[閒聊] Reddit 熱議:鄂爾的道具應該要更便宜

看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (禾子可可)
時間 2018-01-25 21:59:44
留言 9則留言 (8推 0噓 1→)

原文網址:https://redd.it/7smvpj 原文標題:Shouldn't Ornn's items cost less than the store ones, since he doesn't pay for craftsmanship and sales tax? 新手翻譯,如有錯誤請不吝指教。 -- He should pretty much only pay for raw materials. Also the item upgrades for his teammates should transfer some of the cost to him. He crafts them after all. That being said I don't know the tax laws of Runeterra or the state Summoner's rift find itself in 他(鄂爾)應該只要付原料的錢而已。而且他為隊友升級道具的花費應該有一部份要給他, 畢竟是他打造了它們,雖然我不知道符文大地或是召喚峽谷的稅法就是了。 His anvil and his hammer have to be repaired every 10 games. That's a bit expensive so the price differents to the shop is basically 0. 他的鐵砧和鐵鎚每十場比賽就要修理一次,某方面來講還挺貴的,所以和商店的價差基 本上是0。 Yes - his overhead costs are much higher than the shopkeepers relative to the amount of money that the shop keeper pulls in. 是啊,相較於商店老闆賺的錢,他的間接成本比商店老闆高多了。 It's worth it for the small batch organic artisan Sunfire. I also hear his abyssal mask is GMO free. 為了那一小批的有機的火斗,這還蠻值得的。我還聽說他的深淵面具是非基改的。 Is anything free-range? 有任何商品是放養的嗎? TSM appears to be in the Free range currently. 看起來目前TSM是放養的。 That would make him unstoppable. 這會讓他勢不可擋。 He pays transport taxes though, for longer distances than our shopkeeper, keep that in mind :) 可是要記住,為了比商店老闆還長的運輸距離,他還付了運輸費。 transportation fee and also he don't have the economy of scale as he is a sole producer. raw material is cheaper when you buy a huge amount in one purchase. 除了運輸費之外,有鑑於他是唯一生產者,所以他不具備規模經濟。如果你一次買了很 多原料,那麼原料的價格就會比較便宜。 He does get the materials cheaper, but they have a 50% tariff stamped on them to stop him from undercutting the local businesses. #MakeRuneterraGreatAgain 他確實用比較便宜的價格買到那些材料,但是他們加了50%的關稅來防止鄂爾用低價跟在 地產業競爭。#讓符文大地再次偉大 -- 都2018了還有人= =不加空格= = --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1516888789.A.2D0.html

darren2586 : 召喚峽谷最軟的一塊 01/25 22:01

CPULE : 看起來目前TSM是放養的 01/25 22:03

Puye : 放養XD 01/25 22:03

ptt426 : TSM真可憐== 01/25 22:05

swallow0327 : 厄爾是我們心中最軟的一塊== 01/25 22:07

enchyi : TSM:幹 這也行? 01/25 22:07

xpeke5566 : Reddit上都專精經濟? 01/25 22:19

holyark93 : TSM: ....又我!? 01/25 22:22

jason60314 : 跨爾已死 01/25 22:38
