i.imgur.com/x8LwIXQ.png
Twitch chat was the real hero this game Twitch聊天室才是這場真正的英雄 -- 都2018了還有人= =不加空格= = --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1520147579.A.8D9.html

yutehuang : Ptt的鄉民 我們要加油了!!人家比較好笑 03/04 15:15

brian21201 : 你什麼時候有這裡好笑的錯覺 03/04 15:26

hasroten : TSM又中槍XDDDDDDD 03/04 15:27

collie303 : 沒關係 現在都在G社聊天室刷黑人問號== 03/04 15:27

enchyi : TSM:幹 又CUE我 03/04 15:28

wai0806 : g社聊天室還有李星問號 03/04 15:29

StephenChou : KonCha 03/04 15:40

yyy50521 : 還好g社平台領先全球有安妮抱熊圖 03/04 15:44

zx8967 : T LUL M 03/04 16:07

DiviNeLuke : Spell This Loli To Help Voli 03/04 16:31

DiviNeLuke : *Spam 03/04 16:33
