[閒聊] Reddit: MSF vs FW

看板 LoL
作者 Lincolnicht (霧雨凝峰)
時間 2017-10-14 13:53:31
留言 34則留言 (17推 2噓 15→)

來源:https://goo.gl/9shrRR 這篇來自Reddit的一般LoL版 一、 Flash Wolves game plan: 1) Get massive gold lead with three infernals, an ocean, and baron 2) Do nothing for a while 3) ??? 4) Lose FW計劃: 1) 以三火龍、一水龍及一巴龍獲得極大領先優勢 2) 找段時間什麼鬼也不做 3) ??? 4) 輸 > You forgot the part where you graciously give Baron control to the enemy team. > 你忘了「親切地給對手巴龍區控制權」這部分  > You see the early game and wonder how they went 0-3 then everything else happens and you realize they're awful  > 看早期比賽部分,你看疑惑為何FW會0-3;看完後,你看意識到他們很差。 > They said KT wasn't at worlds wtf. > 不是說KT沒打世界賽嗎WTF  > Come on...leave KT alone pls.  > 我說...讓KT靜一靜吧... 二、 How do you just give up baron control with 3 infernals and an 8k gold lead? 到底如何才能手握三火龍及領先8K,卻就這樣放棄巴龍區控制權? > FW = Free Win > 不解釋  > Now TSM will lose to FW because law of conservation of faith says so.    > 那TSM會輸給FW--信念轉換律是這樣說der   > FW are out of the tournament which makes them spoiling TSM even more likely     Kill me   > FW出局令他們更可能拉掉TSM     殺了我吧 三、 Swordart Offline. > His play this game was like the actual anime, good at the beginning and then just spirals into trash. > 他玩得就像SAO動畫:開頭很好,然後就慢慢變成垃圾  > What the fuck was that alfheim shit...    > ALO篇是什麼鬼...   > What the fuck was that baron giveaway shit...   > 免費送巴龍是什麼鬼... > TSM SWEATING INTENSIFIES > TSM在狂冒汗  > TSM現況:https://i.imgur.com/wdjXHke.png
四、 Flash Wolves Worlds 2017 Quest Log ‧[X] Disappoint LMS fans. (COMPLETE!) ‧[X] Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. (COMPLETE!) ‧[ ] Also disappoint fans of 1 other region with a week 2 win. (0/1) FW2017世界賽任務紀錄    ‧[X] 令LMS支持者失望(完成!) ‧[X] 勝利在望卻功虧一簣(完成!) ‧[ ] 贏一場第二週賽事,順便令另一區域的支持者也失望 (0/1)  > and it's gonna be on TSM    i swear if TSM drops the ball here NA will never recover from the memes  > 而那隊會是TSM   如果TSM因FW而出局,NA將永不擺脫那些memes  > "TAIWAN NUMBA 1"    "WE TAKING CHINA HOME WITH US"  > 不解釋 五、 Watch Flash Wolves upset TSM, just to prevent them from getting out of groups. 等FW爆冷拉掉TSM,只為不讓TSM出線吧 > They did that at MSI, could very be a possibility > 他們在MSI就幹過一次,很可能唷 就這樣吧(′。ω。`) 抱歉,邊看TSM邊打沒留意有人翻譯了QQ --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1507960414.A.B57.html

sarufa : KT: 10/14 13:54

Owada : SAO XD 10/14 13:54

qwer338859 : OP 10/14 13:54

a3221715 : 有些有人po惹 10/14 13:54

oldman315 : KT:幹 10/14 13:54

Doublecute : NA粉很怕XDDD 10/14 13:55

BlGP : TSM和KT安定的中槍 10/14 13:55

Atwo : 接下來只要FW擊敗TSM FW連在北美都黑到底了 10/14 13:55

Windancecat : 上面翻譯過了 10/14 13:55

lu43458 : KT真的是無限救援 10/14 13:55

yjlee0829 : 勸FW還是送一送XD 10/14 13:55

jerrymax3415: 北美靈氣正常發揮 10/14 13:55

LeoYuri : 晚了 10/14 13:55

ringtweety : NA第二周 vs FW 0-6 到底誰會失算呢? 10/14 13:56

Atwo : 閃電狼現在還能做出抓放 要盡全力打好每一場比賽? 10/14 13:56

LeoYuri : 希望TSM能出線喇 10/14 13:56

Atwo : 還是招惹北美觀眾 10/14 13:56

dydark : 每次KT都被拿出來鞭 10/14 13:56

kazeyomi : TSM粉怕得要死 10/14 13:56

yjlee0829 : NA week 2 vs. Free win 10/14 13:57

GTA7 : 連Na都失望 閃電狼真的很強 10/14 13:58

a27783322 : 垃圾 10/14 13:58

No39Utopia : FW=free win XDDDDDD 10/14 13:58

hentitan : 等一下 輸4敗的隊伍是自己的問題吧 怎麼叫被拉下來 10/14 13:58

dolphintail : 因為TSM只要一輸FW就沒機會了 10/14 13:59

hentitan : 你輸FB導致沒進八強還敢講話嗎 10/14 13:59

abcyting : TSM 可能真的被拉下去 我想看3隊4-2 10/14 13:59

feyhs : NA第二週 VS 0-6靈氣 怕.jpg 10/14 14:00

opopkl852 : 現在TSM很抖,如果FW真的無壓力放開打搞不好真的會 10/14 14:01

JierWode : FW拉掉TSM就沒NA粉了 屌輸EU還贏TSM 10/14 14:46

a9228048 : 完成囉 10/14 16:38

zxp910608 : 預言成真囉 還我鼻爾森QQ 10/14 16:38

tingvictor : 任務達成(3/3) 10/14 16:39

MrWTF : 笑死 這預言 10/14 16:52
