Re: [情報] Gnar新英雄介紹

看板 LoL
作者 bluenova (New.藍)
時間 2014-07-30 03:18:24
留言 20則留言 (14推 0噓 6→) Passive: Rage Gene Gnar builds up rage in combat. Once he fills his rage bar, Gnar’s next ability transforms him into Mega Gnar, giving him bonus armor, magic resist, health and attack damage at the expense of movement speed, attack speed and attack range. If Mini Gnar doesn’t use an ability, he transforms into Mega Gnar after a few seconds anyway. While in Mega Gnar form, his rage slowly runs down, and once it’s exhausted, he turns back into Mini Gnar. After transforming back, Mini Gnar briefly becomes tired and can't gain rage for a few seconds. 被動:狂怒基因 Gnar在戰鬥中累積怒氣(類似蠻王龍女) 當集滿怒氣條時 Gnar施放的下一個技能將使他 變身成為MEGA Gnar(神奇寶貝喔...) 獲得額外雙防 血量 ATK 但會降低跑速 攻速 攻距 若滿怒氣時無施放技能 幾秒後Gnar將自動變大 MEGA狀態下怒氣值會持續降低 怒氣降至 最低時將變回mini Gnar 變小後有幾秒的空窗無法獲得怒氣 Q: Mini Gnar - Boomerang Throw Gnar chucks his boomerang in a target direction, dealing damage to the first enemy struck while applying a slow. After striking an enemy, the boomerang slows before returning to Gnar, dealing reduced damage to all enemies in its path. If Gnar catches it, he reduces Boomerang Throw’s cooldown significantly. 小Q:丟回旋標 向指定方向丟出回旋標 對第一個敵人造成傷害並緩速後 回旋標會減速(會繼續往前飛一小段) 並對其餘目標造成遞減傷害 若在返回的途中Gnar接到回旋標 將降低小Q冷卻時間 Mega Gnar - Boulder Toss Gnar launches a huge boulder in a target direction, damaging and slowing the first target in the boulder’s path along with all nearby enemies. Once it’s landed, Gnar can pick the boulder up to reduce Boulder Toss’ cooldown. 大Q:投石 向指定方向投擲巨石 對第一個目標造成範圍傷害與範圍緩速 巨石落地後 若撿起可降低大Q的冷卻時間 W: Mini Gnar - Hyper(被動) Every third attack or ability against a target deals percent max health as magic damage. Whenever Hyper triggers, or when Mega Gnar transforms back into Mini Gnar, he gains a moderate movement speed boost that decays over time. 小W:狂熱 每3次普攻造成目標最大生命%數的魔法傷害 並獲得隨時間遞減的跑速增加 當從MEGA Gnar變回mini Gnar時 也會觸發跑速BUFF Mega Gnar - Wallop Gnar stands on his back legs before slamming his fists into the ground, damaging and briefly stunning all enemies in front of him. 大W:衝擊 對面前的所有敵人造成傷害與暈眩 E: Mini Gnar - Hop Gnar jumps in a target direction and gains a moderate attack speed boost. If Gnar lands on a unit, he bounces, hopping again in the same direction. If Gnar hops onto an enemy unit, he also damages and slows them. 小E 跳跳 向指定方向跳躍並獲得攻速BUFF 若落地時踩到一個單位 Gnar將在同方向再跳躍一小段 若踩到敵方單位 將造成傷害並緩速 Mega Gnar - Crunch Gnar launches himself in a target direction, damaging and slowing all enemies he lands directly on. 大E 飛躍 向指定方向彈射 降落時造成傷害與緩速 R: Mega Gnar - GNAR! Gnar throws a tantrum, tossing all enemies around him in a target direction. All enemies thrown are slowed and damaged, while enemies thrown into walls, including turrets and base structures, suffer extra damage and are stunned. 將身旁所有敵人推向指定方向 造成傷害並緩速 若撞到建築物或地形 造成額外傷害並暈眩 GAME PLAY看有沒有人要接手 早上再說 -- never mind 多多益善
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a2364983 :我覺得你翻得比我好欸LOL 07/30 03:20

gogowow :又是個雙型態英雄阿.... 07/30 03:21

f222051618 :推翻譯 07/30 03:22

oak2002 :感覺R社沒梗囉 07/30 03:28

mark0912n :這隻好像有點難 變身不能控制 07/30 03:31

rogerxji6 :搞不好像藍寶一樣要控怒氣 07/30 03:32

hanisland97 :覺得有點難+1,變身不能控制,累積怒氣的時間點必須 07/30 03:32

hanisland97 :要很精準... 07/30 03:32

ohoh0704 :魯夫是你? 三檔開完以後會變小? 07/30 03:35

cjocjo1314 :慢惹 07/30 03:36

maple0935 :技能組都是現有去改的 歐拉夫 希維爾 砲娘... 07/30 03:39

willytp97121:果然是無消耗又一堆cc 07/30 06:56

owlman :原來是神奇寶貝XD 07/30 08:08

chigo520 :真的很無聊……又是打幾下發動打趴數 07/30 08:28

YYL00 :冰箱快滿了,不打算清了滿... 07/30 09:10

npc776 :雷西+波比合體技是安怎... 07/30 09:11

b02502073 :連lol也在搞mega進化嗎… 07/30 10:33

knight0123 :Q根本希維爾+石頭人~~ 07/30 11:28

loveloveella:感覺很像魯夫= = 07/30 18:18

js0431 :LOL官方說這是上路角 可是他沒有回血 07/30 19:29
