[閒聊] Reddit 熱議:科加斯視覺特效升級

看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (禾子可可)
時間 2018-02-04 00:00:15
留言 6則留言 (2推 2噓 2→)

原文網址:https://redd.it/7uwfgo 新手翻譯,如有錯誤請不吝指教。 -- 前情提要: 幾天前,Riot公布了科加斯全造型的視覺特效升級(VFX),眼尖的Reddit鄉民發現了高尚仕 紳科加斯這個造型的特效跟經典造型一模一樣。即使這個造型是很早期推出的,但是畢竟 還是個1820RP(=台服510)的造型,因此也在Reddit引起了討論。 科加斯視覺特效升級影片:https://youtu.be/lZ6ypSjVxi4
Why doesn't Gentleman Cho Gath's skin at least get its own VFX with the Cho VFX update, considering it's worth 1820RP? 考慮到它價值1820RP,為什麼高尚仕紳科加斯沒有至少得到屬於它自己的視覺特效升級? Well when looking at legendary skins (or used to be legendary),hes not the only one. Gentleman Cho'Gath Annie In Wonderland Red Baron Corki Magnificent Twisted Fate Nunu Bot (unsure kinda? has voice change, but nothing else) Alien Invader Heimerdinger (turret change, nothing else) All of these skins were along side around the same time as Firefighter Tristana, yet her legendary got an update in animations due to the visual and gameplay update a while ago. Correct me if im wrong but those 6 should be the big ones that were or are legendary but are not up to par anymore. 嗯,當我們把目光移到史詩造型們(或者至少曾經是史詩造型的造型),它並不是唯一一個。 高尚仕紳科加斯 安妮夢遊仙境 紅色男爵庫奇 魔幻卡牌逆命 怒伯機器人努努(我有點不確定?他的音效改了,但也就如此) 外星入侵者漢默丁格(砲台外型改變了,也就如此) 上面所有的造型都是和烈火雄心 崔絲塔娜同時推出的,然而她的史詩造型在前陣子由於視 覺和遊戲更新,所以得到了動畫的升級。如果我錯了請糾正我,但這六個造型應該是那些 是,或者曾經是史詩造型的造型,但是現在已經達不到水準了。 Nunu bot is worth the 1820 rp just for the laugh 怒伯機器人努努光是笑聲就值1820RP了 TBH I was very surprised when I learned Annie in Wonderland and Red Baron Corki were legendary skins. 老實說,當我得知安妮夢遊仙境和紅色男爵庫奇是史詩造型的時候還挺驚訝的。 Don't you know? Suits are more expensive than they are worth, suits just make you look better. That video makes it clear that the nightmare Cho'gath skin is just suited in Gentleman Chogath skin. 你不知道嗎? 西裝比它們本身的價值來的貴多了,西裝會讓你看起來更好看。這個影片清楚的表示了高 尚仕紳科加斯只是穿西裝的虛空夢魘科加斯。 Not just that, look at the skeleton one - that had its own bone spikes, and they removed those. What? 不只這樣,看看那個骷髏頭造型(註:侏儸紀科加斯)--那個有它自己的骨刺的造型(註:科 加斯的E技能),而他們把那些骨刺移除了。三小? -- 都2018了還有人= =不加空格= = --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1517673620.A.EFF.html

tom80727 : 騰訊黑手滲進來把大絕得噴血弄掉 02/04 00:04

DesignXD : VFX Nerf 02/04 00:13

superRKO : 乖乖等重製吧 02/04 00:15

archlich : 同意是騰訊的黑手.... 02/04 00:30

S890127 : 科加斯大絕的噴血 有幾個國家本來就不會噴 02/04 00:31

S890127 : 中國大概跟血鬼的黑血一樣 02/04 00:32
