Re: [新聞] Diamond喜歡北美:這裡將繼續職業生涯

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作者 PercyJackson (神火之賊)
時間 2016-05-31 22:43:17
留言 18則留言 (12推 0噓 6→)

: Diamond喜歡北美:這裡將繼續職業生涯 :  近期,老牌打野選手Diamondprox在個人臉書上更新了自己的近況,向粉絲們解釋了為 : 什麼打算在北美的Apex戰隊繼續自己的職業生涯。 :   這位俄羅斯的打野選手在2016春季賽的時候效力于歐洲LCS戰隊UOL,但是由於簽證的 : 問題隨後加入了LCL戰隊Gambit Gaming。現在同Apex戰隊在韓國集訓歸來之後, : Diamondprox和我們說道了為什麼決定前往美國。 :   其中最主要的原因在於,北美能夠確保他獲得工作簽證,而不必像遇到春季賽當中的 : 麻煩,但是他也提到,選手和老闆也是一大原因。 :   “我喜歡這兒的老闆——大家可能認為‘大老闆’在隊伍的成功當中並不扮演很重要 : 的角色,但是我個人認為是相反的。”他在個人臉書上這樣說道。 :   或許更為重要的是自己的長期職業規劃,他表示,來到北美可以讓自己一直留在電競 : 圈當中。 :   “考慮到未來的時候,我認為北美是為數不多的可以讓我繼續自己喜愛職業的地方。 : ” :   Diamond在韓國的經歷與我們看到他在歐洲時大相徑庭,他在臉書上也提到了這一點 : ,他表示韓國選手的個人技術很突出,但是後期的指揮非常激進,通常會影響到隊伍。 :   “在韓國我輸掉了很多場遊戲,可能比我在歐洲輸掉得加起來都多;每當戰鬥開始, : 所有玩家都會立刻使用傳送——很多時候會在2秒內取消或者是傳送過來就死了,但是很 : 少有人會留著傳送。” :   Apex Gaming將在6月5日的第一場LCS比賽中迎戰NRG戰隊。 : 嗯...雖然是有人報導啦 不過我想板上的各位M5迷Gambit粉鑽石狂熱支持者 大概都想知道呆萌又講了些甚麼,而不是看人家拿中國新聞洗文章 TL;DR:呆萌想留在北美,然後跟大家報告韓國集中訓練的狀況跟心得 最後是韓國觀光景點推薦 小弟不才,秉持對Moscow 5和Gambit Gaming的熱愛,稍微翻了一下 以下,呆萌萬言書 ================================正片開始================================ Hello again, my dear friends! It's been some time since I posted the last update on my situation, and many people asked me to write something about myself and my plans. I'm very excited while writing this, because I have quite a lot of things to share this time. 安安我親愛的朋友們 距離上次跟各位更新我的狀況後又過了一段時間啦, 好多人希望我能再寫寫一些有關我自己跟未來規劃的東西 寫這些東西的時候我超興奮DER,因為我有好多事情要跟大家分享。 *My decision on where to go and why* Let's start with me making decision about the team I'm going to play with. It was ~1 month before LCS starts and I was still tearing apart between the options granted to me. It was really hard for me to make a decision, but in the end, as you know, I chose Apex. Why? There are several reasons: it's NA, which guarantees a working visa, and that's already awesome; it's one of the few teams having great players, which are considered NA residents by the LCS; I liked the team owner - people might think that "big bosses" don't exactly have the biggest role in the team's success, but I personally think the opposite; looking in the future, I see USA as one of a few countries in the world where I can continue my career in fields that I love. A little bonus to all of the above was that they were going to bootcamp in Korea, the country that I always wanted to visit and play in. *我要把我的天賦帶往何方還有為啥摸* 就從我決定要去哪支隊伍效力開始說起吧。 直到各區域聯賽開始前大約一個月,我還是在那些邀請我的隊伍中舉棋不定 我真的很難決定我要把我的天賦帶到哪裡,直到最後就像各位知道的, 我選擇了ㄟ沛科斯 為啥摸? 有幾個原因:那是NA內,一個保證有工作簽證的地方,這就已經超棒惹 *註:有LCS制度以來,Gambit Gaming一直被簽證弄得有氣無力的, 連想團練都只能夢中相見, ㄟ沛科斯又是少數幾隻已經有好選手的隊伍,而且他們已經被NA認證是歸化選手 我也滿喜歡這支隊伍的老闆, 大家都說那些「頭頭」跟整支隊伍的成功好像沒甚麼關係 不過我持相反意見 我覺得在未來,美國會是世界上少數幾個可以讓我延續英雄聯盟電競選手生涯的國家 另外還有一個小小加分的地方 就是他們正要去韓國集中訓練,那個我一直想去看看也打看看的國家 *Korean bootcamp* As I arrived in Korea, I was willing to practice more than ever, because I had a 2-week vacation after qualifying to LCL with GMB on 10th of april and only played a couple of days in EU before my flight to KR. So I was hungry for games. Already in the promotion matches I felt the pain that G2 probably expirienced at MSI - I got crashed in my games. I was kinda trying to get my mechanics and map understanding back without forcing stupid scirmished with enemy jungler, which I would lose coz I wasn't feeling very prepared. So I was playing kinda passive, but meanwhile I was doing it, my laners were getting STOMPED by enemy jungler. Also when the fights were occuring, I was often hardly outplayed by my opponents, as I totally underastimated the mechanical skills of Korean diamond players. I was called "noob foreigner" in half of those games and finished promos with 3-7 score, loosing some more games afterwards too. I felt miserable, but continued to practice hard. In a week I got masters 100 points, then got demoted and struggle continued. It took me 1 more week to get back to master 150, but after that I finally understood how the soloq works here and also grew back some of my mechanics, so I climbed from 150 to Challenger(600) in one more week with some great winrate, which felt good after all those times I was struggling. *韓國集中訓練* 當我抵達韓國的時候,我只想著要比以前練習練得更多。 因為自從在甘比電競隊拿到英雄聯盟俄國區域賽資格之後,我就休了兩個禮拜的假 飛韓國之前我也只有在歐洲打了幾天而已,所以我正渴望著能打LoL 在打積分前十場的時候我就感受到G2參加季中邀請賽時的痛苦-場場都崩潰 我想強迫自己把手感還有地圖觀找回來,同時也不被對方打野強迫碰撞, 因為我根本還沒準備好要跟對方碰撞啊,那樣大概會輸吧,所以我就打得很被動 但當我打得很被動的時候,我線上的隊友就被對方打野GANK爆啦, 還有會戰發生的時候,我都很狠地被對手秀了一把, 因為我完全低估了韓服鑽石牌位玩家們的操作 我就在被人家叫做「嫩B阿兜仔」的同時度過了我的積分前十場, 三勝七敗,十場打完又輸了一大堆。 我覺得自己很可悲,但繼續努力練習 一個禮拜後我打到大師一百分囉,結果馬上被打到降級然後繼續掙扎。 我再花了一個禮拜爬到大師一百五十分, 直到此刻我才終於了解韓服單排積分到底是怎麼運作的 並且長回了一些手感,之後我再花一個禮拜打出不錯的勝率, 從韓服大師一百五十分爬到菁英(六百分) 這個禮拜我感覺比之前掙扎的日子好多了 Funny things I noticed about KR soloq: players are ultra-good mechanically and there is no other region even close to KR in this; games are being snowballed very hard - if you fed a couple of kills to mid/jungle/bot, and dont protect those lanes, enemies will dive them as 3-5 ppl all the time, BUT when snowballing reaches the point of "we are 10 kills ahead", brain of the whole team goes off - ppl start diving 2-3 turrets on enemy base only to get aced, give up nashor and throw the game. It happens literally every game if you dont spam-ping your teammates, but even then its 50/50 if they'll back off. I lost insane amount of games following my 10-0 team's calls here, probably more than I ever threw in EU; whenever fight happens, every single player on the map with TP will use it immidiately - often just to cancel it in 2 secs, or die right after TPing, but rarely someone just saves his TP. If anyones wonders why I chose to have Genja007 as my nickname on KR - it's coz when I started playing there, my second role was ADC and I was getting it 50% of my games. So I was trying to become as good as Genja was on it. But as I only played Lucian/Jhin and one of them became impossible to get, and another one is just terrible in soloq against all the maokai's and ekko's, I chose to play mid as second role. Because I don't get it very often, also when I get it 50% of the times I can trade it for jungle, and my champs on that role were not that terrible. Aside from practicing, I went to some food places around here (most of which were awesome, but the variety was not there to be entertained by it for the whole month), couple of bars and visited a few parks, one of which was the "Ilsan Lake Park", which absolutely amazed me by it's looks and I even went there a couple of times more on my own, just to explore it and to spend time thinking in such a peaceful place. 在韓服單排積分我發現一些有趣的地方:這裡的玩家操作都棒得不得了, 而且有另一個地方是其他區域絕對趕不上韓服的,就是這裡的遊戲滾雪球滾得很嚴重, 如果你讓中路、打野或下路拿了幾個頭又沒有隨時注意那幾條線的狀況 對面就會三到五人不等,瘋狂Maknoon有拿頭的那幾條線 然後,當雪球滾到「噢我們贏了十個頭欸」的時候,整個隊伍就會完全失去理智, 想要在高地塔殺結果被敵隊ACED,然後丟巴龍、然後被逆轉 如果你沒有一直用地圖燈閃你的隊友,這種被逆轉基本上每一場都會發生, 但就算你一直用地圖燈閃他們也退後了,兩隊贏的機率也還是各50%啦 當我的隊伍在人頭數上面贏了十顆之後,跟著他們的CALL讓我輸了一屁股, 這些被逆轉的場次比我在歐洲被逆轉的次數還要多。 還有無論甚麼時候只要有架可以打,有傳送的玩家會毫不猶豫按下傳送, 然後大部分會在兩秒內把它取消,不然就是傳送來送頭的 就是很少會有省傳送這種事情發生。 如果有人對於我用甘蔗的暱稱當作我在韓服的帳號這件事有興趣的話: 因為我剛在韓服開打的時候,我常常會拿到ADC而且我有一半的時間都在玩ADC, 所以我就想試著跟甘蔗玩得一樣好 不過鑽石只玩路西恩/鑽石只玩燼, 這兩隻的其中一位幾乎選不到, 另一位則是在單排積分遇到茂凱跟艾克的時候過得超痛苦 我決定沒打野可玩就跳中路,因為我也常常拿不到中路, 就算真的拿到了我也有一半的機會可以拿來換打野玩 還好我的中路角色沒有那麼少 除了練習之外,我也有品嘗韓國美食 (大部分都超棒的,但是好的跟壞的差別在這整個月令人很不開心) 泡了幾間酒吧、逛了幾座公園, 其中一座叫做「一山湖水公園」,我被這座公園深深地吸引住 後來我甚至自己一個人多跑去那裏好幾次, 就為了要探索這個地方,以及在這個使人心靜的地方花一點時間思考 *Au revoir, Seoul* Tomorrow is most likely going to be my last day here, in Seoul, as I'm gonna get my visa and fly to NA right after, but it's definately not going to be my last visit here regadless of the future bootcamps in my career. This city and the people I met here are so amazing, that after spending such a short time here, I feel like it's the only place in the world I've yet been to, where I'd like to live for a long time, except for Saint-Petersburg ofcourse. So far I'd only like to thank all the people that still believes in me. It's truly awesome how just seeing that some other human-beings are saying positive words about me, makes me get my shit together even on my worst days and to keep going. Thank you with all my heart! *再見了,首爾!* 明天(5/31)大概就是我待在這的最後一天了吧,待在首爾的最後一天, 我將拿到我的工作簽證然後馬上飛NA 就算不算未來的職業生涯中還會再來集中訓練, 這也絕對不會是我最後一次來拜訪這裡 這座城市,還有那些我在這裡遇見的人們都讓我覺得不可思議, 在這裡短暫地停留之後我覺得這是世界上唯一一個地方, 讓我有想要住上很長一段時間的感覺,當然,除了聖彼得堡之外啦 至此我只想謝謝那些仍然相信著我的人們,當其他人說著和我有關的正向字眼的時候, 那種感覺真是無可比擬 這讓我能在遇到一堆鳥事的時候繼續走下去,就算是那些糟到不行的時候 衷心感謝! 啊呆萌每次發文就是萬言書啦,上次想翻心有餘而力不足 這次心有餘力不知道足不足,希望大家對照原文之後如果有甚麼想法 也請不要吝嗇給我一點意見,我也想要在家就能翻譯有收入QQ 就那個他講滾雪球的地方我實在有點看不懂... 希望呆萌在韓服的觀察還有首爾遊記可以幫助到大家,謝謝 -- --
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jeffh :環流已經被破壞了,不太可能會增強....倒是要注意地07/22 17:44

hsr7016 :話說他如果離開台灣時北偏 那西南尾會不會也跟著帶進07/22 17:44

jeffh :形效應和風雨狀況了07/22 17:44

hsr7016 :來阿?07/22 17:44

jackshen32 :樓上很嗆07/22 17:46

hsr7016 :我只是把話講完阿....不要誤會阿QQ07/22 17:47

choosin : 推推 05/31 22:52

KKyosuke : 我看起來呆萌是說韓國食物多半都不錯 只是沒甚麼變 05/31 22:58

KKyosuke : 化他吃了一個月有點膩...XD 05/31 22:58

john870407 : 推 05/31 23:11

izacc : 加油阿! 05/31 23:19

cafecar : 推 05/31 23:55

fallengunman: 感謝翻譯 06/01 01:22

Rektgg : 推 06/01 02:42

powerdavid : 推 06/01 06:59

jordannn02 : 他現在還能爬上韓服精英真的很厲害 06/01 08:17

PercyJackson: 喔喔謝謝,我覺得KK大講的比較像欸!! 06/01 10:37

PercyJackson: 我在想Diamond是不是在說吃的變化不多,種類少? 06/01 10:39
