Re: [情報] 黃星確定離開FNC

看板 LoL
作者 PercyJackson (神火之賊)
時間 2015-12-02 09:29:38
留言 36則留言 (29推 0噓 7→)

Starting today, I will no longer be part of Fnatic. 從今天開始,我將不再是你大FNC的一員 My Esports journey as a real professional player all started in 2013. It was a tough choice, a huge turn in my life to finally decide to quit university to take a lifetime opportunity to experience this amazing path and get to work with awesome people. In the first place, I want to thank the 2013 League of Legends' roster for choosing me over other players. I was joining the biggest European team and with such players, it is hard to show that you are the missing piece of the puzzle, to gain the trust from your teammates, staff and the fans. It was with a lot of pressure that I accepted to face this challenge. 我的職業電競選手生涯是從2013年開始的,當時是個艱難的決定,最後我決定從大學休學 去追尋一個一生難得的機會-一個體驗美好電競人生並且和超棒的夥伴一起工作的機會, 這是我人生中的大轉變。 首先,我想先謝謝2013年的英雄聯盟部門將我從這麼多選手中選出來。 當時我和其它選手加入了最大的歐洲電競隊伍,其實很難證明你就是他們尋找的 最後一片拼圖,並且使隊友、管理階層和粉絲更加信任你 接受擔任職業電競選手這項挑戰讓我也承受了莫大的壓力。 Three years passed by, and i can tell you that we tried our very best every day, every minute of the time we had in front of us to train and play. I’m incredibly proud of this 5 EU LCS titles we grabbed out of 6 possible, without missing these both Top 3/4 at Worlds 2013 & 2015 ! To speak out the truth, I had a bit of a shaky year earlier this season. Being left alone in the team was not an easy task to handle, either for me or the Fnatic management,and i had a lot of thoughts about whether retiring or not. I almost gave up, i have to admit. Imagine yourself in front of the Everest mountains that you have to climb in a very short period of time, with a huge storm approaching, and you get an image of what was ahead of us. The fact is that in my inner self, i couldn’t accept to jump out from a tough situation. Fnatic gave me so much, you guys gave me so much with your support, that I had to get this team back on track. 三年過去了,我們每天都想辦法做到極致,將我們擁有的每一分每一秒拿來團練跟打比賽 。 我對於我們在六季英雄聯盟歐洲區域聯賽中能拿下五次冠軍感到非常驕傲,這還不包括 2013及2015兩次的世界大賽季殿軍! 但是講真的,我在這季開始的時候有點動搖。 睡一覺起來身邊隊友都不見了實在是讓人有點手足無措,不論是對我而言和我當時大FNC 的管理階層都是 我也曾有要不要乾脆就直接退一退的想法。講真的,我差點就放棄這一切了 想像一下,你被要求在很短的時間爬上你眼前的世界最高峰,然後又有一陣暴風雨即將來 臨,這就是我們當時面對的狀況 但事實是在我內心的某一層,我不能接受自己臨陣脫逃。我曾經的大FNC給了我這麼多、 你們這些粉粉也支持我們這麼多,我必須把這支隊伍導入正軌。 Being grateful and loyal is a part of me, and that was the least I could do. 對事事充滿感激以及忠誠是我人格的一部份,而那也是至少我能做到的事情 Here we are today: Huni & ReignOver left the team, leaving me again in a difficult position : either building a new team or considering other options. It’s never a good thing to hear, but after careful overall reflection, I had the opportunity to join a team being at my best level in North America and get the chance to experience a new lifestyle and environment. 時至今日,你只在Huni自己和Gameover都離隊了,又留下了棘手的處境給我:不管是要打 造一隻新的隊伍或是考慮其它選項。 這聽起來不會太悅耳,但經過深思熟慮和自我反思之後,我得到了一個機會加入和我一樣 棒的\北美隊伍/而且體驗全新的生活跟環境 Finally, I honestly want to thank everyone that I met and got to work with, from teammates to people involved in the Fnatic organization and all the fans that supported me throughout the years. 最後,我衷心感謝每一位我曾遇見並且一起打拼的人們,不論是隊友或是在Fnatic團隊裡 的任何一位以及所有這些年來對我不離不棄的粉絲們 I hope that you will understand my decision and will continue to support me in my career! 希望你們能夠理解我的決定並且繼續在我的選手生涯內支持我! Longue vie à Fnatic ! Sieg 芬納提克! Bora “YellowStar” Kim 波拉 「黃色的星星」 金 我記得沒錯的話在我支持GMB期間每次被FNC弄都是Yellowstar出現在神奇的地方抓人 或是補尾刀收頭... 人生第二次熬夜看比賽就是看GMB吃了FNC的鍋貼 從ADC轉成SUP轉得幾乎無痛,身材上的轉變也是= = 祝福他在\北美隊伍/裡面可以繼續在LCS呼風喚雨吧 --

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kinomon : 888888888888888 12/02 09:33

oskarsson : 黃色的星星 ok 12/02 09:33


chinpo : \黃色的猩猩/ 12/02 09:36

chinpo : ... 12/02 09:37

chinpo : 星星 12/02 09:37

vvvv0o0vvvv : \TSM/ 12/02 09:41

BradleyTsai : 推翻譯,有點俏皮xD 12/02 09:56

Nobodyesi : gameover XD 12/02 09:56

Nobodyesi : 12/02 09:59

Nobodyesi : 健身房之王 黃星 12/02 09:59

qe70r178rl : 佛根:呵呵 你們缺一冠 12/02 10:00

PercyJackson: 啊你的那個Highlight超棒DER!! 12/02 10:01

cyclopes360 : 寶拉 黃猩 12/02 10:04

A9226 : 瘦身傳奇 12/02 10:16

PriestesseS : 沒韓國大腿了 當然跑啊 12/02 10:19

reshin0603 : 推翻譯 12/02 10:21

weiboyzzz : 翻譯超俏皮哈哈哈哈 12/02 10:23

newland : 推個 12/02 10:23

DioEraclea : \北美隊伍/ 12/02 10:25

ruwjo12 : 推翻譯 12/02 10:35

YHYDFY : 如果真的是去tsm當大腦 tsm會起飛嗎 12/02 10:46

PercyJackson: 不知道欸,新的TSM無論如何話題性已經破表了 12/02 10:52

Cliff07 : 黃星去CALL的話 鼻爾森要起飛了 12/02 10:56

funkD : 胖虎太猛了 dl才說TSM沒大腦 嗎3上找了一個超級大 12/02 10:59

funkD : 腦進來 12/02 10:59

ManInBlack : 大腿走光了,姆斯擺明明年會走,棒槌都知道要快逃 12/02 11:26

YSJ543 : 世界各國選手只要接到TSM挖角 9成9都會馬上跳吧XD 12/02 11:33

yapdasccryay: 翻譯推 12/02 11:54

lorhokok : 我大TSM要起飛啦 抓緊了 12/02 12:16

s58111158 : \北美隊伍/ XDD 12/02 12:43

gary3427 : \黃星/ 12/02 12:52

xu3fu6xup6 : 奇怪 有說是TSM嗎? 12/02 13:32

neverspeak : 對他一定是去當call 12/02 13:57

PercyJackson: 不過其實也還沒真正開獎 CLG_YellOWStar也有可能(?) 12/02 14:38

hanyu8287 : 真的嗎 12/02 19:04
