[情報] Brian Kibler 退出大師賽

看板 Hearthstone
作者 mattiswe098 ()
時間 2019-10-09 23:52:55
留言 153則留言 (103推 1噓 49→)

Brian Kibler 聲明 http://bmkgaming.com/statement-on-blitzchung/ I certainly never expected that my position in the Hearthstone community would lead to me making a statement on sensitive topics regarding international relations, but I have always viewed my strange place as a public figure in gaming as an opportunity to try to make the world a better place in whatever way I can, so here we are. Here are the facts as I understand them. After finishing his final match of the second season of the Asia-Pacific Hearthstone Grandmasters, Hong Kong player Ng “blitzchung” Wai Chung appeared on the official Taiwanese Hearthstone stream for his post-game interview wearing a gas mask. He lifted the mouthpiece and shouted, in Chinese: “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our age!” – a rallying cry of the ongoing protests in Hong Kong. On Tuesday, Blizzard announced their ruling, claiming that Blitzchung violated one of the Hearthstone Grandmasters rules against “engaging in any act that, in Blizzard’s sole discretion, brings you into public disrepute, offends a portion or group of the public, or otherwise damages Blizzard image. ” The penalty they imposed was expelling Blitzchung from the Grandmasters league entirely, including retroactively revoking the prize money he had earned throughout the season, and additionally banning him from competing in events for a year. They also announced that they would no longer work with the casters involved in the controversial interview. I want to start by saying that I feel what Blitzchung did was very brave. He knew that his actions would likely have serious consequences, not just for his future in Hearthstone but possibly even for his personal safety, and I commend him for the fortitude that takes. Even so, I do think that Blizzard was correct in issuing him a penalty for his actions. They do not want to set the precedent for their official broadcasts being used as political tools. The players agreed to particular rules for behavior, and he violated those rules. I have seen many descriptions of the situation claim that Blizzard took action against Blitzchung “for his support of the Hong Kong protests”, but that’s not an entirely accurate description. They did not penalize him for his political stance – they penalized him for breaking the rules by using their official broadcast to promote that stance. Anyone who pays attention to my social media feeds knows that I am not someone who shies away from politics. I am frequently quite vocal about my views about what’s going on in the United States. I have kept a deck titled “Election 2016” in my collection for the past three years, full of cards like Corruption, DOOM, and Validated Doomsayer. I would rather risk alienating those who disagree with me rather than stay silent on matters I consider important. But when I am on the desk for an official Hearthstone broadcast, I leave those views at home. Maybe I’ll make a subtle snide remark on occasion, but I know that I am representing Blizzard in addition to myself. If I were to close a show with speech about how I feel like Trump should be impeached, I wouldn’t expect to be invited back for future events. All that having been said, there are additional factors at play here. The punishment meted out to Blitzchung is incredibly harsh. I could understand a fine, or even a short suspension from competitive play, but removal from Grandmasters, clawing back the prizes he already earned, and banning him for a full year seems completely overboard to an extent that feels completely unwarranted and unfair. I won’t pretend to understand either the intricacies of the geopolitical situation in China and Hong Kong or the full extent of Blizzard’s business interests there, but to me this penalty feels like it is deeply rooted in both. The heavy-handedness of it feels like someone insisted that Blizzard make an example of Blitzchung, not only to discourage others from similar acts in the future but also to appease those upset by the outburst itself. That kind of appeasement is simply not something I can in good conscience be associated with. When I learned about the ruling, I reached out to Blizzard and informed them that I no longer feel comfortable casting the Grandmasters finals at BlizzCon. I will not be a smiling face on camera that tacitly endorses this decision. Unless something changes, I will have no involvement in Grandmasters moving forward. However, I want to make clear that not everyone involved in GM has this luxury. Do not take your anger out on the other casters, or streamers, or employees of Blizzard. This is not the kind of decision that comes from the rank and file. Most likely they’re just as angry as you are. I know I am. 大概翻譯一下 第一段意思是他從來沒想過自己會因為自己在爐石的社群地位而需要對國際情勢的敏感話 題發表看法,但他既然身為爐石圈的公眾人物,就有責任發表意見 再來是Brian Kibler大概講一下Blitzchung事件經過,並說Blitzchung非常勇敢,他知道 自己的舉動會造成的後果,他讚賞他的堅毅態度 然後Brian Kibler認為暴雪對他懲處是正確的,暴雪不想被當做宣揚政治主張的平台。 暴雪不是因為"Blitzchung支持香港抗議活動而懲處",而是因為他違反規則利用官方平台 宣傳他私人的政治主張 認識Brian Kibler的人都知道我不是一個迴避政治的人,我經常對美國發生的事發表看法 我寧願疏遠那些不同意我的人,也不願對我認為重要的事情沉默 但我認為暴雪對Blitzchung懲處過於嚴厲,你可以暫停他的比賽,甚至短暫停賽 但是剝奪他的大師賽資格,還要追回他獲得的獎金及禁賽一年就太過分了,這完全是沒有 根據且不公平的 我不會假裝說我知道香港跟中國的複雜地緣政治,假裝知道暴雪在中國的商業利益 更正:我翻錯了;意思搞反 對我而言,這麼重的懲罰只有兩個原因 1.殺雞儆猴給其他人,讓其他人看到Blitzchung這麼做後的下場 2.不僅要阻止今後其他人採取類似行動,還要安撫因為這個抗議而不滿的人 這種懲處不合我的良心,我知道判決後,就聯繫暴雪並告訴他們,我沒辦法在暴雪嘉年華 上參加大師賽決賽了,我做不到在攝影機前面笑著就像是我默認這件事是正確的一樣 除非未來有所改變,否則我不會再參與大師賽決賽 最後就是Brian Kibler懇求網友不要遷怒暴雪其他員工、主播或是其他參賽者 他們可能跟你一樣生氣,至少我知道我是這樣的 https://imgur.com/2p1EII0 但其實中國暴雪還是表達自己的政治態度了,所以Brain 說法說不通,至少是雙重標準 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1570636378.A.DF3.html

Aggro : 這篇就比較詳細了 10/09 23:54

demonik : 中共邰哥:政治歸政治 10/09 23:54

Somehow5566 : 說得很好 真的 10/09 23:54

Aggro : Kibler這篇算是各方都有兼顧到的觀點 目前我認為最 10/09 23:55

Aggro : 公道的話吧 10/09 23:55

Somehow5566 : 還提醒大家不要亂燒人 畢竟不是每個人都跟錢過不去 10/09 23:55

Aggro : 暴雪確實可以用私人偷渡政治去罰 但不是這樣罰的 這 10/09 23:56

Aggro : 程度明顯已經是為了討好某邊 才痛下殺手 10/09 23:56

RoMaybe : 今天起你就是爐石公道伯 10/09 23:56

narmie89 : 推 10/09 23:56

z23061542 : 這篇公道 10/09 23:57

RoMaybe : 對了 "在"暴雪跟"參"與 10/09 23:57

alanhsu100 : 認同,罰過重(尤其是主播,賽評) 10/09 23:58

Bearcome : 說話的藝術 10/09 23:58

Sechslee : 公道伯 10/09 23:59

strray : 講難聽點 你要永不錄用哪個賽評主播也是你家的事 10/09 23:59

amen123 : 真的會說話 10/09 23:59

maggie85912 : 推爆 10/10 00:00

strray : 這麼大聲公告是講給誰聽有點腦都知道 10/10 00:00

TimReykjavik: 推Kibler 10/10 00:00

pwllove : 中壢邰哥 政治歸政治 10/10 00:00

kirimaru73 : 這篇真的是中肯文的範本 表達得很好 10/10 00:00

ttoomm5520 : 「我做不到在攝影機前面笑著就像是我默認這件事是 10/10 00:01

ttoomm5520 : 正確的一樣」這句話太感動了 10/10 00:01

smallpig0903: 這內容合理公道 不能同意更多 10/10 00:01

shields5566 : 公道伯 10/10 00:01

totocc : 猛 10/10 00:01

e223833755 : 推 10/10 00:02

AuroraSkyFox: 會燒起來本來就是罰過重 想做給誰看大家都知道啦 10/10 00:02

a455095s : 推Kibler 10/10 00:04

jds2518 : 推 哪個主播或賽評在那個時候會想到這後果 10/10 00:04

z23061542 : 可是想舔共的人不會少 我看共雪是不會理的 10/10 00:04

simonislice : 真的也欣賞他 實況也很好看 但就是不是台灣人的時間 10/10 00:05

jds2518 : 這是把中國牆內的手段拿到牆外來用 10/10 00:05

eternal5566 : 這篇要不要列入中肯伯教科書啊 中壢穩妥 10/10 00:05

bokituto : 推 10/10 00:06

s0805744 : 推 完全認同 10/10 00:06

justakidd : 講的真好 也身體力行 10/10 00:06

s881720 : 推龍王 10/10 00:07

haha98 : 他不想撥的話可以讓中立台智遠撥嗎 人家很想撥 10/10 00:08

teren : 中肯 跟我想法完全一樣 10/10 00:08

AnamnesisNT : 推 10/10 00:08

teren : 就是這個懲罰過頭 以及罰這麼重背後的意義 10/10 00:09

ab761004 : 講的真好,罰的重就是為了舔共這明眼人都看的出來 10/10 00:09

F0314 : 這就是說話的藝術 屌打政治龜政治 10/10 00:09

wen512 : 智遠很想扛啊,怕人不知道.快連絡他 10/10 00:09

power41 : 哇 大咖 10/10 00:10

Crobat : 推,講太好了 10/10 00:10

bluegates : 推 10/10 00:10

Doub1eK : 講話很中肯 但沒提到fire兩個主播也不合理 10/10 00:11

kirimaru73 : 我敬佩的點在於 他用我完全能認同的論點解釋了暴雪 10/10 00:11

kirimaru73 : 裁罰還是有正當性(當然是指合理的程度) 10/10 00:11

kirimaru73 : 如果沒看到這篇文 我在憤怒之下絕對想不到這點 10/10 00:11

kirimaru73 : 當重大事件發生時 社會上需要更多這種理性的人 10/10 00:11

teren : 前面還有在護航暴雪的可以看看這篇 10/10 00:13

ching1210 : 反觀頭痛歸頭痛 10/10 00:13

F0314 : 我認為不該罰 但是認同他說的論點 10/10 00:13

AterPin : 中國暴雪算暴雪嗎?還是該叫網易什麼的? 10/10 00:14

henry1235564: 推 10/10 00:14

wen512 : 這就是上的了檯面跟上不了檯面的差別.反觀中壢 10/10 00:15

kirimaru73 : 可罰可不罰 但合理的處罰只會燒一陣玩家就忘了 10/10 00:15

wen512 : 恨不得趕快出頭一樣 10/10 00:16

XinT : 尊敬聰哥,但作為台灣人更關心易先生的權益 10/10 00:16

ask321035 : 講得不錯 只是兩個主播提都沒提 讓我有點意外 10/10 00:16

kirimaru73 : 現在森林大火而且還往迪士尼去了 就是罰的太腦殘 10/10 00:17

kao0259 : 說的太好了 文筆棒講話有調理 10/10 00:17

F0314 : 南方公園成為唯一贏家 10/10 00:17

Aggro : 沒啥好意外的 不要以為Kibler是選邊站 他是能閃都閃 10/10 00:17

Aggro : 用最兼顧而且爭議少的說法而已 10/10 00:18

wen512 : Kibler 至少知道天高地厚.但另一個引火自焚還嘻皮 10/10 00:20

z23061542 : Kibler就美國基本人權阿要維護阿 10/10 00:20

tony22725385: 真男人 10/10 00:20

wen512 : 笑臉. 只能活該 10/10 00:21

Crobat : 講他對地緣政治那段的翻譯搞反了吧@@ 10/10 00:21

z23061542 : 中共邰哥那就算了 台灣很多那種人無視就好 10/10 00:21

LeoSW : 中間這段「我不會假裝說我不知道香港跟中國的複雜地 10/10 00:22

LeoSW : 緣政治」是不是翻譯反了?應該是「我不會假裝知道.. 10/10 00:22

LeoSW : ....」或「我不會假裝很懂......」 10/10 00:22

kirimaru73 : 不選邊站也是他的自由 而且他都自退了 不只是裝死 10/10 00:23

InamiKen : 中共檯哥又能前進一步了 10/10 00:23

pkmilk : 推t 10/10 00:23

lumberjack08: 說實在的 羅傑洗分都沒罰錢了 聰哥講八個字同樣罰一 10/10 00:24

lumberjack08: 年另加罰鍰 這大概代表暴雪認為這八個字比洗分還要 10/10 00:24

lumberjack08: 嚴重吧 10/10 00:24

mh631 : respect 10/10 00:25

Doub1eK : 也不用反觀拉 他比中壢仔多活了20年 當然有差 10/10 00:25

z23061542 : 共雪還要推暗黑M阿 不能惹中共生氣阿 10/10 00:26

sd785 : 說法公道 且直接退出 理當給推 10/10 00:26

JohnShao : 感謝翻譯,雖然老實說kibler算是用放棄一些薪水來 10/10 00:29

JohnShao : 把自己放到最安全的位置,不過願意這樣還是讓人很感 10/10 00:29

JohnShao : 動 10/10 00:29

KGB10409 : 推 10/10 00:29

blargelp : 肯放棄這個比賽(的獎金),真男人! 10/10 00:30

Duncan7406 : Kibler不選邊站 但他都主動退出了你也不能說他什麼 10/10 00:34

hasuck0618 : 真男人,respect 10/10 00:35

Aggro : 可以給他一個評價 就是老狐狸(無誤 10/10 00:42

kevin015015 : 中國暴雪那個是當地團隊的發言吧 10/10 00:43

teren : 再怎麼說 願意自己放棄賺錢還說出良心 我覺得可以 10/10 00:46

strray : 不管是不是當地團隊 你官方發言就是公司負責 10/10 00:46

andyxu3 : 主動退出了還算沒表態喔 10/10 00:47

kirimaru73 : 中國暴雪在牆內啊 跟總部不同調是大家都能想像的事 10/10 00:48

andyxu3 : 怎麼那麼硬 10/10 00:48

AirPenguin : 現在看起來BZ在OW裡宣揚自由與平權也是蠻諷刺的 10/10 00:48

kirimaru73 : 很可笑沒錯 但符合預期 不會產生額外的怒火 10/10 00:49

kirimaru73 : 今天是你外面的自己跳進去 當然燒好燒滿 10/10 00:50

Fino5566 : 到處缺主播耶 聰哥 該上台播報了 10/10 00:51

andyxu3 : ow推各式同性戀腳色好像很進步 結果只是裝出來一邊 10/10 00:52

andyxu3 : 想拿開放派的人的錢一邊又想拿獨裁的錢而已 看透了 10/10 00:52

andyxu3 : 之後真噁心 10/10 00:52

engelba : aggro在共三小 主動退出就是立場了 10/10 00:54

engelba : 暴雪也可以以後都不錄用龍王 10/10 00:54

Toni9ht : 推 以前很喜歡他的實況 10/10 00:56

slimfat0202 : 暴雪如果是被中資把持,我想誰退出大師賽,根本就不 10/10 00:57

slimfat0202 : give a shit 10/10 00:57

dp44 : OW自由平權合理啊 但人民幣更重要 10/10 00:57

teren : 中國式的自由平權 10/10 01:00

iamdemonic : 這篇沒問題 推推 10/10 01:06

lungyu : 好笑的是 中國是不支持同性戀的 OW頂多騙騙歐美人 10/10 01:08

henryhuang17: kibler很敢耶 我記得他不也是暴雪很要好的合作對象 10/10 01:13

y28822885 : 推推 10/10 01:16

AlvaroMorata: 推 10/10 01:22

LeoSW : 感謝更正翻譯! 10/10 01:28

r4989872 : 反觀 10/10 01:56

evolution862: 爐石公道伯 10/10 01:59

BobbyHunter : 推 10/10 02:01

AAA891216 : 努力站著把錢掙了 推 10/10 02:02

sam86716 : 公道伯 10/10 02:09

A22513100 : 講得真好 不知道今年Blizzcon會怎發展 10/10 02:22

ctes940008 : 這樣說法是比較有轉圜餘地,不過還是有人會強迫你 10/10 02:25

ctes940008 : 選邊站的。 10/10 02:25

Elmore : 真男人 10/10 02:42

AirPenguin : 已經太多前例可循了 哪天BZ真的被完全把持也不意外 10/10 02:42

Scorpion0302: Kibler真的是優質中的優質 10/10 02:43

tanakakumako: 帥 10/10 05:32

jack096 : 反觀NBA有兩黨挺,講話馬上就大聲了 10/10 05:36

lorhokok : 中肯 10/10 07:25

kohinata : 這個表態太過中肯 10/10 07:58

Dragunov314 : 他的言論很理性,且很有說話的藝術 有空看整篇原文 10/10 08:52

johnisjohn : 時窮節乃見 10/10 09:09

zaza1128 : 追回獎金真的很爛 10/10 10:00

justinasd : respect! 10/10 10:42

midoriiro : 天啊 推~ 10/10 12:33

p1227426 : 暴雪是全部中資嗎?一直舔 10/10 12:55

dotdotisme : 帥 10/10 13:16

Ten6666 : 太屌了 10/10 13:16

bcpsowen : 邏輯正確 佩服 10/10 13:40

john0liang : 讚讚! 10/10 13:48

biosphere : respect 10/10 15:51

az57150 : 推 10/10 18:27

peanutman : Respect 10/10 19:57

kimoemail : 推 態度令人欣賞 10/11 01:05

hydrant : Brian Kibler QQ 10/11 06:22

Avocadooo : 真男人 推 10/11 12:48
