Bunnyhoppor https://twitter.com/Bunnyhoppor/
Happybunny evolves to Superhappybunny :)
So happy to have won the #HCT Summer Championship.
開心兔進化成超級開心兔啦 :)
A83650 https://twitter.com/a83650/
Going to WORLDS!
Viper https://twitter.com/viper_hs
Realy happy to be back at champs and making it to worlds this time,
#einfach like @Casie_HS would say :)
很開心能回到季冠軍賽 而且這次晉級世界賽了
killinallday https://twitter.com/killinalldayhs
Literally couldn’t be happier. Top 4 at the Hearthstone Summer Championships
qualifies me for the Hearthstone World Championships. If you have near misses,
I encourage you to keep grinding, because it makes the wins so much rewarding.
真的再開心不過了 夏季賽四強讓我晉級世界賽 如果你曾經差那麼一點就成功,我鼓勵你
繼續努力,因為一旦你成功作到了 那會讓收穫更豐碩 #我的年
離世界只有一步之差 八強區
Nalguldan https://twitter.com/Nalguidan
Its super sad to have a second opportunity to go to worlds and miss it.
Feels like i got nothing from this tournament but i apriciate a lot your
support. Maybe there is a third one so i will keep trying my best this year.
Turna https://twitter.com/TurnaHS
Losing when you're only missing a win to get to Worlds is really hard to deal
with. But hey at least I made this far. Congratulations to @Bunnyhoppor
@viper_hs @a83650 and @killinalldayhs.
And... Thank you everyone for supporting me, I really appreciate that.
只差一場就進世界賽的時候輸掉真的很難以承受。 不過..嘿...至少我也走到這麼遠了
恭喜 @Bunnyhoppor @viper_hs @a83650 和 @killinalldayhs.
還有...謝謝支持我的所有人, 我非常感激
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1530511165.A.6A9.html
推 scm4ni : 頭 07/02 14:02
推 badend8769 : ㄐㄐ 07/02 14:03
推 zaza1128 : 手抖 07/02 14:19
推 janya : 硬幣巨人 合理 07/02 14:46
推 hbk20491 : 前4能打世界冠軍賽喔?? 07/02 15:24
→ Jotarun : 4 07/02 15:25
推 orion1991830: 小曹去年也是四強打冠軍賽 07/02 15:35
→ lipojack : Viper 在EZ三小 07/02 15:46
推 beef68 : 他們兩個組出來的拍牌 是我也ez 07/02 17:18
→ Hsu1025 : 前4 = 期中考80分 07/02 17:20
推 hiyori9977 : Viper硬幣蝸牛還EZ 問號 07/02 20:05
→ Jotarun : 他也有說他自己這次打不好啦 07/02 21:54
推 eas06u4 : 賽制就是四區16取4啊 07/03 01:06