[外絮] CLG.EU Froggen AMA(翻譯)

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作者 cat0405 (<ゝω・) 油洗!☆ )))
時間 2012-10-12 23:30:54
留言 92則留言 (62推 0噓 30→)

原文連結:http://0rz.tw/bD5bo 我流翻譯有錯請用力指正感恩多謝。深灰色的字為我個人註解。 新增:剩下的部分已經翻完囉!請至 #1GUO9bqV 觀看。 :D Hey guys n girls and all the lovely anivia players Basically i have 5 hours of freetime so i decided to do an AMA. We are out of season2 and some of the team is going home to see their families again and will be comming back to the gaming house in 2-3weeks to practise for IPL5 in the end of november. Right now I'm happy that the team can get a little break from practising and focusing all the time and I hope my team will be as motivated to improve as I am ~ then I an assure you we will be a lot stronger than we are right now for season3 tl; dr I love Anivia AMA Edit 1: my anivia dance for anyone who missed it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxKlC9DAoXI
哈囉各位男孩女孩還有所有喜愛冰鳥的玩家,我現在有 5 小時的空閒時間,所以決定來搞 個 AMA(Ask Me Anything)。我們已經在 S2 世界冠軍賽中輸了,有些隊員已經先回家和 家人聚聚,大約兩三個禮拜後會回來 gaming house,為 11 月底的 IPL5 練習。 現在隊伍終於能從緊鑼密鼓的練習中鬆一口氣,我還蠻開心的~我希望 CLG 可以像我一樣 還有持續進步的動力,我可以向你們保證 S3 的 CLG 會比現在更加強大! 給懶得看前面落落長廢話的人:我愛冰鳥,問我任何你想問的問題吧。 噢對了,給所有錯過看我跳冰鳥舞的人:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxKlC9DAoXI
──────────────────────────────────────── Are you disappointed that you didn't get to play Anivia and showcase her even once? 比賽根本就沒辦法出冰鳥你會覺得很幹嗎? I don't know why I would be dissapointed about that. As a team we never even practise Anivia because people are going to ban it anyway so I can practise other AP mids without even having to play anivia anymore, its pretty beast tbh 我不知道幹嘛覺得很幹欸。練習時我根本就沒練冰鳥,因為一定被 BAN 的啊,所以我可以 不用顧慮冰鳥專心練其他的 AP。老實說這樣超棒。 (承上題) Froggen trying to bait other teams into letting him have Anivia 佛根正在試著騙對面讓他出冰鳥啊~ nomnomnom the bait so tasty 嚼嚼嚼,好吃!(咬餌) maljahar, lee sin mid, adc mid, the return of ahri _^ CAN I LOOK FORWARD TO THESE? <3 我可以看你玩馬爾札哈、中路李星、中路 ADC 還有好久不見的阿璃嗎? <3 double AD - lee sin mid, definately 2 things we will be looking into EDIT: FK I DIDNT EVEN SEE IT WAS YOU LINK, DONT LEAK ANY SECRETS WE TALKED ABOUT OR YOU STOLE D: 我們最近的確有在試雙 AD 跟中路李星這兩個玩意兒。 新增:噢靠憋我忘了你是 L1Nk115,拜託你不要把這個秘密說出去或是偷走! D: When you speak with wickd, and your other mates are not around do you speak in danish or english ? 你跟 Wickd 單獨對話的時候會用丹麥語交談嗎? (Froggen 和 Wickd 都是丹麥人) English, its rare for us to talk/write in danish 我們都講英文,很少說或寫丹麥話。 What do you prefer, soundproof booths, soundproof headsets or a 3 minute delay? 隔音房、隔音耳機和 3 分鐘的延遲,你比較喜歡哪樣? soundproof headsets by far. i really like the setup at s2 目前比較喜歡隔音耳機。S2 世界冠軍賽的設備我很喜歡。 Will you continue living in a gaming house with CLG NA or do you plan on having one of your own, and if so in which region? 你們會繼續跟 CLG.NA 住在 gaming house 裡嗎?還是之後會去別的自己的地方住? yes, we will be living in CLG gaming house til december 一直到 12 月我們都會繼續住一起。 Will you make a detailed Anivia guide? 你會寫一個精美的冰鳥攻略嗎? Yes I will work on setting up an Anivia guide and I might need you guys help on that guide too because It will be my first guide so expect a lot of edits! 會,我會開始準備寫冰鳥攻略。不過我可能會需要大家的幫忙,因為這會是我的第一篇攻 略,所以我希望做得盡善盡美! Why you troll my stare mang! ps: WHO AM I ?! 你為何要戳我的超帥深情凝視!PS:我是誰? (這題是白痴史努比問的 wwww) Snoopeh the bunnystare ~ WE WILL NEVER FORGET! I AM A CHAMPION! best teamshouts EU <3 我們怎麼會忘記呢,「望穿秋水」史努比! 我是個大英雄!CLG.EU 最棒了~ <3 If you could delete one champion from the League, who would it be and why? 如果可以刪一隻英雄的話你要選誰?為啥? Since yesterday... SINGED FKING NOOB CHAMPION CAN ONLY RUN AWAY AND BE ANNOYING! 經過昨天之後…媽的我選辛吉德這只會慢跑又煩得要死的阿伯! (在第三場四強賽中,CLG.EU 被 Azubu Frost 的上路辛吉德搞爆。) 有興趣的可以看 VOD:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u1tbe28qJ8
Hey Froggen, what do you think about Eve mid ? 嘿佛根,你覺得中路 Eve 如何? its too strong and gay, need to use 375gold every3min to be secured safety, fking gay shit. anyway i got a way to counter eve in her current state, too bad i didnt get to prove it. HAVE FUN EVERYBODY WHO WANTS TO PICK EVE AGAINST ME IN MID! 很強又很噁,每 3 分鐘就要花 375 金來確保自己的生命安全,天殺地麻煩。不過勒我已 經有康特 Eve 的方法了,可惜我沒有機會證明。想在中路用 Eve 打爆我的人,歡迎來挑 戰喔! ^_< I remember when you often take Orianna or Ahri when Anivia was banned, but now I don't see your Ahri in any tournament match ad only (I think 2 times) Orianna. Why? 我記得以前你只要冰鳥被 BAN 的話就會選球女或阿璃,但是在最近的比賽中都沒看你選阿 璃了,球女印象中好像也只看你選了兩次,為什麼? i just lost my feel to play ahri, i dont have a reason for this despite they kept changing her constantly which is annoying. orianna i just stopped playing since the buffs/changes because it pissedme off and i would prefer to play other champions 單純是因為我失去了玩阿璃的手感(這句怎麼翻起來好像怪怪的 =///=),所以其實沒有 什麼理由,儘管阿璃一直被改來改去我覺得很煩。球女則是在 buff 改變後我就不玩了, 因為這讓我很不爽,所以我寧可去玩別的英雄。 Hey Froggen, will AP Kog ever come out again? :D Also, do you know whats in s2secretsgg.docx? :P 嘿佛根,AP 摳毛還有機會重出江湖嗎?還有你知道 s2secretsgg.docx 到底是啥嗎? :P I still want to play AP kogmaw but my team dont like it since the MLG Anaheim nerfs ~ I think we might run at some random time and try to find a good poke comp with it 我還是很想玩 AP 摳毛,但是自從他被 nerf 後我的隊伍就不喜歡我那樣玩。我覺得應該 要找個時間來試試看用 AP 摳毛來弄出一個 poke 陣容。 (啊說好的 s2secretsgg.docx 勒?) is it still viable? (as a good damage dealer, ignoring team comps) 不管陣容的話,AP 摳毛做為輸出角還堪用嗎? Yes. he still has counterpicks so I wouldnt run it no matter what but in some situations he is good and his damage is still awesome 當然囉,但他還是有康特角所以我不會執意要玩他。但是在一些情況來說,他還是很好的 輸出角,而且依然很讚。 Why did you guys choose to have Wickd on Riven in the last game? It didn't seem to provide much to your teamcomp. Did Azubu Frost provide some techniques or strategies, even champion picks that you did not expect? And was this the reason you guys ended up losing the set? 為啥你們跟 Azubu Frost 打最後一場的時候要選雷玟?那看起來沒起什麼作用。 Azubu Frost 有做出任何你們沒意料到的技巧或策略嗎?這是不是就是你們輸的原因? Before we went into picks and bans we thought of what we would have, so wickd told us irelia was the only matchup that wins against riven and riven is still good 1vs2 thats the basic reason behind the pick. We knew vlad would go mid if we pick morgana because technically vlad counters morg, but i know how to play the matchup too well and will destroy him. then they picked singed and he is worse 1vs2 than riven so we did the play on skarner and then shut down singed, everything worked perfectly but then we just failed the executening after the earlygame which is where our true weakness is tbh. Also riven with a blackshield and morg ult in a teamfight i extremely powerful. we predicted everysingle pick of theirs 在開始選 BAN 角之前我們就在想要怎辦了,然後 Wickd 說可以康特雷玟的只有伊瑞莉雅 一個,而且雷玟 1v2 的能力依然很強,所以我們選了她。我知道如果我們選魔甘娜的話吸 血鬼會去走中,因為技術上來說吸血鬼是康特魔甘娜的,不過我太了解要怎麼玩了,而且 我也會打爆對面。後來他們選了辛吉德,他的 1v2 能力比雷玟差。接著我們解決了蠍子拿 下首殺,然後壓爛辛吉德,一切看起來都很完美;但在早期之後我們失敗了,而那正是我 們最弱的一環。帶著小藍盾(魔甘娜的 E)的雷玟加上魔甘娜的大絕在團戰中是很猛的。 而他們會選什麼角色我們也都預想過了。 Since your team gets a sub (or subs, not sure) for season 3, have you started thinking of specific players (or maybe roles) that you want to have as subs? 聽說你們 S3 會找候補,你們已經開始在找特定的人或位置了嗎? haven't been looking too much into it but we have some players in mind 還沒想這麼多,不過我們心目中已經有幾個人選。 Do you have any plans to change your training regimen for season 3? Also, Snoopeh's phone number? 你們有打算改變 S3 的訓練方式嗎? 還有,史努比的電話幾號? we will go back to EU in december for season3 i dont have his number, im sorry 為了 S3,我們 12 月會回歐洲。我沒有史努比的電話,拍寫。 (承上題) You don't have your own teammate's phone number? o-o' 啥?你沒有自己隊員的電話? o-o' my phone is not working in asia and US and i didnt charge it for 2months now... the only one i would chat with on my phone would be my mom lol 我的手機在亞洲跟美國都不能用,而且已經兩個月沒充電了。我現在會用電話來聊天的對 象只有我媽。 lol On a scale of 1-10, how sexy is Snoopeh IRL? 滿分 10 分,現實生活中的史努比有多性感? (IRL = In Real Life) Let me put it this way. The reason i want to play lee sin mid is so i cant be distracted by snoopehs look. 讓我換個方式來評分。我會想玩中路李星就是因為這樣我才不會因為看到史努比而被他吸 引。 (外國鄉民 A:就算你看不見也沒辦法抗拒性感的男人!) (外國鄉民 B:有人說史努比的凝視可以讓瞎掉的人重見光明。) If I dressed up as anivia and went to one of your live tournaments, would you sit next to me when you weren't playing? I'm a 19 year old female. GO. 如果我扮成冰鳥去看你比賽,在你沒比賽的時候你會跑來坐我旁邊嗎?小妹我 19 歲。 Only if you would put your wings around me :') 如果妳願意用妳的翅膀圍住我的話。 :') (喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔我願意啊!) do you wish you could play against m5 to see who is 3rd/4th? 你會想跟 M5 打季殿賽好分出三四名嗎? I feel like its okay because I would hate the 3rd place match to be more hyped than the 1. place match, both TPA and AF deserves to be more recognized by the community 我覺得現在這樣就好了。我不想讓季殿賽搶了冠亞賽的鋒頭,TPA 和 AF 都值得在社群中 獲得更多關注。 Dear Mr. Anivia, do u like the way ogn plays final games as blind picks? do u think other tournaments should start doing that too? it adds quite a funny element to the game imo and every1 gets there main champ( u get anivia :D) Huge fan! and tell wickd to practice more champs. 親愛的冰鳥先生,你喜歡 OGN 決賽賽制用盲選這種方式嗎?你覺得其它比賽應該也要這樣 做嗎?我覺得這樣有趣多了,而且每個人都可以玩自己的 main 角(這樣你就可以玩冰鳥 了 :D)。我是你的大粉絲!幫我告訴 Wickd 請他練習更多英雄。 I would love to see a new ban system so you can ban 5 champions for example and then last game will go into a blindpick, by doing that people will need to keep their main champions up while they need a way larger champion pool. 我比較希望有新的 BAN 角機制,比如說可以 BAN 5 隻,然後決定勝負的最後一場比賽用 盲選,這樣選手就必須不斷地保持 main 角的狀態,而且也必須要會玩更多的英雄。 What do you think cost you the last game vs Azubo Frost? 你覺得輸給 Azubu Frost 的原因是什麼? stupid decisions and not knowing singed well. when he killed maokai with oracle 1 for 0 it was really hard to come back from there, and then pete gettng grabbed in the middle by skarner, ruined our chances of commin bak 愚蠢的決定,還有不夠了解辛吉德。辛吉德殺掉茂凱後情勢就難以逆轉了,後來 pete 在 中期又被史加納抓,我們就無力回天了。 Do you think TPA's "gaming office" and job-like regimen would be something other teams should emulate? Or do you think it would be too difficult for some player's in Western culture to treat the game like a job? Or is it that the draw from being entertaining on stream, and not being office-like and drably professional is too much to sacrifice? 你覺得其他隊伍是否該仿效 TPA 的做法,有電競練習室,還有像在工作的方式?或者你覺 得將遊戲當成工作對接受西方文化的一些玩家來說太難了嗎? 還是說因為那樣犧牲太多,所以開開娛樂性的實況、不搞得太像工作或單調的職業才比較 吸引人? i dont think our team would be having a great time if he had to go to bed at 12 wake up at 8-9 then go to gym and then come home and practise and eat healthy food all the time. sure some of it is good to do but i dont think its effective for us if we dont have the will to do it. 我不覺得如果每天 12 點準時上床睡覺然後早上 8、9 起床去健身,回家後開始練習並攝 取很健康的食物對我的隊伍來說會很棒。當然那樣很好,但是若我們沒有意願的話,那樣 做對我們就沒有什麼用。 Why was Ahri so underplayed this tourny? 為什麼阿璃在這次比賽中都沒人玩? people have been dropping ahri because she is too easy to shut down with cc in teamfight i believ or they just prefer other champions more, i dont know. no real reason to drop her 因為阿璃在團戰中只要被 CC 到,很快就掰定了,所以大家都捨棄了她。我覺得大家就是 比較喜歡別的英雄吧,我不知道。說不出一個捨棄她的真正理由。 what do you think about xerath? 你覺得齊勒斯怎麼樣? I feel like he is a snowbally champion thats hard to deal with as soon as he gets ahead but its also easy to shut him down if you have instant engage like malph. 我覺得他算是雪球角,只要滾起來就很難收拾;但是如果有像馬肥大絕這種強力的開戰, 齊勒斯就很好解決。 Who will win the Finals? Azubu frost or Taipei Assassins? 你覺得 TPA 和 AZF 誰會拿冠軍? Honestly this is one of the games where I feel it really is 50/50 and they are equally good on every single role so it's impossible to tell who will win and im good friends with everyone on both teams so I'll be rooting for them both! 說真的我覺得是一半一半,他們兩隊都很強,所以我沒辦法說誰會贏;而且我和兩隊都是 好朋友,所以兩邊我都會支持! What do you think about Zyra support? 你覺得枷蘿輔助怎樣? can get poked easy but provides good cc 容易被 poke,但是提供很棒的 CC。 ──────────────────────────────────────── 槓,翻起來才發現比我想像的多啊! 對不起我的翻譯速度真的很慢嗚嗚, 所以我先 po 出這些,後面的會陸續補上! 睡醒再戰,敬請期待。 (<ゝω・) !☆ -- How my girlfriend feels when I wake up wanting sex. http://i.imgur.com/9jbsO.gif
-- ◆ From: 你這樣說我也不知道是錯在哪啊。 ˊˋ 佛根超萌。 <3 可以告訴我到底錯在哪嗎… 喔~感謝,我把那句看成對佛根講的話。 改了感恩~ 改了感恩~ 了解,直接將你的推文補上,感恩。 這我有點好奇,因為我沒聽過,真的有這個人嗎? @@ 喔喔,了解,直接將你們的推文補上,感恩。 :D 我知道那是副檔名~可是到底有沒有人知道裡面是啥? XD 那題佛根根本就直接無視 s2secretsgg.docx 了。 ww 0.0 是這樣喔? OKOK 那我再把你們的推文補上,感恩~ 才佛根一個不過份吧。 ( ′-`)y-~ 史努比是蠻帥的,可是我沒有煞到他。 XDD 就跟你平常打一般對戰的選角方式一樣。 盲選就是沒有 BAN,兩邊可用同樣角色,到 loading 畫面才看得到對面出什麼。 會啊。 真人和 2D 生物是分開的~ 親女兒當然 OP! 貓更特別,是獨立一個分類。 XDDDD 那場我邊忙別的事情邊看,中間突然看到 Wickd 雷玟的 K/D/A 真是嚇歪了,超慘。 嗯裡面有一題有提到,不過我看佛根說 with oracle,但我看 VOD 貓凱沒有啊? 這就是翻譯的學問跟辛酸(?),還請大家包容我的拙劣翻譯。 Q___Q
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1350055863.A.A41.html

sakon :馬爾哈哈那段 問的人是link115 所以佛根才要他 10/12 23:43

sakon :不要洩密這樣 因為他們常常團練10/12 23:43

lisanna20 :s2secretsgg.docx 當初HSGG不是有秘密戰術寫在筆記上 10/13 00:00

lisanna20 :doc是word的副檔名 10/13 00:00

RobertAlexy :老查說那檔案裡只有他們沒時間練習的戰術 10/13 00:00

lisanna20 :他問的應該就是那個 沒公開又沒時間練習的戰術10/13 00:01

sakon :S3候補那段鄉民一直提示sisoil 應該是說好笑的10/12 23:45

winklly :sisoil大概就跟Cris差不多同類的高端10/12 23:54

winklly :有名的高端troll10/12 23:54

nornor0415 :silsol就是每次稱線都會被殺 可是卻打上rank1的玩家10/12 23:56

nornor0415 :第一個跟第二個都翻錯啦= = 10/12 23:34

ilris :史奴比,超 帥★(放電) 10/12 23:37

marcoyao :史努比很帥 可是佛跟很萌啊 10/12 23:38

maple205 :翻錯給箭頭 10/12 23:38

iljapan61 :看完了 推翻譯 10/12 23:38

vexchy :推~ 10/12 23:39

sing4520 :推 10/12 23:39

tulip12368 :推 10/12 23:39

kerkerson :原來wickd認為能剋riven的只有irelia 10/12 23:40

maple205 :第二個 Froggen試著引誘其他隊伍讓他出冰鳥 10/12 23:41

billblack :全隊最帥不是kerpo嗎? 10/12 23:41

sakon :推~ tl;dr那邊應該比較像是"給文長按end的傢伙們: 10/12 23:41

sakon :我愛兵鳥AMA" 10/12 23:42

odin1206 :推貓大 (? 10/12 23:42

miracle210 :意思差不多啦 10/12 23:42

nornor0415 :第一句最後的意思應該是他可以專心練他想練的 10/12 23:42

donvito :第二是 他要bait其他隊讓他出冰鳥 10/12 23:42

nornor0415 :11而不怕被ban 10/12 23:42

sakon :馬爾哈哈那段 問的人是link115 所以佛根才要他 10/12 23:43

sakon :不要洩密這樣 因為他們常常團練 10/12 23:43

nornor0415 :第二就是問問題的人說他的回答想引誘對方不ban冰鳥 10/12 23:43

applemonster:推翻譯姬 10/12 23:44

sakon :S3候補那段鄉民一直提示sisoil 應該是說好笑的 10/12 23:45

vickyboy :辛苦翻譯 先推一個 10/12 23:48

TryKillMe :整篇重點都是史奴比XDDD 10/12 23:48

no321 :推翻譯姬 10/12 23:48

gunny2205 :試圖放出兵鳥XDDDDDD 10/12 23:50

Heedictator :我也覺得Froggen的建議很好,最後一場盲選用自己的 10/12 23:52

Heedictator :main角會更能體現隊伍的實力。 10/12 23:53

maple205 :給貓大補個推 10/12 23:53

A10JQK :辛苦翻譯 10/12 23:53

winklly :sisoil大概就跟Cris差不多同類的高端 10/12 23:54

winklly :有名的高端troll 10/12 23:54

nornor0415 :silsol就是每次稱線都會被殺 可是卻打上rank1的玩家 10/12 23:56

TheMidnight :我給佛根尊重... 根本玩不到冰鳥 orz 10/12 23:59

lisanna20 :s2secretsgg.docx 當初HSGG不是有秘密戰術寫在筆記上 10/13 00:00

lisanna20 :doc是word的副檔名 10/13 00:00

RobertAlexy :老查說那檔案裡只有他們沒時間練習的戰術 10/13 00:00

lisanna20 :他問的應該就是那個 沒公開又沒時間練習的戰術 10/13 00:01

Shalone :所以有機會看到貓大Cos冰鳥@[email protected]? 10/13 00:03

a2364983 :推推 10/13 00:12

Homeparty :TPA還要八點起床健身!!才打電動,我健身完就想睡了 10/13 00:17

overmaster :LOL的AMA算很多了,但網友要怎麼知道是不是真的本人 10/13 00:29

overmaster :很好奇有沒有選手做過這類的證明 10/13 00:30

leo79415 :是不是本人這點不用擔心吧= = 10/13 00:31

hasroten :根本沒練冰鳥XDDDDD 10/13 00:35

turtlesmile :佛根好萌<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 10/13 00:35

uyry6 :AF明明有出阿離 10/13 00:39

W22625231 :貓大為什麼要外遇!!!! 你想開後宮嗎? 10/13 00:39

tseng1978 :請問板上有關於 內文提到的盲選的相關資訊嗎? 10/13 00:42

W22625231 :O_o....(塞Snoopeh 10/13 00:42

tseng1978 :我很好奇到底是怎麼運作的 如何BP ? 10/13 00:42

tseng1978 :目前機制不改的情況下 我想應該永遠看不到EU出 10/13 00:43

tseng1978 :Ire + 冰鳥的組合了 .... 10/13 00:43

tseng1978 :純NG場的選法 !? 那不會出現一樣的英雄嗎? 10/13 00:44

W22625231 :可是貓大有HS有FROGGEN還有AHRI和KOG...(塞AHRI 10/13 00:47

smile456 :Wickd的irelia可是有時無視康特的 他單挑還能贏jax.. 10/13 00:49

W22625231 :可是妳還喜歡JIJI的貓030... 10/13 00:50

a7v333 :辛吉德被他們ad+sup壓爆了,但是wickd也一樣被壓爆 10/13 00:51

a7v333 :當換回正常eu配置,wickd完全壓不住辛吉德 10/13 00:51

W22625231 :所以是樹狀圖嗎... 貓大 然後下面三個分類=3= 10/13 00:52

a7v333 :之後8分鐘左右,茂凱來幫殺卻被反殺,差距正式拉開 10/13 00:52

W22625231 :對了 上次那隻Nimu也看過嗎O_o... 10/13 00:53

kenq5566 :翻譯給推 看得懂是一回事 但是翻譯打出來又是一回事 10/13 00:53

kenq5566 :翻譯過就知道這東西多麻煩 10/13 00:54

a7v333 :14分時,wick被宅拉、蠍子、辛吉德圍殺,還打掉上塔 10/13 00:55

a7v333 :大概這時差距已經拉的非常明顯,wickd只能打醬油 10/13 00:55

W22625231 :淚推樓樓上OAQ 雖然我只是翻譯很簡單的東西 10/13 00:55

hardyuse :翻得很貼近中文 推推 10/13 00:59

nuike0419 :看完給推 10/13 01:04

k1233112331 :推 10/13 01:11

mkiWang :silsol跟Cris不同類型吧,Cris是嘴砲王,他是每次線 10/13 01:21

mkiWang :上都會輸,但總是莫名其妙地贏了遊戲 10/13 01:21

simon27 :辛苦了 佛根真的是個好玩家 兼好人 10/13 01:31

zebraseven :GOOD 10/13 02:16

sakon :不要史努比的話給偶給偶(被圍毆) 好唄翻譯要通順 10/13 02:19

sakon :很難啊,翻過才知道要孵一顆冰鳥蛋有多不容易(蛤) 10/13 02:20

DavyBlue :Cirs是很嘴 可是他的雷文超兇的 10/13 03:05

teletubby :silsol是場場點燃治癒然後平均死十次卻打上#1 10/13 06:46

docoke :推翻譯跟佛根<3 10/13 08:21

jacklee60705:辛苦了 推 10/13 11:58

alienfromy :推翻譯簡直比地獄積分練SUP還辛酸 10/13 21:23
