[心得] Xpecial的阿璃攻略

看板 LoL
作者 colmash (col)
時間 2011-12-20 17:08:04
留言 38則留言 (23推 1噓 14→)

原文 http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=12667 翻譯好讀版 http://lol.zones.gamebase.com.tw/forum/60895/topic/94133756/1#1324348964 原文這篇是外國高等玩家Xpecial(elo 2182,美國server排名第17)前兩天寫的阿璃的攻略 我把他翻過來XD  ======================================================= Hi, I am Xpecial and I am Team SoloMid's support player. Even though I am more known for my supports, I am very proficient with both the AP and AD carry roles. During Season One, I was rank 1 on the solo queue ladder and was well known for my AP carries. Even in Season Two, I peaked at rank 2 with my Xerath, Nasus and Kog'Maw, all of which fulfill different roles. Despite not being the absolute best AP carry player, I do hold my own against many of the top players and hopefully one would take this into account when perusing my guide. Ahri, formerly Kumiho, was a champion announced as a sneak peek several months back. Riot's goal was to appeal to the Korean League of Legends players who only recently had their own server. The end result is a fun and unique champion that has her background dipped in Korean mythology. hi,我是Xpecial,是SoloMid團隊中的輔助角的玩家.雖然我的輔助角比較出名,不過我也很 精通 AP 和 AD carry.在第一季中我用AP carry在rank中打過第一名.在第二季中,靠著 Xerath,Nasus和Kog'Maw三個完全不同的角色打到第二名.雖然還沒辦法稱上絕對最強的AP 角玩家,不過當對上許多頂尖的對手時,我還算是有自信,希望前面這些能讓看我的攻略的 人了解. 阿璃,之前被稱為Kumiho,是在幾個月前公佈了插圖的英雄.Riot的目標是要在開韓服時更 加親近韓國的LoL玩家.以結果來看,這創造了一位背景起源於韓國神話,有趣且獨特的英雄 . =========================================================== Champion Overview Ahri is a high skill-cap champion who excels at dealing sustained damage by staying at the edge of a fight and taking advantage of low cooldown spells. Strengths: +Low CDs +High mobility with ultimate +High DPS +Powerful CC +Sustain Weaknesses: -All skillshots -High CD on ultimate -Mediocre burst damage -Needs time to outdps bursters 阿璃是個技巧需求很高的英雄, 同時能夠在戰場邊緣靠著短CD的技能優勢來造成可觀的傷害 優勢: +低CD +靠著大絕有高機動性 +高dps +強力的控場 +存活力 劣勢: -全都是指向技 -大絕有長CD -平庸的爆發力 -需要長時間來造成傷害 ================================================================ 閃現+點燃 ================================================================= 21/0/9 With the mana masteries in the utility tree and two Doran's Rings, Ahri has enough mana and mana regeneration for all situations, minus extended kiting. 靠著回魔天賦:冥想和兩個多蘭之戒,阿璃有足夠的mana和回魔來支稱任何狀況 或是放敵人風箏. ================================================================== 高級洞察印記 x 9 增加8.55點魔法穿透 高級潛力紋章 x 9 每等級增加9.72點血量,18級時共174.96點 高級能量雕文 x 9 每等級增加1.53點AP,18級時共27.54點 高級潛能精髓 x 3 增加14.85點AP Marks: Magic Penetration is the only possible option for Marks Seals: HP/Level for extra survivability or Armor for early laning against an autoattacker are the preferred seals. I feel that MP regen is not needed early and Doran's Rings provide bonus HP/AP that is not worth substituting. Glyphs: AP/Level is the preferred glyphs for extra offensive damage. MR and MR/Level are possible alternatives if one wishes to be tankier. Quintessences: HP for aggressive early plays or surviving jungle ganks, AP for extra offensive power or MS for extra maneuverability. AP is the most common pick, but any of the three are excellent choices. 紅色印記: 法穿是唯一的選項 黃色紋章: 成長血量是用來增加生存力,不然出固定物防來應對普攻角也不錯,這兩個是我偏好的選擇 回魔方面在有兩個多蘭之戒來回魔和增加血量的情況之下已經沒那麼不可取代了. 藍色雕文: 成長AP是我偏好用來增加額外傷害用的. 兩個魔防類的符文是給想要硬一點的人用的. 紫之精髓: 固定血量給早期想打的侵略點的玩家用的 固定AP提供額外的傷害力 額外跑速帶來額外的機動性. 固定AP是最普遍的選擇,不過其他兩個也都很棒! ========================================================================== R>Q>W>E 銷魂 Explanation: Rather straightforward passive, after nine stacks, the next spell will have a lot of spell vamp. Using with the passive on multiple targets will amount to a lot of sustain. 相當簡單易懂的被動技,在堆疊9次之後下一次的法術會有大量的吸血效果.配上幻玉打在 大量的敵人身上會也很棒的回血效果. 幻玉 Explanation: Skillshot nuke that travels forward and back a set amount of distance, similar to Sivir's Boomerang Blade. Knowing the max range will allow you to land both hits more reliably, but requires much practice. 指向技傷害技,會飛過一定距離之後再飛回來.就像希維爾的(Q)一樣,掌握最大距離能讓你 瞬間造成兩次傷害,不過這需要很多的練習. 魅火 Explanation: Fox-Fire has a very, very low cooldown at later ranks and should be used at every cooldown. Note: Each Fox-Fire has its separate range, therefore it is very easy to miss shots when you are further away from your target. 魅火高等級時有很短的CD,而且每次CD到都該用. 注意,每發魅火都有他的攻擊範圍,所以當你在很遠的地方時,很容易沒打到要打的人. 魅火的攻擊範圍圖 http://i.imgur.com/hlgDj.jpg
傾城 Explanation: Likely the best type of disable in the game. Charm functions as a bind that pulls in a target, with the added bonus of being on a decently short cooldown allows one to pull a target into a vulnerable position frequently. 差不多是全遊戲最好的場控效果了.傾城能讓被打到的目標往 阿璃走過來,而且有很短的CD,能一直讓被打到的玩家被帶到危險的地方. 飛仙 Explanation: A three usage spell that combines nukes with dashes. Likely the best escape skill in the game, but has a very long cooldown. Unfortunately, this nuke also functions as Ahri's only escape, a wasted ultimate will make Ahri very vulnerable to ganks. 結合了傷害和衝刺的三發性的法術.簡直就是全遊戲最好的逃脫技,不過CD有夠長.不幸的 是這個傷害同時也是阿璃唯一的逃脫技,浪費掉大絕的話阿璃對gank就會變的很脆弱. ==================================================================== 起始物品 速度之靴 生命藥水 Very standard start on AP carries. This gives you extra maneuverability that will allow you to close in for the kill or escape ganks. The health potions provide some early sustain to live through enemy harass damage. 適用在全部的APcarry角色.這給你額外的機動性來追殺或是逃離GANK.生命藥水能讓你在 早期的傷害騷擾中保有生存力. 早期裝備 Early buys: 多蘭之戒,多蘭之戒,法師之靴 Ahri is very strong at level 6 and can easily chase down targets. After using 幻玉 to lower an opponent down, using 飛仙 towards an enemy, plus landing the rest of her spells while combined with [summoners/ignite.png] will guarantee kills in most lanes. 2x多蘭之戒 provides extra HP, AP and MP regen which all immensely benefit Ahri. The 法師之靴 gives extra Magic Penetration for the increased damage early game, which will allow for early kills. 阿璃在上六時很強,能夠輕鬆的追殺敵人.在利用幻玉磨了一點血後,使用飛仙來拉近距離, 當招全部丟完後配上點燃在大多數的時間都能確保拿到人頭. 多蘭之戒+多蘭之戒能帶來額外的血量,AP跟回魔,全都對阿璃有所助益.法師之靴給阿璃額 外的法穿來增加早期的傷害,讓拿人頭簡單一點. 早期核心裝備 First Core Item: 瑞萊的冰晶節杖多蘭之戒,多蘭之戒,法師之靴 Rylai's Crystal Scepter provides excellent stats for Ahri. Since Fox-Fire is treated as a single-target spell, Rylai's slows for the full 35%, which allows Ahri to land more spells when chasing. The bonus HP and AP provide extra damaage and survivability which to endure a long chase with making it an absolute necessity on her. roa is another popular item for Ahri. However, I have found that the extra mana isn't worth it on Ahri, as most of Ahri's spells do not cost much mana. I feel that getting a Rylai's with dorans-rin is much better. The slow from Rylai's is absolutely crucial to chasing down targets and kiting. 瑞萊的冰晶節杖能夠提供阿璃許多重要的屬性.魅火因為是被當成單體的法術,所以會讓瑞 萊的冰晶節杖的緩速效果變成35%,這也讓阿璃在追殺時能夠把丟中更多技能.額外的血量 和AP代表額外的傷害力和生存力來在長時間的戰鬥中存活,這對阿璃來說也是必需的. 時光之杖也是阿璃的一個熱門物品,不過我覺的它提供的額外法力對阿璃來說並不是這麼 的有價值,特別是當阿璃的法耗並不是這麼大的前題之下.我覺的用瑞萊的冰晶節杖配上多 蘭之戒是好一點的.瑞萊的冰晶節杖提供的緩速效果在追殺敵人和放風箏時是重要因素. 中期核心裝備: 遠古意志瑞萊的冰晶節杖多蘭之戒,多蘭之戒,法師之靴 Will of the Ancients is another core item for Ahri, especially if one takes a Rylai's. Will of the Ancients provides extra spell vamp that will further increase Ahri survivability and allow her to stay toe-to-toe with targets for much longer. 銷魂doesn't provide nearly enough burst sustain and that is much needed in teamfights. 遠古意志也是阿璃的另外一個核心物品,特別是在選了瑞萊的冰晶節杖之後.遠古意志提供 了額外的法吸效果,會讓阿璃有更多的生存力,並且讓她在面對面的戰鬥中活的更久. 銷魂並沒有提供夠多的爆發回血量讓阿璃在戰鬥中存活. 後期 死亡之帽 虛空之杖 Deathcap and Void Staff provide bonus damage that will be needed now that you have enough survivability. Due to Ahri's low cooldowns, it is much more effective to rely on base damages and constant spell rotations rather than a quick burst of damage, which makes delaying high AP items reasonable. 死亡之帽和虛空之杖在你有生存力的前提之下提供額外的傷害力.基於阿璃技能的短CD,技 能的基礎傷害力會是比額外的AP加成有效率的多.這也是高AP裝備拖到後期才顯的更合理. 選擇性出裝 冥火之擁 水銀飾帶 中婭沙漏 守護天使 Deathfire Grasp provides burst damage for when you wish to take out an important target quick. Quicksilver Sash allows Ahri to cleanse suppressions and stuns if you feel that you are being targeted and are falling too quickly in fights. Zhonya's Hourglass provides extra armor and a stasis that will allow you to survive a bit longer in a teamfight. Guardian Angel is also a strong defensive item, but will mainly be for if you wish to end a game and can not afford to die. 冥火之擁 對你想要快速殺死重要敵人時能提供額外的爆發傷害. 水銀飾帶 讓阿璃能夠清掉壓制效果和暈眩,當你覺的你總是被集火,死很快時可以用. 中婭沙漏 提供額外的裝甲和體質讓你在團戰重能活久一點. 守護天使 也是個強力的防守物品,不過只有在你想在結束遊戲,而且死不起時出. ======================================================================= 遊戲早期 Early Game Due to the low mana cost on her [skills/ahri/q.png], it is worth harassing an opponent while also getting extra minion kills that may otherwise be out of reach. By doing this, you also take advantage of [skills/ahri/p.png] and will gain extra sustain that will help you survive your lane. As always, a solo's main goal should be to farm up minions and avoid deaths. 基於幻玉的低法耗,騷擾敵人時同時取得額外的殺兵數是很有價值的.只要能作到這點,銷 魂也能提供額外的生存力來讓你存活.就跟往常一樣,單人線就是要農到最大量的兵和避免 死亡. 遊戲中期 Landing your spells is crucial to playing Ahri. With Doran's Rings and Sorc Boots, you will win most engagements if played correctly, watching for opportune times (after Sion uses W on a creep wave, Annie just used stun, etc.) and going in accordingly is key to getting kills. The concept is simple, but the execution can be difficult. With [items/rylais-crystal-scepter.png] and simply chasing with [skills/ahri/w.png], it is very simply to chase down overextended targets. Always look to gank the sidelanes if such an opportunity arises. 準確的施放你的技能是玩阿璃時的關鍵.有了多蘭之戒和法師之靴,只要玩的夠好你就能夠 在大多的衝突中取勝.注意敵人的技能CD(像是sion用w爆盾殺光一堆小兵,或是安妮剛把暈 用掉的時機)並迫戰是阿璃取得人頭的重點.這個重點說起來很簡單,不過作出判斷是很難 的. 取得了瑞萊的冰晶節杖之後,靠著魅火能夠輕鬆的追殺敵人,永遠要注意兩條邊線是不是有 機會讓你去gank. 範例影片 http://www.own3d.tv/watch/339374 團戰 Teamfights Ahri is NOT an assassin the way Akali and Talon are as her role is not to go in and focus down carries. Instead, you want to harass and poke at the front lines, using 傾城 to force tanks to take unnecessary damage. In actual engagements, Ahri will simply continue to spam her spells, but can not fully dive into the backlines. Your goal should not be to snipe targets, but rather lower numerous targets by outsustaining them and then chasing all of them with your powerful slow from 瑞萊的冰晶節杖. At the end of fight, you will want to save at least one charge on 飛仙 for chasing, which combined with 瑞萊的冰晶節杖 on 魅火 will guarantee easy chasing. 阿璃不是像阿卡利或是塔隆一樣的刺客,她的目標不在於快速集殺對面的重要攻擊手.你應 該要騷擾敵人的前派,利用 傾城來讓敵方坦克受更多不必要的傷害. 在正式的會戰中,阿璃就是一直狂丟技能,不過不需要完全的衝到敵人後排.你的目標不是 秒掉對手,而是一直降低敵人的血量造成優勢,然後利用 瑞萊的冰晶節杖來追擊.在團戰結 束時,你最少要留下一發飛仙 來追殺.魅火配上瑞萊的冰晶節杖會讓追殺變的簡單. 相關影片 http://www.own3d.tv/video/339093/Xpecial_with_an_Epic_55_Minute_Game_on_Ahri http://www.own3d.tv/video/338965/Xpecial_Crushes_Reginald_with_Ahri ========================================================================== Ahri is a very difficult champion to be effective with. Learning the ranges on her spells and having the ability to land skillshots, but at the same time maintain smart positioning is not easy. It will likely be very frustrating in the first few games starting out, but mastering all of these will make Ahri a powerful pick and a ridiculously fun champion to play. 阿璃是個很難玩的出色的英雄.學著她的技能距離,讓每個指向技都打到人,同時還要有好 的站位是很難的事.前幾場遊戲很容易覺的很慘,不過當掌握了阿璃的特性之後,她會變成 超強的選擇,而且打起來很有趣!! ======================================================================= 又 補充一下基地專區的新功能.. 弄了一週的新英雄資料頁ok了 http://lol.zones.gamebase.com.tw/champion#stop 從這個列表點進去 http://lol.zones.gamebase.com.tw/champion_info/zilean 連到這邊 和其他家的英雄資料頁的差別在於 基本上整合了基地專區主要的功能在裡面 最近玩家發表的攻略整理也在裡面了 之後可能會再多上一些統計的資料啥的XD -- http://lol.zone.gamebase.com.tw/zone/lol/ 遊戲基地lol專區 http://lol.zone.gamebase.com.tw/zone/lol/statistics 遊戲基地戰績分享區,新增BBS分享功能 http://lol.zone.gamebase.com.tw/zone/lol/skin_view?lang=tw 遊戲基地lol專區造型預覽,買skin的最好幫手 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1324372089.A.772.html

maple0935 :魅火的圖真專業@@ 12/20 17:11

OoShiunoO :昨天才看到一場Reg中路勒布朗打爆Xe的阿璃... 12/20 17:12

choosin :推~ 12/20 17:15

zseineo :推 12/20 17:15

kepurpedr :討厭我想玩我想玩我想玩 12/20 17:18

TBdrays :我想看二樓說的影片!!! 12/20 17:18

nornor0415 :影片裡也有Xe阿璃打爆regi 12/20 17:19

PP68 :看來reg還是比較專業點 XD 12/20 17:20

fish0112 :基本上高端中路ap就是看誰先失誤啊 所以有輸有贏正常 12/20 17:22

colmash :媚火的圖是原文的,超強[email protected]@ 12/20 17:23

smallclose :剛剛看到早期功略那段,竟然中英夾雜,好ABC阿 12/20 17:30

balabala56 :推 12/20 17:30

colmash :那邊是因為在翻到基地時我把他的圖改成基地的codeXD 12/20 17:34

fff417 :勒布朗在中路就是幾乎打爆任何人啊 何況是Reg... 12/20 17:36

w3160828 :不是跟勒布朗對線再撐限期沒死就算贏了嗎 12/20 17:37

kepurpedr :程度差不多的話 對勒布朗要不死其實也算不容易?@@ 12/20 17:47

kepurpedr :除非很龜龜… 12/20 17:47

mark0912n :對LB就是多喝水沒事 沒事多喝水 多喝多健康 12/20 17:48

fish0112 :LB的傷害不是水補的回來的吧XD 紅水有nerf 12/20 17:51

fish0112 :會玩的lb 我不會玩XD 12/20 17:52

mark0912n :一缺血就喝阿 喝到飽 專心顧吃兵 顧龜塔 12/20 17:53

Ethric :現在喝水補不回來了.隨便Q+一招剩的血如果還不回家 12/20 17:56

Shxt :Salce的起手14水...為了對抗胖虎的Leb 12/20 17:56

Ethric :下次就是黑白畫面屍體到家了 12/20 17:56

jjlove22 :沒想到他這麼威 12/20 18:00

winken2004 :看了他玩ahri之後就好想玩玩看ahri XD 12/20 18:05

thinkDie :14水那個.. 紅水應該還沒弱化 12/20 18:07

henrygod :黃成長生命! 12/20 18:07

choosin :紅水hps還是一樣 12/20 18:38

TiauEX :滿血不是一樣被leb秒嗎 喝水有差嗎lol 12/20 18:43

kyodaisuki :黃成長生命很貴 12/20 19:37

OPOPPOP :劣勢:全都是指向計 DL表示: 12/20 21:39

BossPi : 開心 12/20 21:54

keepoo :DL:什麼!?LOL有指向技?是哪一招? 12/20 22:26

n0bp6gjo3 :九尾起源於韓國? 12/20 22:43

colmash :riot用的是邯國的九尾故事 12/20 22:43

colmash :這個話題之前已經戰過了..=_=ll 12/20 22:44

maple0935 :何苦再戰九尾 阿琉並沒有錯 何況聖誕夜都要金哥bye了 12/20 22:46
