Re: [資訊] so-net Prepaid LTE SIM卡 10/30起可用流量大幅提升

看板 Japan_Travel
作者 wang1214 (Wang1214)
時間 2014-11-02 14:25:29
留言 1則留言 (1推 0噓 0→)

這次去日本也打算使用 SO NET 這張卡,因為借WIFI機 還要考慮帶行動電源的問題 加上流量也沒有用那麼大(line文字+刷fb+ptt) 回飯店也有wifi能用 除了機場的 100m --->1gb以外 發現amazon賣的版本流量也提升了,從1G--->2G / 6G--->12G 2G 3200円 台幣算起來不到 $900,可使用一個月。 我想這方案對小流量的人來說,如果去玩的天數較長(大於七天) 似乎更勝於每日租借WIFI機或開通中華漫遊。 希望這次去玩使用上能順利 : so-net Prepaid LTE SIM卡 10/30起可用流量大幅提升 : : On October 30, 2014, Prepaid LTE SIM service specifications will be : revised and the plans will get new names. : *The new plan names will be displayed during activation and on your : user page. : Standard Plans : 1G Plan (formally known as "Plan 100M") --> Use up to 1 GB of data. : 2.2G Plan --> Use up to 2.2 GB of data.(應該是新方案) : 3G Plan (formally known as "Plan 500M") --> Use up to 3 GB of data. : Plans (offered in Japanese only) : 2G Plan (formally known as "Plan 1G") --> Use up to 2 GB of data. : 12G Plan (formally known as "Plan 6G") --> Use up to 12 GB of data. : These changes in service specifications and plan names will also : apply to SIM packages using the old names. : Please note that if you activated the service before October 30, 2014, : the old plan will be applied. : 但是如果在10/30前開通,可以使用的流量還是舊制。 --
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qwert: 期待你的心得 11/02 14:37
