[情報] solomid olaf guide by dyrus

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作者 aresa (阿綠傻)
時間 2012-05-06 03:58:47
留言 49則留言 (25推 0噓 24→)

這週Olaf免費喔 然後今天ng戳戳的時候選來玩,馬上到收摟密去找資料 看到這篇用一用就打爆Jax,就順手看完他囉 Q來Q去真是爽到爆炸 http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=9155 Top Lane Olaf for Dummies by Dyrus 傻瓜都能用的上路歐拉夫 395 likes 20 dislikes 9 Greater Mark of Desolation 1.66 物穿 9 Greater Seal of Resilience 1.41 物防 9 Greater Glyph of Shielding 0.15 成長魔防 3 Greater Quintessence of Strength 2.25 物攻 技能:鬼步+點燃 天賦;9/21/0 技能點法:QEWQQ R QEQE R EEWW R WW 起手: 鞋+水 布甲+水 鞋升級:忍足 or 水星 or cdr鞋 核心裝備:多蘭劍+1階吸魔劍 or 小冰槌 終極目標:[好戰 or 大冰槌(若需要輸出 用三向) ] + 終末戰戢 Introduction Since the beginning of time, ever Since Olaf came out I have always looked at him as a force to be reckoned with. If Olaf get's just a little bit of extra farm then he usually will get, he can snowball the game out of control if played right. And with this small buff this recent' patch (Shyvana) There's no better time to try Olaf out now that he is more noob friendly. 歐拉夫一出我就注意到他啦,他很有潛力的 如果正確使用的話,滾雪球可以越滾越大,龍女patch之後正是玩Olaf的好時機 他根本就是怒伯之友 I believe that Olaf has always been a strong jungler and I will always disregard those who say, wow olaf is weak, he needs a buff. SCREW YOU, YOU JUST SUCK AT OLAF AND DON'T YELL AT YOUR MONITOR ENOUGH. 我相信Olaf是個好的jungler,我才不管那些說Olaf弱的哭哭要Buff的人呢 我毒啞你,你根本不懂我這台Olaf的價值,別當個鍵盤高手 The fact that you can't get CC'ed during your ultimate, the small 25% reduce on his duration of his ultimate means jack shit now since you can use it while you're stunned. Before you would have to guess when to press it and sometimes if you get out played people will not even use the CC on you. Now you can wait until you get cc'ed, or if you're finishing off the AD carry and need that small damage reduce to survive long enough then so be it. 以前ult鳥鳥的,現在跟吃了金柯拉一樣威猛囉,之前你還要先開 現在被控制住就可以直接解掉了耶,更有時候根本沒人想丟你cc呢 逃跑也很有用喔 Player's mentioned above inspired me to play Olaf. I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW, CLEAR EYES FOR DRY EYES. 因為以上原因,我知道怎麼玩Olaf啦! But aside of the history and past experiences, now arises to my attention a new Olaf, a LANE olaf. 從經驗得知,新的Olaf出現了,線上的Olaf! He has always been there but I just always ignored it, now I realize his potential. 他一直存在著,我一直忽略了他,直到我膝蓋中了一箭(誤) With a little bit of effort and recognition, I have now seen the force that is LANE BROLAF, a real BRO. 一點點的努力和認同,我有了新的Olaf!真正的波羅! (睡神有夠好笑的) Masteries (天賦) I find these masteries useful on olaf. 我覺得這些對Olaf很有用(完) Runes (符文) I find these runes useful on olaf. just use them. 我覺得這些對Olaf很有用 用就對了! Summoner Spells 閃現+鬼步 (阿開頭唬爛阿?) Explanation(說明): 閃現 You don't really need this but it's nice to have during the laning phase when you get ganked by assholes like shaco. 你根本不需要這東西,但對面有人會捅你屁眼像瞎口的話,你會愛他的 鬼步 You want to try and have this up every fight. This is mainly why I go ultility, the ability to chase down their low HP champions have only warmogs and no dmg items, to destroy them with your E and Q. Makes you so scary and unstoppable. Use this to chase, run away, everything. This skill will give you pentakills. 你會在每一場戰鬥開他的,他配上你的ult超級猛的 他讓你搭一件好戰者加上eq就可以殺爆全場,追殺每個人,或逃得遠遠的 鬼步可以讓你拿到penta kill 其他技能 不 治癒 Sometimes but NO 有時候,但不優 點燃 One of the best summoners in the game 遊戲裡最好的技能之一 重生 Good for end game when you're getting pushed in and you need to win a defensive team fight. 大後期的game不錯用,可以讓你守住一架 虛弱 One of the best summoners in the game 遊戲裡最好的技能之一 傳送 ONE OF THE BEST SUMMONERS IN THE GAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH good for dragon control and laning and buying early. 遊戲裡最好的技能之一一一一一一一一一一 逼一一一一 耶一耶耶耶耶耶耶耶耶 早期回線和打龍很不錯 Skills 被動 Passive: Berzerker Rage Very useful passive to go RAMBO mode when you're about to die, just lifesteal like a beast and never die always win. 當你啟動藍波模式的時候超級有用的,吸血 like a beast 永遠會讓你贏 Q: Undertow Used to clear waves, do damage, catch people, poke. Very good skill in olaf's arsenal. 拿來洗兵,做傷害,抓人,戳對方,很棒的技能 W: Vicious Strikes Great for sustain in lane, you also only have to put one point it if you want to. If you have smite, you will gain the spell vamp from it, same for madred proc. It will also allow you to gain life off of your Q but not your E. It does stack with spell vamp/lifesteal items. 很好很強大,開了還能讓Q吸血,但E沒用 啾咪 E: Reckless Swing One of the most powerful lvl nukes at lvl 5 in the game. It has a low range but once you hit level 9 and start spamming this skill in lane everytime their melee champ comes close, they'll be crying home with no answer to TRUE damage. This skill rapes every champion except heroes like mundo or high sustain champs. Specifically alistar, and rammus. Two of these are like 1 Cho's ult if you think about it, don't underestimate it, the damage is unreal in trades. 遊戲裡最強的普通技能,lv5的時候跟核彈一樣痛到靠杯 一但你到lv 9級,就一直用他,強姦每個很會死撐在線上的對手 他們會哭著回家,再多的減傷都沒用 別小看這它 R: Ragnarok They changed it to allow to use it when you get cc'ed, which is better then the 8 seconds. Don't listen to those people who are like, WELL I NEED THAT LATE GAME. NO that's bull shit, infact this is much better because before you had to guess now you can just go full on hero mode without worrying to waste your ult. 現在可以在被cc時就解開,在晚期很有用的 不,那是波穴,那是因為你往往得猜會不會被cc 現在他被buff了,just go full hero mode,別怕浪費你的ult 技能順序 Skill Order User Preference. I like to max E no matter what because of the insane damage it gives. You can start with Q or go for it 2nd if you need the extra damage to secure a kill. Maxing W before Q means that you don't use it alot or don't need it. 隨便點,能殺人就很好 看情況 出裝 Item Builds Depends if you are vs AD or AP or the threat level of the enemy. Ex: If the enemy is nasus you can go boots 3 pots since he won't be harassing you at all. It will be easier to avoid jungle ganks that way. 起手看對手決定 鞋+3水或布甲+5水,沒事就躲草叢這樣你可以閃過江狗GANK 鞋子升級 看對手,忍鞋或水星 核心: 燈籠 (這傢伙完全否定掉他開頭講的東西了) 最終目標: 好戰+終末 晚期對決: 對ap和ad各一套,看情況出 振奮甲: If you have heals on your team and if they have a lot of Magical Damage. 隊上有補而且對面ap重就出吧 蘭盾之兆: Armor, Regen, Slow, AOE CC Slow, what more can you ask for besides a heart of gold item to farm even harder! 該有的都有啦,龜殼在被壓的時候好用的勒 無盡之刃: Life steal like a boss, crit like a boss, destroy everything like a boss 這裡英文比較有味道 槍刀: Spell vamp and lifesteal stacks with your W, it's not cost efficient not really something you wanna buy early. 讓你開w時吸更多(廢話),其實你用不太到 嗜血者: Scary as shit when olaf hits you and gains 30% of his max life back. When he gets lower he hits even faster too, no need to build attack speed on him. 嚇到搓賽,可以讓你吸30%血耶,當低血量配上被動讓你強到哭哭 冰心: Throw axes like a boss, don't need golem buff like a boss. 看英文,很好笑 軍團盾: Tank like a boss, be a team player like a boss, HERO MODE like a boss. 同上 大冰槌: YOU NEED THIS IF YOUR TEAM HAS LIKE 0 CC OR NO CHASING POWER. This is rare so try not to buy this item to much. 隊上沒cc就出 遊戲的meta!!! Early Game / Mid Game / Late Game Early: SPAM E LIKE A BOSS, CS PRESS W TO SUSTAIN, PRESS W BEFORE THROWING Q FOR LIFE. 早期: 像個Boss一樣的無腦按e,用w撿兵賴線,q之前要配w Mid: SPAM E LIKE A BOSS PRESS R AND YELL AT YOUR MONITOR PRESS GHOST AND JUST BEAST IT 中期: 像個Boss一樣的無腦按e 按r和鬼步然後對著你的螢幕鬼吼鬼叫像個野獸一樣就對啦 Late Game: 1v5 their team with your retarded late game and laugh in their faces as they tremble before your HERO MODE olaf. 像個智障般的1挑5,對著他們的臉笑吧 開啟你的英雄模式就可以把他們嚇到投降了 Serious Note: This is seriously what happens, use your wriggles to help your team do dragon, the triple wriggles strat is still deadly as hell if you can sneak objectives such as baron or dragon. 利用你的燈籠幫隊伍吃龍吃巴龍 Save ghost for fights. 留著鬼步幹架 Flash is w/e can be traded out with exhaust or ignite to beast people even harder. Mobility wins games sometimes though since olaf has an E that just tells the game stats FCK YOU I GOT TRUE DAMAGE. 無論如何閃現可以對抗虛弱或點燃的,保持淫蕩的走位贏game 像個龍五般 只要Olaf手上有e,你可以告訴對手 fuck you 我有真實傷害!! 團戰 Team Fights Chase their squishies or protect your own, take your pick. 保後排或切對方,隨便你 Choose a good time to run in with your ult and ghost, because one wrong initation can have you hurting. Positioning yourself where you can throw an axe and have your team follow up is really important. It's really straight forward like singed running in with ghost and poison, slow. 選個好時機開鬼步和r幹爆他們,丟出斧頭告訴隊伍你要射啦 這樣他們才會跟你一起上 Press ult when you get cc'ed and you need to get out of it instantly to rape. 被目標cc就開大啦,然後瘋狂的強姦他 Press ult if they're ALL targeting you to reduce the damage with your ult. 他們都cc你就開大啦,預判開大減少他們cc的傷害! ==大絕有傷害遞減==reduces incoming damage by 20 / 30 / 40. 江狗 Jungling Just follow TheOddOne's Olaf guide, that's where I started. Use your own customization and user preference to come to a conclusion. 去看李阿萬的啦 最後的總結 Final Comments OLAF WAS NEVER WEAK YOU JUST SUCK 歐拉夫一直都很強,你玩不好是因為你爛 OLAF CAN SNOWBALL AND DESTROY EVERYTHING 歐拉夫滾雪球然後幹爆所有東西 OLAF IS HERO MODE 歐拉夫是龍五 OLAF IS OLAF 歐拉夫是歐拉夫 OLAF IGNORES CC LIKE A BOSS 歐拉夫才不屌什麼狗屁cc Like a boss OLAF THROWS AXES LIKE A BOSS 歐拉夫丟斧頭 like a boss OLAF SUSTAINS AND HITS YOU FOR 20% OF HIS LIFE BACK LIKE A BOSS 歐拉夫超持久,而且在剩20%血量的時候幹爆你吸乾你 like a boss OLAF HITS YOU FASTER WHEN HES DYING REAL MAN BRO 歐拉夫快死的時候會像個真男人般打爛你的臉,兄弟!! OLAF HAS A SPELL THAT IGNORES ALL RESISTANCE AND THROWS LIGHTING LIKE HES ODIN LIKE A BOSS 歐拉夫根本無法被阻止,打雷的時候像金正日一樣幹爆你 like a boss Thanks for reading my guide, if I remember anything I missed I will update it, thanks for reading. 謝謝看這篇guide(ㄗㄨㄟˇ ㄆㄠˋ) Thanks for reading 謝謝你讀 thanks for reading 同上 reading 讀 reading 讀 huehuehuehuehue wtf dyrus 哈哈哈 殺小啦 呆魯斯 -- 幹這篇guide超好笑的,有些地方不是照原文翻 但是照台灣文化的意思轉一下,各位不要見笑啦XDD 這篇真的很幽默 趁現在Olaf還免費快來用幾場 Like a bosssss!!!! 我已經買了yooooo broo -- 位元堂養陰丸 ◢█ █◣ by 好似太陽咁溫暖 ◤ ≡◥ 弱病患不要驚 aresa 驅寒理咳 ∥∥ 太陽出來了 —⊙-⊙-好似太陽 寒痰咳嗽 ∥∥頑痰強 ∥∥ 太陽出來了 咁溫暖 好似雪人溶化了 ∥∥壯機能氣血∥∥ ? 養陰丸 參考http://0rz.tw/e44p6 太陽出來了 太陽出來了 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1336247930.A.7C3.html

h1123 :還不錯 05/06 04:05

BlueNEO :這傢伙寫這guide時確定沒喝醉嗎XDD 05/06 04:05

l810502 :他幾乎每篇guide都是這種風格 trollololo baylife 05/06 04:08

minoru04 :下次又有人選OLAF被他打爆他又會說我騙你的 05/06 04:10

ezaki :核心:燈籠 (這傢伙完全否定掉他開頭講的東西了)XDDD 05/06 04:12

Blitzcrank :翻譯得真好!還有dyrus的攻略可信度... 05/06 04:13

l810502 :天啊我看了原文連結最下面的影片,他到底胖了幾公斤 05/06 04:13

venomsoul :Tons of dmg 05/06 04:16

sunny1991225:他到底有多喜歡boss? 05/06 04:17

ericallene :秒鎖辛吉德不解釋。令推翻譯~~ 05/06 04:18

darksdream :應該是燈籠改弱 吸魔劍出來後才換的 05/06 04:18

fff417 :自HIGH的極致... 05/06 04:19

aresa :明天睡醒來翻他的辛吉德好了,有些梗要看影集才懂 05/06 04:19


ALU4 :這句翻譯好像有點問題? DYING 05/06 04:20

sw926301 :哈哈哈哈 like a boss 05/06 04:20

ALU4 :歐拉夫打超快因為 "Dyrus" 是真男人,兄弟!! 05/06 04:20

TryKillMe :他近期玩OLAF根本不是這樣出裝 都走CDR防裝居多 05/06 04:21

aresa :抱歉眼殘了,反正那是嘴砲 沒差啦 lol 05/06 04:22

aresa :那句是在歐拉夫快死時像個真男人般快速扁你 05/06 04:23

zsp7009 :我找不到阿萬的Olaf Jungle Guide耶? 05/06 04:26

zsp7009 :只找到一個似乎很古早的 05/06 04:26

zsp7009 :靠 連過去還真的是那篇 哈哈 囧 05/06 04:29

silentcrane :這篇會覺得很奇怪是因為Dyrus有改過 05/06 04:34

silentcrane :但是他沒有全部改 XD 只改了一些東西而已 05/06 04:34

silentcrane :他以前是主E, 帶鬼步傳送 05/06 04:34

silentcrane :現在變成主Q, 帶鬼步點燃 05/06 04:35

silentcrane :出裝那些也都有改,但是前後兩篇的都有留著 (懶人一個 05/06 04:35

alex155067 :所以你用鬼步追小屁孩了嗎? 05/06 04:35

sw926301 :主Q? 05/06 04:35

sw926301 :我記得之前看她cdr流 05/06 04:36

alex155067 :我居然推錯了(崩潰 05/06 04:36

silentcrane :對阿Dyrus的打法有變過...以前是燈籠+傳送控龍為主 05/06 04:37

silentcrane :現在好像變成直接打爛線上 0w0 05/06 04:39

alex155067 :已現在一場遊戲的時間加上首次吃龍的時間 05/06 04:41

alex155067 :了不起讓對面吃掉4~5隻龍左右,但是我把線上打爛 05/06 04:42

alex155067 :還可以深入進去控制對面叢林,加上又可以不停給對面 05/06 04:42

alex155067 :壓力,怎麼算都應該善用歐拉夫線上OP的特色壓爛線上 05/06 04:43

alex155067 :LOL終究是個DOTA遊戲,你吃再多龍,塔被推光你還是要 05/06 04:44

alex155067 :輸掉遊戲,經濟部實際轉換成裝備帶來優勢的話,就只 05/06 04:44

alex155067 :是看爽得而已 05/06 04:44

thinkDie :Like aboss 05/06 08:43

potionx :like a boss 怎麼翻比較好? 05/06 09:27

IDs :隨便點XDDDDD 05/06 09:28

chjimmy :像個大魔王? 05/06 09:36

dadonus :結論就是歐拉夫大魔王 05/06 09:37

kev2345 :like a boss 05/06 15:28

hanhsiangmax:推翻譯 翻譯超棒的XDDD 05/23 11:23

xd820410 :http://ppt.cc/Iws9 05/24 15:47
