[情報] 本月少女第十位成員 - Chuu (+)

看板 KoreanPop
作者 bighead50405 (大頭大頭下雨不愁)
時間 2017-12-13 23:01:41
留言 48則留言 (28推 0噓 20→)

Release 2017. 12. 28 pm12 (KST) [Chuu], [Yves&Chuu] Tracklist 01 HeartAttack 02 Girl’s Talk -- https://i.imgur.com/jVTAADr.jpg
I don’t need an apple at all 我不需要蘋果了 -- https://i.imgur.com/MqVxkDb.jpg
01. Heart Attack 02. Girl's Talk Sweet like candy, the 10th member of LOOΠΔ, 'Chuu' makes an appearance! In november, LOOΠΔ announced that there will be another unit to follow the debut of LOOΠΔ 1/3 and LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE along with the introduction of Yves. Teaser photographs of a sweet and lovely member 'Chuu' were revealed as a preview of the last girl to join in 2017. In her title track, "Heart Attack", Chuu attacks the fans' hearts with her positive energy, suggesting to live life full of happiness, in the loveliest way. "Girl's Talk", a duet with Yves, is a song about what girls chat about, with a feeling of being in a secret conversation along with girls who have fallen in love. Developing step by step while achieving excellent results on the iTunes charts worldwide, LOOΠΔ once again places another piece of puzzle of its universe onto the table. -- https://i.imgur.com/mRWetAT.jpg
Introducing Chuu of LOONA. She was a girl called Jiwooming! She blooms with your love. 向大家介紹本月少女的Chuu 她是被叫做Jiwooming的女孩 因為大家的愛而綻放 -- https://i.imgur.com/eRwSZiy.jpg
The new me learnt about me, always 全新的我會了解我的 (Yves "new"的歌詞) -- https://i.imgur.com/J1mOjtH.jpg
Chuu with a romantic vibe 浪漫氣氛下的 啾~ 圖中的網站:http://www.dlrowehtanool.com -- https://i.imgur.com/Jo9r1gE.jpg
Can I get Yves' apple instead of this dessert? 那麼,不要這個甜點,我要Yves姊姊的蘋果! -- https://i.imgur.com/UNAUvip.jpg
Delicious! 美味! -- https://i.imgur.com/t0zH3pM.jpg
Sweet like candy 像糖一般甜美 -- https://i.imgur.com/waN8BsB.jpg
A mysterious girl, Chuu is coming. 神秘的女孩,Chuu到來 -- The Carol 2.0 (ViVi、Choerry、Yves):https://youtu.be/_5N16N_T23k
Around You Woomanna Speicial Ver.:https://youtu.be/jzPITap-JRM
本月少女十二月份閒聊文:#1QCeAzet (KoreanPop) 本月少女是Blockberry Creative娛樂預計於2018年推出的12人女子團體。從2016年9月開 始,以每月一名的頻率公布成員,並在過程中穿插出道三個小分隊,出道前宣傳計劃將會 持續18個月。 --
新增一張 新增一張 新增一張 新增一張 新增一張 新增一張 新增Yves&Chuu版專輯封面、曲目&專輯介紹 新增一張 新增曲目表、MV釋出時間
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreanPop/M.1513177303.A.428.html

yukihira: 推~ 12/13 23:01

yayayayaya: 推 新女孩!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12/13 23:02

bighead50405: 太神秘的藝名啦XDDDD 12/13 23:02

pinaa0421: 好像Yves..... 12/13 23:02

bighead50405: 感覺是YeoJin的鏡像XD 12/13 23:03

xxlovex: 啾..嗚 ? 12/13 23:03

mon60819: 後面四個女孩都是單音的名字嗎XD 12/13 23:03

jbd123: 之前就有人推測新成員會跟YeoJin有關連XDD 12/13 23:04

jen122: 推推推 12/13 23:04

fbixx500: 推推 12/13 23:05

jbd123: https://goo.gl/S9wr6V 然後這篇推特猜測的人名 也跟藝名 12/13 23:06

jbd123: 很像耶XDDD 12/13 23:06

MJmarjim: 推! 12/13 23:15

DreamWCT: 開了本月少女line群,想加入的站內信我唷 12/13 23:16

bighead50405: 如果真的是小道這位的話,那Chuu就能理解了(Jiwoo連 12/13 23:21

bighead50405: 音),雖然還是有點怪就是了XD 12/13 23:22

LilykoKun: 新成員好夢幻甜美的照片! 12/13 23:23

minshechiang: 這藝名wwww 12/13 23:26

minshechiang: 藝名如果跟Yeojin做連結的話,想到Kiss Later? 12/13 23:31

yukihira: 藝名必須要和別人的歌名綁在一起 未免也太可憐XD 12/13 23:35

yukihira: 所以應該不至於啦~ 12/13 23:36

minshechiang: 可以期待她自己的歌名啊XD 12/13 23:37

jbd123: 自從進入OEC分隊後 本月PO出新東西腦袋都好累XDDDD 12/13 23:48

vernaaaaa: 這太可愛了吧!!! 12/13 23:55

bighead50405: 是說從Yves開始,就有水果的元素納入,難道是什麼新 12/14 00:03

bighead50405: 概念嗎XD 12/14 00:03

jbd123: 嚴格說起來從Choerry-櫻桃開始就有了 (而且還是真率放的!? 12/14 00:06

bighead50405: 哈 對耶 Choerry連藝名就是明擺著的水果XD 12/14 00:09

areett: http://i.imgur.com/oWvbym4.jpg 12/14 00:10

areett: http://i.imgur.com/2mfp1nf.jpg 12/14 00:10

areett: http://i.imgur.com/vPQ0jIN.jpg 12/14 00:10

speed678: 這造型讓我想到貝貝的dumbdumb 不過還是推新成員! 12/14 00:19

a123dan456: 好可愛!!!! 12/14 00:32

playcs03: 看來她也是單眼皮女孩~單眼皮有小分隊了XD(灑花) 12/14 02:07

jbd123: 去推特搜尋#chuu 會出現超超超超超超多她出道前的照片影片 12/14 02:15

jbd123: (應該是本月有史以來最多過去資訊的人了XDDD) 12/14 02:16

sumoncat26: 我怎麼覺得我之前有看過 12/14 05:15

LanLan0215: 搜了一下ig 單眼皮單的很可愛的女生耶~ 12/14 11:28

jason930502: 推 真的很期待本月 12/14 18:28

bighead50405: 今天這張就看得出來是JiWoo了XD 12/14 23:02

fakeshadow9: 竟然是她 好久之前關注過她的ins 好像是Yeri的同學 12/15 22:32

fakeshadow9: 有一天ins註銷了還想說怎麼不見了! 12/15 22:32

bighead50405: 查了一下,應該是同學沒錯XD Kim Lip也是同系的 12/15 23:02

bighead50405: 簡潔有力的標語XD Chuu實在太可愛了~~~ 12/15 23:14

bighead50405: 今天的標語有種小魔女的感覺XD 12/16 23:08

bighead50405: 風格轉換之後,感覺好漂亮啊~~~~ 12/17 23:06

bighead50405: 跟Yves的合照來了!! 而且直接用上了外號XD 12/20 23:04

yukihira: \Jiwooming/ 12/20 23:29
