Re: [情報] Release Notes v1.0.0.110

看板 LoL
作者 kst (呆頭)
時間 2011-02-01 16:28:51
留言 27則留言 (14推 0噓 13→)

偽.翻譯機獻醜 有翻錯的地方歡迎推文指正 我看到會盡快修文 : League of Legends will be updated during scheduled maintenance on 2/1/2010 : from 1:30AM until 10AM PST. : New Skins in the Store : * Sun Goddess Karma : * Sakura Karma : * Lion Dance Kog’Maw : * Djinn Malzahar 新的皮 (卡格年獸 的正確名稱是 卡格舞獅) : League of Legends v1.0.0.110 : Karma, the Enlightened One : * Heavenly Wave: Karma sends forth hidden blades from her fans, dealing : magic damage to units in a cone in front of her. Mantra Bonus: In addition to : dealing damage to enemies, Heavenly Wave will also heal allies in the cone : based on a % of their missing life. : * Spirit Bond: Karma bonds an ally or enemy creating a beam between them. : Allied anchors have increased movement speed and enemy anchors have reduced : movement speed. Enemy units that come in contact with the beam take magic : damage. Karma strengthens the bond to double the effect of the movement speed : modifier. : * Soul Shield: Karma summons a protective shield that absorbs incoming : damage. Mantra Bonus: In addition to casting the shield, energy radiates out : from the shield dealing damage to enemy units around Karma's target. : * Mantra: Karma empowers her next ability to do an additional effect. : Mantra is available at level 1 and does not require a skill point. : * Inner Flame (passive): Karma gains increased Ability Power : corresponding to her % of missing Health. 新英雄跳過 上面好像有人翻過 沒人翻的話我再來補翻 Akali : * Twin Disciplines no longer deals bonus damage to towers 天生技額外傷害對塔無效 Cassiopeia : * Twin Fang range increased to 700 from 675 E距離上升到700 Ezreal : * Rising Spell Force now has a particle to indicate the amount of stacks 天生技增加粒子特效來表示堆疊量 : * Fixed a tooltip bug that stated Ezreal was gaining 15% per stack : instead of 10% 修正說明錯誤(應該是天生技的buff) 一疊應該是增加15% : * Fixed a bug where some of Ezreal's spells were displaying incorrect : text on cast 修正Ez有些技能施放的時候顯示的文字錯誤 (我沒玩Ezreal,不懂他的意思) Galio : * Resolute Smite's area of effect size and projectile speed have been : increased slightly 光球範圍和速度略為增加 Gragas : * Fixed a bug where Barrel Roll was not properly drawing aggro from : towers and monsters 修正滾酒桶不會吸引塔和小兵的注意的BUG Jax : * Fixed a bug where Jax would lose health while leveling in some instances 修正升級損血的bug Katarina : * Death Lotus : o Base Damage per dagger increased to 50/65/80 from 40/50/60 : o Ability power ratio reduced to .25 from .3 : o Attack damage ratio reduced to .5 from .55 大絕基礎傷害上升到每發 50/65/80 AP比例降為0.25 AD比例降為0.5 Miss Fortune : * Fixed a bug where Strut sometimes wouldn't show a particle while active 修正天生技有時候沒有粒子特效的bug : * Fixed a bug with Bullet Time where it would occasionally scale off of : ability power instead of attack damage even though attack damage provided : slightly more overall damage 修正大絕有時候AD > AP的時候還是吃AP加成的bug Mordekaiser : * Fixed a bug with Iron Man where the tooltip said it had 5% decay but : was actually 3% 修正天生技說明錯誤, 護盾衰減其實是3% : * Shield generation increased to 25/27.5/30% from 20/25/30% 護盾增加比例增加為 25/27.5/30% Olaf : * Fixed a bug where Undertow could not deal damage to the same target : within 1 second of the previous hit 修正飛斧不能在一秒內對上個擊中的目標造成傷害的bug Rammus : * Powerball slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4 : * Powerball slow percent reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 28/36/44/52/60 滾滾緩速時間降為3秒 滾滾緩速量下降為 20/25/30/35/40 Renekton : * Cull the Meek : o Cooldown changed to 8 seconds from 12/11/10/9/8 : o Base damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/70/100/130/160 : o Attack Damage ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.6 : o Healing reduced to 7.5% from 15% (Fury-enhanced heal unaffected) : o Champion healing increased to 4x from 3x 砍一圈 CD改成全等級8秒 基礎攻擊力上升到 60/90/120/150/180 AD加成比例上升到0.8 補血率下降為7.5% (怒氣加成效果不變) 砍到英雄補量 增加到4倍 (應該是,他說原本是三倍,但是原本說明是寫200%) : * Ruthless Predator cooldown reduced to 13/12/11/10/9 from 14/13/12/11/10 邊砍邊暈 CD下降到 13/12/11/10/9 : * Slice and Dice armor reduction changed to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% from : 10/15/20/25/30 邊衝邊砍 護甲下降比例變為 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% (原本是下降定值) : * General : o Health per level increased to 87 from 82 : o Base health increased to 513 from 508 : o Armor per level increased to 3.8 from 3.2 : o Base armor increased to 19 from 17.2 每等級HP增加量上升到87 基礎HP上升到513 每等級護甲上升量增加到3.8 基礎護甲上升到19 : * Fixed a bug where Renekton was gaining bonus attack damage while wounded 修正鱷魚受傷的時候會有額外攻擊力的bug Shaco : * Fixed a bug where Deceive could be dodged 修正隱身攻擊會被閃躲的bug Soraka : * Astral Blessing : o Base heal changed to 60/120/180/240/300 from 80/130/180/230/280 : o Ability power ratio reduced to 0.9 from 1 : o Buff duration reduced to 4 from 9 : o Armor buff increased to 20/35/50/65/80 from 15/20/25/30/35 補血 基礎補量改變為 60/120/180/240/300 AP加成下降為0.9 Buff持續時間降為4秒 護甲增加量上升為 20/35/50/65/80 : * Removed Innervating Locket from her tips 把愛心盒從推薦裝備移除 Teemo : * Move Quick - Ability Rework : o Passive - Now grants 10/15/20/25/30% increased movement speed : until struck by a champion or turret : o Active - Teemo gains double his passive move speed for 4 seconds. : This bonus is not lost on hit 跑得快 被動: 增加10/15/20/25/30%跑速,直到被英雄或塔擊中(沒寫重啟條件= =?) 主動: 跑速增加量變為被動的兩倍,持續4秒,被打不會中斷效果 Vladimir : * Sanguine Pool : o Slow percentage reduced to 40% from 50% : o Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5 seconds 血池 緩速比例下降為40% 緩速持續時間下降為1秒 : * Tides of Blood health cost reduced to 30/40/50/60/70 from 30/45/60/75/90 噴血(E) 扣血量下降為 30/40/50/60/70 : * Fixed a bug where Vladimir would lose health when leveling in some : instances 修正升級會損血的bug Items : * Boots of Speed now shows Ionian Boots of Lucidity as a build option : instead of Ninja Tabi +1鞋會顯示CD鞋的升級選項而不是忍者鞋 : * Doran's Shield : o Cost increased to 475 from 435 : o Armor increased to 9 from 8 : o Health regen per 5 seconds increased to 10 from 8 多藍盾 價格上升為475 護甲增加到9 回血量增加到10 : * Doran's Blade : o Cost increased to 475 from 435 : o Damage increased to 9 from 8 多藍劍 價格上升到475 AD增加到9 : * Doran's Ring : o Cost increased to 475 from 435 : o Mana regen per 5 seconds increased to 5 from 4 多藍戒 價格上升到475 回魔量增加到5 : * Last Whisper cost increased to 2290 from 2090 最後耳語 價格上升到2290 : * Fixed a bug with Lich Bane where the cost was inadvertently increased : and the mana gain lowered 修正巫妖之禍的價格無意間上升,MP下降的bug (這條我不太懂他的意思,大概是Lich Bane本來沒有要改但是不小心改掉了,現在改回來) : * Rabadon's Deathcap cost increased to 3600 from 3400 帽子 價格上升到3600 Summoner Spells : * Rally : o Fixed a bug where Rally provided ability power whether or not you : had the mastery : o Fixed a bug where Rally was granting less ability power and : attack damage than it stated : o Each unit now gains ability power and attack damage based on the : caster's level, rather than each individual unit's level 旗子 修正沒點天賦也有增加AP的bug 修正AP和AD增加量比說明少的bug 每個單位的AP和AD增加量是看施放者的等級,而不是個別單位的等級 Masteries 天賦的部份我用x系n-m 表示 第n層左邊數來第m個天賦表示 : * Strength of Spirit mana to health regeneration converted reduced by : about 33% and clarified the tooltip to show that it was regeneration per 5 : seconds 防禦2-1 MP轉回血量的轉換量下降約33%並改變說明為5秒回復量 : * Meditation mana regeneration reduced by 40% 輔助3-2 回魔量下降40% : * Veteran's Scars health reduced to 12/24/36/48 from 15/30/45/60 防禦4-1 HP增加量下降為 12/24/36/48 Runes : * Clarity Runes reduced in effectiveness by about 33% 回魔符文效果下降33% (應該是各種顏色都降) : * Quintessences of Fortitude reduced in effectiveness by about 20% HP大符文效果下降約20% General : * Fixed several spells that did not preload properly, causing a delay the : first time used in game 修正有些法術沒有被預先讀取,造成第一次施放會頓的bug : * Adjusted many champions' attack, defense, spell, and difficulty : ratings 修正許多英雄的攻擊,防禦,法術,難度等級 : * Removed many tags (like heal, stun, and pet) and made the : remaining tags more accurate 移除一些英雄標籤(例如heal, stun, pet),並讓剩下的標籤更加精確 : * Updated many Champion's recommended item lists 更新許多英雄的推荐裝備 : * All Champions with mana had their base mana regeneration increased by : 2.5 mana per 5 seconds and mana regeneration per 5 seconds per level : increased by 0.2 有mana的英雄基礎回魔量上升2.5 每等級增加的回魔量上升0.2 : * Dragon is now immune to disables 小飛龍免疫控場 -- ◆ From: 修正一些錯字 修正漏打的Soraka技能護甲上升量 已補上

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kst := =我慢了4x秒... 02/01 16:29

kst :該自D嗎@@? 02/01 16:30

niflheim :不用 你的比我的詳細 02/01 16:30

kst :驚!被m了 02/01 16:30

silentcrane :慢了幾分鐘,自D QQ 02/01 16:35

horazon :XD me too 我之前有翻新英雄就是了 02/01 16:35

silentcrane :多藍系列好慘...現在買不了藥水了,哭哭 02/01 16:36

horazon :新英雄翻譯6267篇,有人能比對一下有沒有更動嗎? 02/01 16:36

tga123 :推有翻譯都感謝!辛苦了 02/01 16:37

snoopyrah :好文 不推嗎 02/01 16:42

silentcrane :h大: 只有第二招稍微nerf一點,我在下面翻譯囉~ 02/01 16:49

jadestar :所以紫隊機器人不能抓龍出來偷打了吧 02/01 16:51

kurt1980 :這樣要是要買紅水會晚個十幾秒到前線 02/01 16:55

mauweish :鱷魚第三招 應該是扣定值防禦 改成扣趴數 02/01 17:11

jadestar :如果出多蘭要等紅水沒加錢天賦符文至少30秒 02/01 17:29

jadestar :第二波兵都出了,前方少吃別人六隻,經驗少人一半 02/01 17:29

jadestar :對方還比你先六級 02/01 17:30

thedeathhero:soraka一整個廢掉了... 02/01 17:44

thedeathhero:回魔符文...一整個哭出來= = 02/01 17:45

Leavesb :天生回魔成長不知道能不能補符文差 02/01 17:50

DreamOld :他們到底想對索拉卡怎樣啊囧...... 02/01 18:59

kyo76312 :我怎覺得SORAKA是BUFF?補量變多 護甲也增加 02/01 21:08

Dimitre :Vlad又被Nerf ˊˋ 02/01 21:09

ationk :推kst 02/01 22:48

kst :Soraka補血AP加成下降,buff時間只有4秒.我覺得算nerf 02/01 22:59

hasroten :soraka護甲大幅增加 到底是buff還nerf呢 02/02 04:06

MKIU : 09/13 14:26
