Re: [外絮] Olleh 歐雷臉書

看板 LoL
作者 joy0904 (joy0904)
時間 2017-08-28 13:52:00
留言 8則留言 (7推 0噓 1→)

: Oh.. I just got to know this... : I think people should post it on reddit to let all people know it. : When I was an amateur, I was really happy to have him on my lol friend list. : I didn't expect to meet him one day at the moment. : I met him as an opponent in LMS. I played with him in Allstar. : Then i met him in korea after i had left LMS. : Although i am not close friend with him, I've respected him as a player. : I was really honored to play with him and against him. : 分享了Jteam的文 : oh 我剛才得知... 當我還在業餘時, 我很開心lol的好友名單上有他 我從來沒想過有認識他的機會 但之後我和他在LMS當過對手,在全明星賽當過隊友 而我離開LMS後也在韓國遇到他 這對我來說是很神奇的事 雖然我和他不是那麼的熟,但作為選手我非常的敬重他 我很榮幸和他對戰過 歐先生也想要謝謝你啊 9527QQ 誰要把這消息po上redditR~~~ --
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yusheng0423 : 頂 08/28 13:55

Sron : 新 08/28 13:55

Loser10110 : 第一輔助 08/28 13:56

tim32142000 : 樓下9527 08/28 14:03

loc0214 : 我不是,樓下才是 08/28 14:07

qaz1530wsx : 我不是 樓下應該也不是 08/28 14:22

jeff666 : 9527吊不到了吧 08/28 14:29

fnb10803 : 謝謝你9527 08/28 15:00
