[閒聊] Reddit 熱議:如果伊芙琳魅惑努努的話?

看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (禾子可可)
時間 2018-02-20 11:20:50
留言 21則留言 (19推 1噓 1→)

原文網址:https://redd.it/7ym1nf 新手翻譯,如有錯誤請不吝指教。 -- If Evelynn charms Nunu , who does she charm? The yeti or the boy? 如果伊芙琳魅惑努努的話,她會魅惑誰?雪人還是小男孩? either way it's illegal. 不管是哪個都是非法的。 Depends how old is the kid 這取決於那個小男孩的年齡 Younger than Zoe. 比柔依年輕。 Zoe is an 1000 year old celestial being 柔依是一個1000歲的星靈。 Yeah officer he's right over here 是的,警官,他就在那裡。 If it was just the yeti the kid would be able to throw snowballs 如果只魅惑雪人的話,那麼小男孩就能丟雪球。 But if it was just the kid, the yeti would be able to consume 但如果只魅惑小男孩的話,那麼雪人就能吞掉伊芙琳。 He is. About to consume dat ass. 他會的。正要吞掉那個屁屁。 Who's the Yeti Rider now? 現在誰才是雪人騎士啊? Me (ID叫The_Yeti_Rider)我 Damn an account for 4 years how long have you waited for this?? 該死,這個帳號已經創了四年了,你等這刻等了多久? 4 years 四年 How about both? 兩個都來如何? Get out of here with your logical and reasonable argument. 和你的有邏輯且合理的論點一起滾開。 I am a redditor. What do those words mean? 我可是一個Reddit用戶。這些字是什麼意思? (底下有人貼了字典的解釋) When charmed you can neither consume nor throw snowballs, so the answer is clearly that she charms both. Maybe her magic is good for threesomes, or maybe Nunu and Willump made a pact that if either of them got lucky they'd tag team with the other. 當你被魅惑時,你既不能吞也不能丟雪球,所以答案很明顯是她兩者都魅惑了。也許她的魔 法對3P來說是很適合的,又或許努努和威朗普做了一個協議,如果他們其中一個幸運的話, 他們就會讓另一個也加入。 Based on her story where she charms a man and his wife a couple of paragraphs later her magic is good for threesomes. 根據她的故事,她魅惑了一個男人,在幾段後又魅惑了他的老婆。她的魔法真的很適合3P 。 I now have a reason to read lore 現在我有理由來讀英雄的故事了。 So does she charm Sejuani or the pig Does she charm Brand or Kegan Rohde? 所以她會魅惑史瓦妮還是那隻豬? 她是魅惑布蘭德還是基恩.羅西? (註:基恩.羅西是布蘭德這具身體原本的主人的名字) Does she charm mordekaiser or all his bugs? 她會魅惑魔鬥凱薩還是他所有的bug? https://goo.gl/qosKmR She charms the Yeti, because the yeti knows the way. Edit: This and not Ugandan Knuckles. 她會魅惑雪人,因為雪人知道路怎麼走。 註:是這個,不是烏干達納克魯斯。 (註:烏干達納克魯斯是一個新崛起的meme,詳情可參考這篇文章 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1515685763.A.2BB.html -- 都2018了還有人= =不加空格= = --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1519096855.A.EBF.html

DaiwaNWoIF : 魔鬥凱撒那個笑死 02/20 11:23

brian21201 : .... 02/20 11:24

tonsin2976 : 蹲了4年的帳號 02/20 11:27

gaym19 : 魔鬥:幹 02/20 11:27

david8840505: XDDDDDDDDDDD 02/20 11:28

med5566 : 兩個都魅惑不會逆 02/20 11:30

ypskype : 比較想要阿璃魅惑我 02/20 11:32

Mitamba : Me 02/20 11:39

DaiwaNWoIF : 魅惑鼻爾森=魅惑TSM 02/20 11:42

ultradoublez: 魅惑他的bug超好笑 02/20 11:43

WindSpread : da wae!! 02/20 11:56

mangifera43 : Bug XDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/20 12:19

yoyo095235 : 所有的bugXDD 02/20 12:28

marsshen : 她是魅惑克雷德還是小嘎 02/20 12:43

YoruHentai : 小嘎是女的 應該是魅惑克雷德 02/20 12:48

StephenChou : She is da queen, she will show us da wae! 02/20 12:51

Shane8610 : Spit on da fake queen 02/20 12:52

haleyye : 等了整整4年的梗XDD 02/20 13:22

blazewings : 可是魅惑對男女都有效喔,看看阿璃 02/20 13:28

qwe04687 : click click click click 02/20 17:47

xxx741789 : 法洛士... 02/20 19:57
