[閒聊] Reddit:ROX vs KSV

看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (禾子可可)
時間 2018-02-07 00:12:17
留言 4則留言 (3推 0噓 1→)

原文網址:https://redd.it/7vmjjb 新手翻譯,如有錯誤請不吝指教。 -- So ROX really did just completely out-macro KSV in two games. Wasn't expecting that. 所以ROX真的在兩場比賽中運營上完全勝過了KSV。完全沒想到。 You know what this means right? That is another team SKT can't beat anymore. 你知道這代表什麼,對吧?又有一支SKT再也沒辦法擊敗的隊伍了。 Neither was anyone expecting VIT/GIANTS to do good, or Echo FOX and C9 to lead NA LCS and SKT shitting the bed. This spring split so far has the most unexpected results throughout all regions atm in probably LoL history. 沒有人會期待VIT/GIA會表現得很好,或是FOX和C9領先NA LCS,還有SKT打得超爛。 目前看來,今年的春季賽可能在各賽區都有著LOL歷史上最意想不到的結果。 Explain me what is happening this season 解釋一下這季發生什麼事了 Everyone beats everyone and skt is shit 每個人都打敗每個人,然後SKT跟屎一樣。 So are KSV just gonna play worse and worse until they randomly get good during playoffs? 所以KSV會越打越爛,直到他們隨機地在季後賽獲得好成績? I fucking swear if both KSV and SKT did not make it to worlds I will draw a dancing Tiger becuse this feels like a start of a horrible downfall 我他媽的發誓,如果KSV和SKT都不能進世界賽,我會畫一隻跳舞的老虎,因為這感覺就好 像一個可怕的垮台的開始。 Everyone been so busy shitting on skt that they forgot ksv has been also pretty bad this season,yea they are winning but their wins are nowhere near convincing. 每個人都忙著開噴SKT,以至於他們忘記了KSV這季也打得很差。他們是贏了很多場沒錯, 但他們的勝利一點都不令人信服。 -- 都2018了還有人= =不加空格= = --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1517933541.A.661.html

ubiqui : ..skt真搶戲 02/07 00:15

cececcc : 可是SKT第一輪贏ROX 要等第二輪了0.0 02/07 00:37

cececcc : 印象中KSV去年季賽打的也差不多這樣的說0.0 02/07 00:39

goodnightt : 冒泡賽他們就會衝上來了,不怕XD 02/07 00:42
