[外絮] Blitz H2K前任經理給Riot的公開信

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作者 letitflame (DesEffect)
時間 2017-09-07 13:56:40
留言 43則留言 (30推 1噓 12→)

http://www.goo.gl/2JgiUv 編按:作者以前在H2K工作 近日他發表一篇文章到Blitz表達自己對EULCS的看法 This is my personal opinion; as a person who was intimately involved in esports as well as one who resided in the entertainment industry for almost a decade, I feel the need to express my thoughts. I do not know the full details, but I will be speaking from what I hear and see firsthand. 個人看法僅供參考 Personally, I do not think a multi-region EU is a very wise move by Riot, while at the same time I hope it succeeds for the good of the game and everyone involved. 雖然我覺得EU多個地區的賽制不太好 可是我還是希望他成功 All teams wanted was revenue sharing, not a dramatic overhaul of a system that was somewhat stable. Fragmenting and complicating an already weak region will just limit its potential and revenue, as well as propagate a lack of interest among fans. 每個隊伍都只想分錢 而不想去讓制度變得穩定 分裂一個本來就已經很弱的賽區 只會讓錢變少 而且 支持者們變得對賽區更沒有興趣 Truth be told, people tune in to see the great LCS teams, not the smaller, less relevant ones. Rather than providing the tools for strengthening your weak teams, you’ve decided to create even weaker ones, as the talent pool is just not there for your new model to sustain great competition just yet. 人們都想支持強隊 而不是那些弱雞 你們還要創造更多更弱的隊伍而不是創造強隊 選手們也不夠強也不夠多去創造好的競爭 Keep in mind, modern esports is still in its infancy. Many families still consider it a taboo and many amazing players shove it aside in favor of normal jobs.There are no academies or schools to foster gaming as a career, like football (soccer) has. In addition to this, the decision will also attract smaller sponsors with much smaller budgets, as localized sponsors are generally weaker than their global offices. Most sponsorship money from global brands will want to flow to North America now to get maximum exposure, as EU as a whole won’t be a focal point. 電子競技還是很年輕的行業 跟足球不一樣 我們沒有專門的學院製造選手 而這個決定只會吸引更小的贊助商 多數贊助的資金會希望到北美去最大化廣告效果 歐洲不會是贊助的重點 To Riot: 1. Promote your teams and help them make money. Allow teams to sellmerchandise like jerseys or hats at the studio and through an onlineshop. Sell skins, icons, etc… Riot can take a small cut, the rest goesto teams. 2. Give teams part ownership in the league itself so that their interests align and they all work towards a common goal to further increase exposure and support. This eliminates relegation, and at the same time allows room for expansion tournaments from time to time. Perhaps initiate a draft system for players, so that every so often older players will exit, and a weaker team will become strong with proper drafts. 3. Let this scene grow organically and stop associating it with traditional sports so much. Yes, they are related to some extent, but this industry is its own monster that has risen out of a counter culture to traditional sports, and is now making waves. You have the leverage, don't give it up to the bigger scene who just sees it as an extension to their marketing activities. The money will come with time. Be patient. You have something cool with potential to be long lasting. Don’t let it go stale and die. Don’t let this become a fad that turns uncool. 4.The industry is being hyper inflated by investors. This inflation is causing a bubble which may kill the scene. Once investors realize they are making no money, they will pull out. New ones will come, they will realize the same, and they will pull out as well. One day, no one will want to invest any further. At that time, teams will be going bankrupt left and right. There is just not enough income from the actual games and tournaments to sustain this industry at the moment. It has blown up too quickly; time to scale back a little. 給 Riot: 1.幫隊伍們賺錢 讓他們賣點東西 甚至是做頭像或是眼 然後跟隊伍分錢 2.給隊伍EULCS的股份 讓他們跟你們有一樣的目標 做一個選秀系統 讓弱隊可以選強的選手 3.不要把這個想成傳統的運動 不要讓大公司們認為這只是單純行銷活動的延伸 錢會慢慢來的 有點耐心 4.有太多錢進來了很容易泡沫化 遊戲的內容以及比賽所賺來的收益不足以支稱這個行業 To The Players: Your salaries are way too high. This is not your fault. Go get that money as long as people are willing to pay it, but the reality is that it is draining the teams, causing them to seek so many investors and sell themselves out. What happens when the money runs out and teams start going bankrupt? You lose your jobs, the scene fails, and there will be no future gamers. It doesn’t help that Germany takes half of your income, either. Maybe Riot should move out of Germany. I can’t blame you for seeking market value, but perhaps, collectively, we could be smart and scale back for long term success. Organize and defend your interests. Stop being lazy. This is business, not your parents' house. 給選手 你想要賺錢大家都可以理解 但是事實上你的薪水太高了 萬一有一天沒人投資 你連工作都沒了 德國稅法太高了 組織工會之類的才能確保長遠的成功 別太懶惰 TO THE TEAMS (THIS IS NOT FOR EVERY TEAM; THERE ARE SOME EXCEPTIONS): You complain about revenue, lack of proper sponsorships, and more… and I feel your pain. But your brands and branding activities are poor. Most of you exist as a logo on a social media page and on the LCS screens the day you play. You post nothing interesting for a brand to want to sponsor you, let alone attract audience attention. The generic posts of "oh we had a close game against blah blah, we will be stronger next week/buy our stuff from the merch shop/check out game highlights" doesn't cut it. You have no vision, and frankly, are boring. You do not seek to create new/additional revenue streams to sustain yourself, and most of you have no fans of your own, just fans of your players that you will unfortunately lose when your players leave. Go out and be creative. Create new content that will attract attention, convert fans, and make them hungry for more. Create an atmosphere where people are proud to wear your colors. Be innovators and pioneers. Your market and potential reach is much wider than you think. 給隊伍(不是每一個隊伍 有一些是例外) 沒有錢賺的感受大家都知道 可是你們完全沒有製造出一個品牌出來 你們多數只是個在粉專跟選角畫面上的logo而已 你沒有吸引到贊助商 也沒有製造更多的收益 你們沒有支持者 多數都是支持選手的 選手一走 你就沒有支持者了 做出一些會吸引人目光的內容 做出一些改變 你們有太多市場跟潛力了 Stop the greed and the selfish interests. You all feed off of the same fruit. Work together to progress and reap the rewards, or else you will all be left with nothing in the end. 別太貪心 你們每個人都依靠的個行業 同心合作不然在最後你們什麼都沒有 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1504763805.A.5EF.html

krokopaja : 似乎在打臉台灣企業...... 09/07 14:00

DON3000 : 他們早就不怕打了 09/07 14:01

panda1031 : EU創造更多隊真是自找滅亡 人才根本不夠 09/07 14:02

kirbycopy : 台灣企業都覺得他們養隊伍是做興趣甚至做善事 要靠 09/07 14:02

swbthj : 說弱隊太多會沒有人支持 歐洲不弱了吧 09/07 14:02

kirbycopy : 北靠母我就不玩了 09/07 14:02

mm225560 : 本來養隊伍是作慈善啊,沒人想賺錢,只想能不能少 09/07 14:04

mm225560 : 賠一點 09/07 14:04

Nuey : 10>24 多出14個弱隊 更別說原本10隊裡面就有弱的了 09/07 14:04

cct1121 : 出現了XDD 09/07 14:04

Aatrox : 臺灣養隊伍確實是在做善事啊 又賺不了錢 09/07 14:05

mm225560 : 現在選手薪水膨脹,R社又不給多一點福利 09/07 14:08

Wishmaster : 重點應該是誰也說不準LOL可以撐多久吧... 09/07 14:09

si5111 : 24隊結果只有3隊能去世界賽 弱隊會很少人支持 09/07 14:15

si5111 : 看看FB的粉絲有多少 09/07 14:15

aredifficult: 這篇真讚 09/07 14:16

DesignXD : 他說EU地區次級聯賽吧 09/07 14:16

q30339 : 贊助台灣隊伍本來就是在做善事阿、人那麼少根本就 09/07 14:18

q30339 : 賺不來回來 09/07 14:18

s89162504 : 在台灣別說電競 連球類的職業隊伍都沒在賺錢... 09/07 14:23

EMSOK : 台灣戰隊真的都做善事啊 養一堆公務員 09/07 14:23

PeterHenson : 鍾老闆不是出來說過嗎 根本都還沒賺回來 09/07 14:23

GTA7 : 一堆人虧錢在玩的產業= = 09/07 14:27

TWidpd : 這篇很讚 09/07 14:35

vicious666 : 股份跟選手工會,有趣 09/07 14:42

kiloM : EU薪水不是四大聯賽中最低的嗎?好像跟LMS差不多? 09/07 14:47

BoatLord : 這篇高度 09/07 14:48

Innofance : 還是比LMS 26K高啦 09/07 14:52

jordannn02 : ㄧ直覺得現在的電競發展很泡沫化 09/07 14:53

ckuser : 推這篇 09/07 14:53

a8330028 : 像RG FB 到現在都還不曉得他們公司賣的是啥 09/07 14:55

s27129804 : 推 09/07 14:56

damnedfish : 怎可能跟lms差不多 09/07 15:00

expup : rg 應該是掛名而已 椅子當導演 都是演員還不知道賣 09/07 15:09

expup : 什麼?fb也一樣拉 這一篇就是專門打臉lms了 09/07 15:09

expup : 這產業一直無法維持損益平衡 遲早有人會收掉不玩了 09/07 15:10

expup : 我說聯賽不是說戰隊 然後你要期望台灣的聯賽找到新 09/07 15:11

expup : 商業模式 難 原因阿這行業比其他的行業來看那有啥人 09/07 15:11

expup : 才 幾乎沒有阿 09/07 15:12

HSNUPeace : Dear Riot.. 09/07 15:18

lie0114 : 羊毛出在狼身上 嗯..? 沒看錯 至於誰是狼請自行判 09/07 15:47

lie0114 : 斷 09/07 15:47

qscgg : 感覺很多幹話... 09/07 16:03
