[徵求] 英文母語者 參與實驗

看板 Hsinchu
作者 relly (張慕芳)
時間 2017-05-02 15:45:33
留言 0則留言 (0推 0噓 0→)

大家好,目前依然缺10位左右的外國受試者... 這是一個中文實驗,需要的是英語母語者 (English native speakers) 如果大家身邊有合適的人,或者正在看板的你符合條件 歡迎介紹/報名參加 Looking for participants!! This is an linguistic experiment in NTHU. We are looking for English native speakers who learn Chinese as L2. 內容如下: ■ Requirements 條件 * English native speakers with Chinese proficiency level *learning Chinese for more than one year * Age 20 or above ■ Tasks 實驗內容 (Chinese experiment 中文實驗) (1) Sentence meaning judgment 根據故事判斷語意 (2) Sentence completion 根據圖片造句 ■Duration: about 90~120 minutes 測驗時間為90~120分鐘 ■Location: NTHU-HSS 測試地點:清華大學人社院 ■Get NT$600 once you complete the test. 測驗結束後可獲得新台幣600元 ■Contact Info: [email protected] ■Remember to bring a photocopy of your ARC or of your passport to get the cash reward. 參加測驗時請記得攜帶居留證或護照影本 ■ If you are interested in the experiment, please fill in the google sheet; we will e-mail you for further information. https://goo.gl/forms/tTpQ4ILV1ZW3n0A33 謝謝。 Thank you. --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hsinchu/M.1493711136.A.BD3.html
