HCT APAC Fall Playoffs issue
Hi everyone,
Just woke up from a long nap in Taiwan as I couldn't really bring
myself to do anything else after the whole incident, but I find
myself with a clearer mind now and therefore am doing a write-up
on it.
First up, I would like congratulate Aku for making it to
seasonals! Like he mentioned in his tweet, we both know each other
and have hung out during the past few events, I know how he's like
and I'm genuinely glad that he made it, albeit at my expense. And
of course I do not blame him for the whole issue.
After going through all the evidence that have been captured by
people from all over the community (who have been really
supportive thus far and I really really appreciate it), I strongly
believe it is just foul play on the part of the admin at Aku's
venue, and that he simply wanted to "help" his countryman out. But
the main issue from there is how HQ just makes a decision without
consulting the BlizzardTW side at all. It completely leaves me
dumbfounded. This is solely based on my assumption, and I will try
to help you understand why I've assumed so in my next paragraphs.
So, I am just sitting in my chair after the first game, feeling
really good about my chances after winning that first game as I
believe I manage to get the favourable queue and actually won, so
my lineup from then on was kinda 65% favoured in my opinion. As I
start thinking of various scenarios/board states in my head and
how I would handle them, I realise that quite a while has passed
and I decided to ping the admin from my Hearthstone client,
mentioning that "the wait has been quite long, what's the issue?".
And suddenly, I receive a message saying "there will be a regame
for game 1 due to a technical issue."
At this moment I just feel extremely unjust, but nevertheless I
decide to keep my cool and raise my hand to get the admin from my
venue over, and simply point at my screen for him to read. It is
now that I realise that is it apparent that my admin JUST GOT HOLD
of the information, and it's MINDBLOWING that my on-site admin
isn't the one informing me of any issues but the spectator in-game
instead. Of course, I state my point to my on-site admin and lay
out all the reasons on why it is simply unfair to me when I hear
absolutely nothing. Even if it is as claimed that Aku might have
heard the commentary by the AU admin, he lost the game anyway, so
why am I the one getting punished for it if I'm not at fault?
I believe my admin did try to push the case towards the HQ, but as
he continuously types in his phone, all he can tell me is the
decision has been final from HQ.
My setup is subsequently checked again by my admin and confirmed
that there is no foul play whatsoever involved, and I am left with
the exact same setup at my venue. Recognising that I don't really
have a choice at all, I just continue the series from 0-0, and
after losing the regame, I genuinely tried very hard to keep my
head in the game, but I believe everyone could see that I wasn't
playing at a level that I originally could anymore, having lost
all the momentum. I'm just glad that I managed to keep my cool on
As I lay in bed typing this out, it suddenly hurts even more. It
has always been my goal to get the Golden Celebration cardback,
but it feels like it'll just be a painful memory for me. I hardly
mention it, but I too have sacrificed a lot in order to try to do
well, both for myself and for the Singapore eSports scene, having
quit my full-time job and delaying my university education this
year for Hearthstone, so bowing out this way just absolutely
sucks. However, I still believe that I've done great so far this
year, and I don't doubt my abilities to bounce back from this at
all. So see you guys in the near future! And looking forward to
meeting more players in the HCT Singapore tour stop :)
Samuel 'Sequinox'
1. 他恭喜Akumaker,他們很熟,不會因為這件事怪他
2. 他覺得從證據看來是是澳洲場地管理員想幫Akumaker
3. 他的設備已經檢查過了沒有問題
4. 第一場重賽輸了以後雖然他盡量維持冷靜的表情 但他整個人已經不在狀態內了
5. 為了準備比賽他辭了正職,也休學,所以因為這樣出局感覺真的很幹
6. 歡迎來新加坡大賽的選手
爐石戰記Google日曆 Beta
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1536510961.A.5A3.html
推 zxcvb0412 : 辭職打比賽還被這樣弄真的很雖 09/10 00:37
推 hiyori9977 : 慘 總之先幹你bz 09/10 00:39
推 newland : 辭職 休學 all in 被莊家吃掉... 09/10 00:42
推 doyouknowhow: 運也不在了 後面2場手牌卡到爆 09/10 00:43
推 usenamejohn : 咕嚕靈波(●′∀‵)ノ♥ 09/10 00:43
噓 nwd4e9cd : Small indie company這太誇張 09/10 00:44
推 moeispop : 理性 09/10 00:45
推 Roystu : 相信澳洲管理員 不相信台灣場地方 BZ: 想不到吧 09/10 00:45
推 e789654234 : 希望他這次可以扛住 09/10 00:46
推 OalexO : 真辛苦 還得在聲明中維持風度恭喜阿庫cheater 09/10 00:46
推 A9226 : 辭職休學還被這樣真D慘 09/10 00:46
→ mp3w69 : 吞下去靈波 09/10 00:47
推 turningright: ...... 犧牲好大 09/10 00:49
→ Jotarun : 他至少還有戰隊支援就是 09/10 00:50
推 yuting522 : 幫QQ加油 09/10 00:53
推 okayyyyyy : 偉哉暴雪 這樣處理真的有扯 09/10 00:55
推 q34355997 : 這樣確定是暴雪垃圾,為了澳洲名額黑箱 09/10 00:57
推 Gary0620 : 垃圾暴雪 09/10 01:00
→ Jotarun : 澳洲那個admin真的很有問題 09/10 01:00
→ Jotarun : https://i.imgur.com/fQoP6jw.png 09/10 01:00
推 iamdemonic : 幫QQ 09/10 01:19
→ qd6590 : 澳爆真D猛 澳洲選手沒聽到 但你可能有聽到 耶嘿 09/10 01:21
→ parisdog : 澳洲仔484收錢r 09/10 01:23
推 SorakaBot : 所以這選手在台灣打喔 賽程表的[TW]是他在打的場地? 09/10 01:24
推 parisdog : 4 09/10 01:26
→ Jotarun : 對 新加坡沒有場地所以來台灣打 09/10 01:26
推 etw710 : 有辦法一人一信要求官方補償這位選手嗎 09/10 02:04
推 qd6590 : 這種情況頂多處罰那個adm吧 好像沒看過類似狀況補償 09/10 02:16
推 opopkl852 : 真的希望他下次能打進四強,不是臺灣選手我都替他感 09/10 02:42
→ opopkl852 : 到不平了 09/10 02:42
→ opopkl852 : 如果今天是臺灣選手被這樣搞,大家一定超不爽 09/10 02:42
推 z5921361 : 暴雪總部下的判決 他處罰澳暴就打自己臉 09/10 02:50
→ z5921361 : 自己臉 09/10 02:51
推 mouscat : 辭職 休學 贏下一局認為只差一步去LA 轉頭皆空 09/10 03:50
推 SorakaBot : 暴雪每次出包都是給選手擦屁股真的是... 09/10 04:09
推 Fino5566 : 辭職 休學 被黑箱 暴雪好棒棒 09/10 05:01
→ Fino5566 : 拉基暴雪 下次每個地方比賽都來搞這招保送自己人 09/10 05:03
推 aidansky0989: 幫qq真的雖小 09/10 05:32
推 hasroten : 好慘 幫QQ 09/10 06:48
推 thefirstegg : 有風度,幫QQ 09/10 07:13
推 xyzir0602 : ALL IN被弄 真D慘 09/10 07:20
推 qazwsx879345: 加油 09/10 08:00
推 GauYoungs : 就算暴雪管理出包 依過往經驗妥善處理的可能性也幾 09/10 08:08
→ GauYoungs : 乎沒有 只能說可惜了 09/10 08:08
推 Sunofgod : 辭職休學 這些追夢的人真是勇敢 09/10 08:14
推 glen : 暴雪電競就是個笑話 比賽這樣搞選手還裝死? 09/10 09:07
推 abdgmnzc : 靠賽打不贏重賽 09/10 09:11
推 XinT : 爐石決定是否重賽應該更謹慎一點 09/10 10:07
→ XinT : 不像其他遊戲重賽後,實力較好者還是有高機率會獲勝 09/10 10:08
→ XinT : 但爐石RNG影響太重,重賽對結果影響太過巨大 09/10 10:08
推 MapleJ : 真的地獄倒霉鬼 09/10 10:29
推 pdf300ppi : 很心疼他耶 澳暴真的超噁爛我就看你們業力引爆 09/10 11:11
推 Athanasius : 暴雪就是這樣,不用意外 09/10 13:50
推 yungkan : 澳爆 op 09/10 14:09
推 PttKami5566 : 人帥就給推 09/10 15:33