[情報] 27.0.1 版本已知問題

看板 Hearthstone
作者 Jotarun (forever)
時間 2023-08-03 04:36:46
留言 8則留言 (6推 0噓 2→)

https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/270-known-issues/110615 [Added 8/1] [Hearthstone] The team is aware that Aman’Thul is currently able to summon Colossal minions. This is a violation of the rules of Order and something that will be resolved in an upcoming patch. 阿曼蘇爾現在可以召喚巨型 近期更新會修 [Added 8/2/23] [Hearthstone] When you would overkill a hero with Always a Bigger Jormungar, it only deals the overkill damage, not the full damage. The team is investigating this issue to be resolved as soon as possible. 以大蟲出沒對英雄攻擊產生滅殺時,只會造成超過的傷害,而非全部傷害 團隊會盡快解決此問題 [Added 8/2/23] [Hearthstone] Razorscale is not properly stopping cards from reducing their own Costs below 2. This is scheduled to be corrected in an upcoming major patch. 銳鱗對於降到2費以下的卡片無法生效,預計在下一個主要更新中才會修復 [Added 8/2/23] [Hearthstone] The team is aware that Magatha has some weird interactions with Death Knight Plagues, and is looking into it. 音樂之禍瑪加薩跟死亡騎士的瘟疫有些奇怪的互動,調查中 [Added 8/2/23] [Progression] The “Express Order Argunite” Achievement is not tracking as intended. The team is investigating the issue. 阿古岩快遞成就沒有正常的追蹤 調查中 [Added 8/2/23] [Collection] Sargeras’s machinations continue! The team is investigating reports that the Sargeras card back can’t be equipped once earned. 薩格拉斯卡背還是無法使用 調查中 [Added 8/2/23] [Hearthstone] The team has received reports that various cards in different languages have localization issues. These reports have been passed on and various cards will be getting localization updates in an upcoming patch. 有許多卡片翻譯有問題 已經傳達給在地化團隊 預計在下個更新中調整 [Added 8/2] [Hearthstone] Mimiron’s Cloakfield has been malfunctioning when used on a minion that already has Stealth. It’s expected to get repaired in an upcoming hotfix. 彌米倫隱蔽力場對已經潛行的手下施放會有問題 預計在即將到來的熱修中修復 -- -- thx
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1691008608.A.F10.html

REDF : 瑪加薩是怎了 抽出瘟疫丟給對手? 08/03 10:28

aztar : 我看別人打,抽到瘟疫會爆開扣血+送給對方手上一份 08/03 10:37

forhorde5566: 恐怖圖騰真的恐怖 08/03 10:43

a41503 : 阿曼蘇爾原來找不到巨型嗎 我以為只找不到泰坦 08/03 11:22

FoxWu930065 : 發現巨型是正常的吧 08/03 12:04

FoxWu930065 : 這邊寫的應該是隨機召喚6費手下出巨型 08/03 12:04

woula : 我有遇到8費的血誓射傷害的節奏慢很多,算bug嗎 08/03 13:45

smallpig0903: 總覺得元素鼓舞的翻譯怪怪的,讓人覺得只招換一隻 08/03 19:48
