Re: [外絮] ANX Likkrit 打完G2賽後採訪

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作者 y35246357468 (小銀)
時間 2016-10-07 17:48:19
留言 85則留言 (65推 0噓 20→)

等英文字幕出來再把沒聽懂的地方補齊~ 敬請見諒>< --------------------------------------------- 第一段: Yes, they do really good job, yes,they fail, yes, they can do better. 他們(G2)打得很漂亮,是的他們失敗了(無法晉級),他們可以做得更好 But~BUT!!! When they had nothing, they initially no reason to play. They could just surrender, they could just go teemo or go for aram. 他們甚至可以直接否放或玩提摩或玩ARAM Yes, that would be fine, but they have shown their competitive spirit. And they fought until the very end. 但他們依然秉持運動家精神打到最後 U know guys, when everyone hates you, everyone thinks that you...don't deserve to represent the region 你們知道當被嫌棄而且被認為是個笑話時 And you find the strength inside of you to fight, 仍繼續努力的打下去 even if it doesn't better, they are really cool guys, 即便結果不太好 他們仍然很酷 Thank u G2 謝謝G2! 筆者個人翻譯:謝謝G1-5 Sjokz 問: Um, I can't help but think when I hear you talking about finding the strength in yourself,representing your region. U must talk about what ANX had shown here so far. Um what it is to mean for you to show every up, show everyone wrong and find yourself to advance quaterfinals? 大意是問用什麼樣的心態而打到八強 第二段: Well...You know guys, when we actually realized that we are getting to quarterfinals, It was really hard to believe. 我們自己都很難相信真的進了八強 Because,You know,we came here expecting 0-6. 而且大家都認為我們會0-6 We came here without real "preparation." 我們也沒認真的準備 We didn't bootcamp in Korea. 也沒去韓國特訓 And we were like,"Okay guys, we will just come and play our game." 只是想說就來好好的否放 But today,today,We are in quarterfinals for sure. 但此時此刻我們確定晉級八強 And all I want to say is that Hey guys! We are from wildcard! 我想講:嘿大家!!我們從外卡來的!!!!!!!!!!!! And we have told you before: Being underdog doesn't mean being a loser! 而之前我們也講過:在被瞧不起時,並不代表只能當個失敗者! That's all! Sjokz: I'm a ... I'm a bit of lost! haha~ Very inspirational words so far I do wanna ask you one more question about the game versus ROX because that was INSANITY! Where did the shot___ come from in the end It looked like you guys might give it away because it is so incredibily close Where did you find it within yourself to make the right moves Sneak that elder dragon all of a sudden? 問對上ROX時在最後那些call怎麼發生的,例如那個單挑巨龍 第三段: Well, kira says that hey guys I can do solo drags 當KIRA說他可以單吃時 And Stejos was like "kira...W...Why?? Don't do...Wh..What...Why drag?? It seems a bad call!!" Stejos(ANX JG)認為他瘋了,根本銅call But our team was like " Go go kira! That sounds a cool idea" 但其他人卻覺得是個很酷的想法而說唉唷你去吧 And after we just went sneak the dragon and it was the second moment we actually lead us to victory 而這個call是我們致勝的第二關鍵 And first one, brought to Smurf's moves, when he survives to three mens' gank 第一個則是Smurf在上路被三個人gank還活下來那次 He actually led us to kiling Cait and to get the Nashor 讓我們殺掉凱特琳還拿了巴龍 So... and I was thinking I want to say it's nothing connect the ROX game but more to our performance from our team 那在這邊我要講一件無關比賽的事,是關於我們整體表現的事 For our team members, the chosen as MVPs from o___ games and we still have one guy who still deserve his hype 有位成員即便不是MVP我們覺得他值得同等的尊重 You cheering for him but like... I want you guys to cheer for aMiracle, he did execellent job! 我想請你們給aMiracle一個掌聲,他表現的太棒了 Maybe he doesn't look like CRAZY to carry all the guy, who cares~ 他沒像CRAZY(應該是在說kira)那麼猛,但這不重要 But actually he's part of the team spirit, he's the guy who never gives up, 他確確實實是我們隊上的靈魂人物之一,他永不放棄 and he's the guy who always even he is far far behind, try to find opportunities to do win 即便遠遠落後他也會找尋勝利的機會 So guys, All I want to say that, yes our team looks strong, some of ___ that looks stronger, 我們隊上有些人強有些人不強 But we all are a team, and aMiracle is a big part of team 但我們還是一個團隊,而aMiracle給予我們的絕對佔了很大一部分 Thank U guys 謝謝大家!!! --
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Justice5566 : 感言超猛 10/07 17:49

omegamonzx : 沒去韓國特訓>去韓國特訓 10/07 17:50

alwyss : CN超猛 10/07 17:51

krp : 2F 他們的確沒去韓國 10/07 17:51

ginx03 : 艾澤拉斯>>>>韓國 10/07 17:51

a152508 : 推 我現在變likkrit粉 10/07 17:51

omegamonzx : 單挑遠古龍那個地方真的以為發瘋了XD 10/07 17:51

c871111116 : 去韓國特訓(X) 去韓國烤肉(O) 10/07 17:51

catsondbs : 在台上還幫邊緣AD說話 太善良了 10/07 17:51

EiHa : 推 10/07 17:52

krp : 單挑那邊是PvPStejos覺得Kira在鬧 其他人覺得很cool 10/07 17:52

zature : ANX ANX ANX ANX ANX 10/07 17:52

sediments : 單挑遠古很難嗎? WOW難多了(無誤) 10/07 17:52

eskawater : 大推 被瞧不起的時候不是只能當失敗者 10/07 17:53

krp : 然後是他們自己都覺得自己會被0:6 10/07 17:53

nichaellin : 第一句 是的們可以做的更好 10/07 17:53

GLung : amiracle感覺臉很臭 其他成員也不太鳥他 10/07 17:54

ja881213 : QAQ 暖爆了 這隊 10/07 17:54

kirbycopy : 比較想知道perkz說了啥 10/07 17:54

omegamonzx : Perkz:vaction囉 10/07 17:55

Comebuy : \⊙▽⊙/ 10/07 17:55

p56805 : 人美心也美 <3 10/07 17:55

azhu : Kira:因為我覺得單吃很Coooool~ 10/07 17:56

rainnawind : Perkz很難過得對粉絲說了抱歉,辜負了他們得期待 10/07 17:56

oak2002 : 第三段 that would just be fine 10/07 17:56

rainnawind : 他訪問的時候看起來真得快哭了 10/07 17:56

ikt52kt : 唉喲你去 10/07 17:57

rainnawind : 然後接著Likkrit一出來馬上就鼓舞 讚美他們運動精神 10/07 17:57

oak2002 : I can't help to think =>I can't help but think 10/07 17:58

rainnawind : 那兩段連著看就是一個字 燃 兩個字 立志 10/07 17:58

zyraaa : 感覺倒數第三句翻成有些人比較沒那麼顯眼比較好 10/07 17:58

jimmy80727 : 二樓那個是大於啦不是箭頭 10/07 17:58

kirbycopy : 這樣我有點失望耶 MSI打不好Perkz還是繼續開嘲諷 現 10/07 17:58

zyraaa : 或表現沒那麼突出 10/07 17:58

kirbycopy : 在卻突然變乖了 就沒有G2的特色了阿 10/07 17:59

badpriest : Perkz那不是我想聽的答案 趕快繼續放話阿~~!! 10/07 17:59

pearnidca : 哎唷很酷喔XD 10/07 17:59

oak2002 : shotcalling 10/07 18:00

WindSpread : 單挑老龍真的想都沒想過 10/07 18:00

asd7456123 : 人美心也美 <3 10/07 18:01

hsiehhsing : kira玩死騎是吧 10/07 18:01

TaricOP : 超感人的 10/07 18:03

coolplus : PERKZ推特說一堆 我感想是: 這真的是PERKZ嗎XD? 10/07 18:03

demonhammer : ANX的形狀惹 10/07 18:04

eliii : KIRA:單挑遠古龍比單刷WOW25人副本簡單多了 10/07 18:04

catsondbs : 怎麼這麼多Perkz黑 XD 10/07 18:05

leamaSTC : 有點勵志啊 10/07 18:05

kirbycopy : 不是黑 是被他的反派風格吸引的粉 10/07 18:05

ggway2800 : Kira:單挑龍這種事我在艾澤拉斯練很久 10/07 18:06

badpriest : 沒錯!!反派怎麼可以難過!! 10/07 18:06

SalivaLpaca : BibleThump 10/07 18:08

xenojack : 幹,已經變力奎粉 10/07 18:10

TWidpd : \ANX/ 10/07 18:10

tim121507 : 哎唷我去 10/07 18:11

johnnyjaiu : 有集訓啊,在wow裡,難怪單吃巨龍也是摸G龍 10/07 18:12

tomlee1130 : 真的燃到翻了 10/07 18:19

omegamonzx : Perkz賽前放大話現在變成這樣,自然氣焰全失 10/07 18:20

moebear : 我是覺得你翻譯不要把G2改成G1-5 會影響對他的觀感 10/07 18:23

Tenging : G1-5 10/07 18:23

Pocer : 簡單來說 ANX就是"狂" 然後狂贏了 10/07 18:23

zaitas : 看完眼眶濕濕的QQ 10/07 18:25

tauobaek : QQ 10/07 18:27

kullan : 講難聽的 有實力的人放話才有關注的價值 現在Perkz 10/07 18:28

kullan : 無論怎麼挽回 對我來說形象都只是跳樑小丑 10/07 18:28

a25270672 : 會有人翻譯Perkz推特嗎~好想看啊 10/07 18:28

kirbycopy : 有實力阿 EU季後賽輾壓耶 10/07 18:30

oppo5566 : 艾澤拉斯>>>>韓國 10/07 18:31

mm19918s : Kira:我們壓迫眾生! 10/07 18:32

aram9527 : 妹子:我們都單刷25人副本的 區區遠古 10/07 18:41

timandsam : 奇怪俄羅斯人不是都很hard-core嗎?怎麼變暖男了 10/07 18:45

catsondbs : 樓上都看俄國hard-core片子 >//////< 10/07 18:48

brandx : aMiracle真的猛,跟Likkrit配合的好 10/07 18:58

srk147 : Q_Q 好感動 看到流眼淚 10/07 19:04

steven211 : 唉唷你去 XD 10/07 19:08

steven211 : 單吃真的太扯了 10/07 19:09

code5566 : 謝謝G1-5 笑了 10/07 19:12

yannicklatte: 推 10/07 19:15

jogsweet : 這隊氣氛真的很好,喜歡他們 加油! 10/07 19:17

DarkerWu : 有西門感謝綠茶的即視感 10/07 19:23

yoNELLY84 : 好棒的隊伍! 10/07 19:24

aries1985 : 戀愛惹OwQ 10/07 19:24

ohbravo : 很感人!!! 人美心也美太好笑了XD 10/07 19:28

darren2586 : Very inspirational 10/07 19:36

jeremy38 : 推 10/07 20:17

leon82415 : 謝謝G1-5 好像哪裡怪怪的XD 10/07 23:30
