[閒聊] reddit:SKT VS. AHQ 賽後討論

看板 LoL
作者 S890127 (丁讀生)
時間 2017-10-07 23:58:03
留言 48則留言 (36推 2噓 10→)

https://redd.it/74uge6 SKT is so good when AHQ took baron SKT's gold lead got bigger... SKT有夠猛的,AHQ拿下巴龍之後,SKT的經濟領先還擴大了... THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT. 他們不可能每次都得逞。 (哽應該是這個? https://youtu.be/sEKB7pi1mbc
- HOW LONG CAN THIS GO ON ? 這種痛苦還要持續多久 ? - FREE ME 救救我 - HOW LONG CAN THIS GO ON ? 這種痛苦還要持續多久 ? - HOW LONG CAN THIS GO ON ? 這種痛苦還要持續多久 ? - FREE ME 救救我 - CUT THE EASTERN SHIT 不要玩東方爛哽! step 1. pick fizz and make enemy team focus fizz so he won't assassinate carries 第一步:選飛斯讓敵方都在警戒飛斯進場刺殺CARRY step 2. assassinate enemy carries with cho because fizz was just decoy 第二步:用科加斯進場刺殺CARRY,飛斯只是幌子 god damn SKT SKT真他媽屌 Westdoor: god faker they abandoned me for another midlaner 西門:飛可大神,他們拋棄了我改上另一個中路選手 faker: no worry dear child i will play your best champ to make them remember the sweet memories with you then you gucci 飛可:莫慌我的孩子,我會選用你最擅長的英雄讓他們回憶起有你在場上 的美好時光,幫你報一箭之仇 - Amen. 阿門 - tbh chawy was their best player this game 老實說秋味已經是這場表現最好的AHQ選手了 - my comment had nothing to do with chawy rather i don't see any other reason for faker to pick fizz in this meta 我的回覆不是為了嘲諷秋味,我只是想不出非可會在這個META選飛斯 的其他理由 - To avoid Syndra all-ins. Also to style on his opponents. 用來避免星朵拉歐印,順便SIU辱他的對手。 - To style on AHQ when they didn't start Westdoor 用來SIU辱AHQ,因為他們沒上西門 "Hey guys they banned Trundle. Do you think they'd pick Cho?" "嘿各位,他們BAN掉特朗德耶~ 他們是想選科加斯嗎?" "No way that's stupid" "最好是啦那樣太白癡了" Before people start crying over Cho... 在有人開始靠腰科加斯做壞之前... A prime example why you NEED to pick lane bullies into him so he never gets a ton of free stacks, always stays behind in the power curve and never does that obscene damage while being super tanky. 這場正是一個絕佳的例子,證明了你"必須"選線霸型英雄來懲罰科加斯,讓他沒辦法 爽爽疊層,讓他的強勢期進度永遠落後,沒辦法長成又坦又痛的大蟲子。 Picking Maokai, which is a great tank, true, is basically still giving Cho a free lane to scale since there isn't any kill pressure. 選用茂凱,雖然他是個優秀的坦克英雄,但是你等於讓科加斯在線上安心爽農,不用 擔心被擊殺。 We've seen today and even yesterday that picking something like a Jayce, a Gnar, a Trundle - solid lane bullies, is the way to go if you want to make the Cho'Gath near irrelevant. 昨天跟今天的比賽都有看到過,選些像傑西、吶兒、特朗德這類線霸型英雄,就是讓 科加斯變廢物的解決之道。 Crying about Cho in the late game is like crying about Nasus or Veigar at 50 minutes, saying there's no counterplay to being one shot. Well no fucking shit if infinitely scaling champions are allowed to free-farm and scale the entire game with no punishment whatsoever. 在那邊靠腰大後期的科加斯,就好像在靠腰一個農到50分鐘的狗頭或維迦,抱怨說你 沒辦法反制他們的超高傷害秒殺。啊你讓一個可以無上限疊層的英雄整場爽農爽疊, 沒有被懲罰,他媽的當然會長成這樣啊! Every reddit Challenjour keeps saying how Nasus and Veigar are noob champs and easy to shut down, but at the same time cry about Cho being OP when he's basically the exact same champ. 每個版上的鍵盤菁英鄉民都說狗頭跟維迦是廢角很好處理,同時又在那邊靠腰科加斯 是OP角做壞了,他們根本是一樣的好嗎? - Yeah. If you pick a tank into Cho, allow it to scale, to feast on every dragon, of course it's going to be a nightmare in late game. 真的,你選坦克打科加斯讓他爽疊層,每個R都吃小龍,當然會長成後期大魔王啊 Not to mention that Cho'Gath used to be Huni's pocket pick way before it was meta. Cho is strong, but there are counters. Either ban it or pick a strong lane. 更別說科加斯本來就在HUNI的口袋名單裡了(在他成為META熱門角之前) 科加斯很強,但是有克制的方法。要嘛BAN掉,要嘛選線霸去屌打他。 - Tank champion in full tank build buying an item to make him more tankier so he can press R to one shot ADC. and people says this is normal don't cry about it. 坦克角出全坦裝,再買個讓能提昇坦度的主動道具好讓他能按R秒掉ADC 人們還會說這很正常少在那邊靠腰 NICE META 這META真是太棒了 When SKT was behind I knew it was over 當SKT落後的時候我就知道已經結束了 - Should teams try inting against SKT instead :thinking: 其他隊打SKT的時候該試試看故意送頭了 (深思) <- 一個表情符號 - C9 tried, didn't work. C9試過了,沒用 - When SKT walked onto the stage I knew it was over 當SKT走上舞台的時候我就知道已經結束了 - When SKT qualified for worlds I knew it was over 當SKT拿到世界賽資格的時候我就知道已經結束了 - I honestly can't even tell if SKT is trying yet. 我甚至看不出來SKT目前有沒有拿出全力 - For the last two games it seems like "how cocky can we be and still win the game" and the answer is "very cocky" SKT這兩場看起來就像在測試"我們可以打得多膨脹卻依然獲勝" 答案是"超級膨脹" (cocky意思是自我感覺良好、過度自信) - When SKT existed I knew it was over 當SKT存在的時候我就知道已經結束了 - When Korea joined to League of Legends I knew it was over 當韓國加入英雄聯盟的時候我就知道已經結束了 Cho'gath pick excelling against tank composition, what's new? 選科加斯打坦克英雄表現良好,還有其他新鮮事嗎? - DID HE JUST WALK UP AND PRESS R??? 他只是走上去按R ??? - walk up slowly even 而且是慢慢走 - Dude Righteous Glory Cho is like a flying building 科加斯開榮耀頭盔根本像是一棟房子往你飛過來 I kind of think Westdoor should play Jungle. Chawy is good but it looks like they have no idea what they're doing without Westdoor. 我覺得應該讓西門去打野。 秋味是打的不錯,但是場上沒有西門指揮讓他們變成毫無目標的遊魂逛街。 - A team with a long-standing roster who were consistently the best in their region a few seasons ago but have since been second-fiddle to FW. 一個有著老牌選手的戰隊,有好幾個賽季被認為是該賽區的最強隊伍,但是 自從閃電狼的出現,被壓成萬年老二。 Decline in their assassin player mid's mechanics is a large part of their weakened performance but they're headless chooks when they bench him? 中路刺客選手操作下滑是他們表現衰退的一大原因,但是板凳他又害隊伍 變成無頭蒼蠅? (譯註:這段我真的看不太懂,翻不順) Yep, C9 of the east. Shoulda made Westdoor jungle, they'd be 3-0 now. (and go 0-4 nextweek) 這根本是東方C9嘛!如果讓西門去打野,他們現在早就3-0了(然後下星期0-4) - Hai syndrome Hai導症候群 - this sounds familiar... 這看起來好眼熟... - Ah yes the C9 approach. 想學C9那一套啊 -- 作者 JENSEN (北美最強中路) 看板 LOL 標題 [閒聊] C9打贏有西門的AHQ的原因 時間 Fri Oct 6 20:31:30 2017 C9 > C8 -- 感謝你!
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1507391887.A.17C.html

Faker5566 : 我書讀得不多 別騙我east是西 10/07 23:58

et310 : FeelsBadMan HOW LONG CAN THIS GO ON? FeelsBadMan 10/07 23:59

treble720 : 上次被單殺2次 我要用飛斯討回來 10/07 23:59

lucifiel1618: HOW LONG CAN THIS GO ON ? 10/08 00:00

algebraic : 連國外都在推西門JG了 10/08 00:01

comi0530 : Eastern是東方ㄅ 10/08 00:01

sam72807 : 西門JG在一年 10/08 00:01

susan1991ad : 是卡牌JGㄇ 10/08 00:01

oak2002 : eastern不是東方喔? 10/08 00:02

Xceberus : 公務員:我們已經打得不錯了 10/08 00:04

cookiey : 這種痛苦還要持續多久 偷推隔壁棚的梗XD 10/08 00:04

QoGIVoQ : SIU乳 10/08 00:04

kudoshaki : reddit也懂faker對西門的真愛 10/08 00:05

bluejark : 老外沒接消息現在不是孩子是西爸 10/08 00:05

YoruHentai : 老外早就知道西門當爸了吧 10/08 00:05

JierWode : 這場是ZIV YA有回神,要是像C9那場茂凱腦衝一樣慘 10/08 00:05

ntr203 : 歪國人好像很喜歡那張爐石卡 10/08 00:06

iamwind7954 : 房子飛過來XDDD 10/08 00:08

Savior09 : 只因為都能疊層 科加斯就跟狗頭維迦一樣? 10/08 00:08

m791017 : 可以打科家斯的被BAN得差不多了 10/08 00:08

YoruHentai : 我也很愛那張 這種痛苦還要持續多久~~~ 10/08 00:09

BHAIRE : 外國人可能沒看到MMD把大蟲玩得跟垃圾依樣吧? 10/08 00:09

qk3380888 : C9梗超好笑 10/08 00:09

fanchen : 翻得真好,這篇太好笑了 10/08 00:09

fanchen : 那個 style蠻有梗的 10/08 00:10

ismiumiu : 發這文時應該還沒看到 MMD跟Mouse聯手玩廢科加斯吧 10/08 00:10

Scinfaxi : 很多回應挺有趣的 10/08 00:10

qImo : 西門真的是真愛 10/08 00:11

enchyi : 求西導 10/08 00:13

nineveh : 莫慌我的孩子 幹笑死XDD 10/08 00:17

asdfjack123 : 刺客的削弱讓(西門在的)AHQ變弱,但是放他在板凳的 10/08 00:29

asdfjack123 : 話隊伍又會像無頭蒼蠅? 10/08 00:30

fnb10803 : SKT只用了三成力 10/08 00:30

JerryWalkerr: 下次可能要故意送頭 C9試過了XDD 10/08 00:39

positivezero: decline那段應該翻成「他們中路的刺客選手操作變爛 10/08 01:11

positivezero: 是他們表現不好的原因,但沒有他.....」(後面翻的 10/08 01:11

positivezero: 基本上沒錯 10/08 01:11

vvvv0o0vvvv : SKT根本拓海 每次都最後一個髮夾彎逆轉 10/08 01:15

a103232 : 乾脆來個大變位 10/08 01:16

gemini2010 : 一堆台灣人上去留言吧 10/08 01:24

endinfierce : Bench是動詞 10/08 01:33

ckpioneer : 房子飛過來超好笑 XDDD 電狼的怎麼就.. 10/08 03:44

ckpioneer : 像紙紮的房子 10/08 03:44

t0kyohot : ziv不跳出來強行carry ahq就是等代購 10/08 04:08

newgpx : 韓國加入LOL就結束? S2可是有外卡隊伍阻止他們的 10/08 09:55

jpd : 沒在看LCK比賽吧,Faker超愛用飛斯打星朵拉 10/08 10:01

sakon : Hai syndrome XDDDDD 10/08 12:03

mathrew : 國外也懂西門 XD 10/08 13:50
