[翻譯] Kripp談競技場該ban的卡

看板 Hearthstone
作者 rextremistz (Rextremistz)
時間 2017-10-21 22:32:23
留言 123則留言 (61推 3噓 59→)

Kripp兩天前的影片,談競技場該ban的卡, 名單跟大家想的都一樣, 主要看他在嘴每一張卡有多離譜很有趣。 另外骸骨戰馬跟法師DK當然都在榜上,但還是不是Kripp最作噁的卡。 -- 原影片:https://youtu.be/wdRFZdWLJSc
Hey guys, Kripparian here. So alot of people talk about what they would to do change arena, what they would do to kind of improve the fun experience. I've gone over alot of the issues, i think the fixes are pretty open, i mean i think just any change or kind of the constructive fix, they just change something, it'll be fun for a while. they just change something now and then, it will be fun all the time. But because arena much like constructive lately hasnt received much in terms of updates, and the game mode does have some very problematic cards, well yeah, there are some issues, and i think looking at them directly, i can basically give u guys a list of the big problem cards, and why they are problem cards, because i think its pretty obvious. I think if you just play tested arena just a little bit, you realize how busted alot of these cards are, and in my opinion there should be some kind of pre-screening from blizzard, so these just never make it into arena. these are not in any particular order, i tried to order them, but its pretty hard when you hate them all equally. 大家好,我是Kripp。 很多人談到該如何改善競技場, 我看過了很多建議,對於修改抱持著開放態度, 任何遊戲的改善或像構築牌組那樣的修改,遊戲就能有趣一陣子, 如果能時常做一些更動,遊戲就會一直充滿樂趣。 但因為近期競技場一直沒有更新, 確實存在一些非常爭議性的卡片。 細看這名單我想非常顯而易見, 假如你有稍微玩過競技場, 就知道這些卡到底有多做壞了。 在我看來暴雪應該要有個篩選機制, 讓這些卡根本不會在競技場上出現。 以下名單沒有特別排序, 儘管我試著排序過這些卡, 但當你對每張同樣恨之入骨時, 排序並非容易。 So, just first one, Bonemare. Obviously this card actually made it into constructive decks quite a bit in fact, and in arena you have to imagine its a pretty ridiculously game-swinging card. There's a few game-swinging card, not so much a game-swinging, they're game-ending cards i think is more appropriate. Where if you're marginally ahead or a little bit behind, you just completely crush your opponent and its game over. And Bonemare is one of those cards, its actually, bonemare in the common slot gets beat by like 2 or 3 cards in terms of heartharena rankings. We're talking like i think maybe flamestrike is better than bonemare, and maybe like fire elemental is better than bonemare, and its a neutral card with a pretty high occurance, but there's no guarantees. I think on average you're gonna see one on your deck which means you might have none in your deck. But you get to like six wins, the guy has like three or four, well...yes...that really sucks. Bonemare's a card thats crushingly win more to a point that the person who plays theirs first tends to win the game outright, just because of that. Not only that, because its a really high power level card that you have to use, its often a dead card as well, so it has a extreme range of impact game to game. You might just be sitting on like two bonemares in your hand with no early game card to play, and you're losing the board because your opponent bonemared you before you could bonemare them. That sounds kind of stupid but thats kind of the case. 第一張卡,骸骨戰馬。 這張卡甚至成功打入了構築牌組, 可想而知它在競技場會多離譜。 遊戲中有幾個「改變戰局」的卡片,但這張已經屬於「結束戰局」的卡片。 當你有著些微的領先或劣勢,你直接會徹底擊潰對手並結束遊戲。 我印象骸骨戰馬在 Heartharena 上的評分,在普通卡中只輸兩三張卡。 大概只有烈燄風暴跟火元素比它高分, 且它是一張中立卡,有滿高的機率可以選到它但又不保證。 我想平均你會選到一張骸骨戰馬,意思是有時候會選不到。 而當你大概六勝時,你對手會有三四張這東西...那真的很鳥。 骸骨戰馬是一張大幅擴大戰局的牌,基本上誰先出誰就贏。 不僅如此,因為它又是張高強度的牌讓你非選不可, 有時下得沒有對手快反而卡死你的手, 導致不同場會有非常兩極的遊戲結果。 你可能手上會有兩張骸骨戰馬,早期出不了甚麼牌, 之後對手比你早先「骸」了你讓你輸了檯面, 使得你的骸骨戰馬反而起不了作用。 聽起來很蠢但事實如此。 Then we have Cobalt Scalebane. Cobalt Scalebane is very similar to bonemare, a little bit less of a problem, because if you're just a little bit behind, it tends to not help you very much, but if you're just a little bit ahead, it has this same effect as bonemare, where you spiral completely out of control, and just break the game basically. Cobalt Scalebane is particularly to make use of low power level cards, so if you're winning because you drew your higher power level cards, and you're playing crap like 4 mana 1/7 taunts, turning those into 4 mana 4/7 taunts is considerably better. When you're in the winning position, you want to have more attack, and if your play in a winning position, it just really snowballs super hard to the point, where your opponent doesn't have a board clear, and again its arena, some classes dont even have board clears, you cant do very much about it. 接著是鈷藍逆鱗龍人。 鈷藍逆鱗龍人類似骸骨戰馬,但問題相對較小, 因為當你些微落後時它幫助不大, 但如果你些微領先, 同骸骨戰馬一般瞬間會讓你優勢突破天際, 可以說是直接鎖定了戰局。 鈷藍逆鱗龍人特別適合用來搭配低耗怪, 如果你早些因為右手有了一些優勢, 即便打出 4費 1/7 嘲諷 的垃圾怪, 都能將他轉變成 4費 4/7 嘲諷 這般可觀的優質怪。 當你順風時,你會想要更多攻擊力, 而這張卡正好能讓你滾雪球滾到爆, 如果你對手沒有清場,且有些職業根本沒有清場, 基本上就結束了。 And on a similar note, i have Deathspeaker. These three cards that i mentioned, bonemare, cobalt scalebane, and deathspeaker, are probably the top 5 maybe top 10 in some of the classes, like mage with really good commons, but they're among the best cards you can get for every class in arena. So yes, that's kind of ridiculous. This card is just again in mid game or end game, if you're winning by a little bit, you completely crush your opponent, and that really sucks. We need cards that are, if they are win more cards, they need to have a higher cost, not necessarily in terms of mana, but they need to have a higher price to pay. You know, theres cards out there even there i say like flame tongue totem, i know like flame tongue totem you can just design a deck, wholey around small minions and stuff, but in arena, flame tongue totem is kind of a high risk, because often enough you go into top deck mode, often enough you just need a card to play on turn 2, and thats not it. These cards believe it or not, the ones they introduced in the last expansion, they don't have costs as high as that. Bonemare, you can just play as 5/5. Colbat Skalebane, five mana 5/5, thats perfect! Thats no cost! Deathspeaker in this case? 3 mana 2/4? Thats not great, but its not bad! It will trade for most 2 drops, which is what you want out of your 3 drops. So these are extremely crushing win more cards that don't really have a cost. Theres no downside, you just play them anyway. If you play them in a bad spot, they're okay, if you play in a good spot, you instantly win the game, and thats bullshit. 亡頌者也是類似情形。 這三張卡,骸骨戰馬,鈷藍逆鱗龍人,亡頌者, 基本上是幾乎每個職業前五、前十好的卡, 除了法師可能本身有很不錯的普通卡外。 這非常離譜。 同樣情形,中後期如果你有些微優勢,基本就是持續碾壓。 我們需要這種持續擴大場優的牌支付更高的代價, 不一定要是水晶,但就是要有更高代價。 舉火舌圖騰為例, 我知道你可以圍繞它玩個小怪牌組, 但在競技場,火舌圖騰其實有很高的風險, 因為很常會進入top deck模式, 也很常會需要在t2出牌,火舌都不會是你想抽到的牌。 而在這一版出的卡片中,並沒有需要支付這麼高的代價。 骸骨戰馬,5/5照樣可以出。 鈷藍逆鱗龍人,五費5/5,根本完美!沒有代價! 亡頌者? 3費 2/4? 不是說頂好,但也不差! 2費幾乎都能換掉,其實也就是你3費想做的事。 這些擊潰性的場優卡沒甚麼代價, 沒有缺點,你可以直接無償打出他們。 如果你處於劣勢,他們已經很堪用, 如果處於優勢,你直接贏得勝例, 這根本狗屎。 Then I have just mandatory on the list, Ultimate Infestation. If you read all the textlines of this card, you know why this card is really unfair, any game mode particularly in arena, where people are generally playing fairly low power decks, yes this card should really not be there. 接著必須在名單上的,終極瘟疫。 如果你讀過了卡片上的敘述, 就知道為什麼這張牌不公平了, 尤其在競技場, 當所有人普遍玩比較低強度的牌組時, 這張卡真的不該存在。 Then i want to put Vicious Fledgling on the list of course. Now what Blizzard did was they reduced the occurance by 50%, but that doesnt really do very much. This card is very much if your opponent has is it, and you can't contest it, and you can't remove it, and early game removal is pretty premium in arena, you dont always have that available, typically it just wins the game, most of the time at least, and thats really dumb. If the game can be completely decided on turn 3 or turn 2, with a coin based on RNG, and you're not having a fairly specific answer in most cases. Well it happened in half the time, doesnt make it any less soul-crushing when it does happen, and it happens alot still. 接著兇惡幼雛也當然要放到名單中。 暴雪將這張牌出現機率調降50%,但其實沒甚麼幫助。 它還是一樣,如果對手出兇惡幼雛,你沒辦法立即處理掉, 畢竟遊戲初期移除牌挺稀有不是都能拿到, 多數情況下都能得勝,而這很蠢。 如果運氣好在第三或第二回合 + 硬幣下兇惡幼雛, 基本就決定了遊戲走向, 且通常不太會有應對它的方式。 儘管少了50%機率出現, 但出現的時候並不會因此減低他泯滅人心的效果, 且這鳥事其實還是挺常見的。 Then i talk about how deathknights should not be in arena, i think that mostly targets a few deathknight cards. I think like the rogue death knight they're pretty fair. Things like the shaman death knight they're okay. Shaman needs alot of cards to stay on the board to begin with, so winning a little bit more, now they have a board its not bad, there's worse offenders out there, but theres a couple hero cards that i think just should not exist in the game whatsoever. 接著我要談DK為何不該在競技場出現,主要針對特定某幾張DK。 舉凡賊、薩滿DK就還算公平, 薩滿需要很多卡鋪場才能發揮DK效果, 但某些職業英雄卡就真的不該存在在競技場。 So mage in arena kind of plays often enough, its one of the more flexible classes, but often enough mages playing the game, where they want to make use of they're extremely efficient and high value removal and board clear capabilities in the mid to the late-agme. Now when they get Frost Lich Jaina, which is the next card of my list here. That gets completely turned around, because if they ever come to a spot where they might maybe stablize and they have this, its just game over. There is no card that keeps up with the value of frost lich jaina, there just isnt any. So you come to a situation where sometimes you have to play a mid ranged deck, thats what you're given, sometimes you have to play a control like thats what you're given. So you're battling it out with a mage, you know you might have a couple polymorphs a couple other removals, so you bait it out, try this, try that, you're in a position where you both have like a couple of cards left, and its nearing the end game where top decks really matter, and trying to balance your life pool versus value versus tempo is at a peak. And he plays frost lich jaina and you know your chance to win, went from roughly 50 to exactly zero and thats not okay in my opinion. This card is just on a completely next level power level, and cards like that i think needs to be fairly restricted in arena. 法師在競技場是很彈性的職業, 大部分時候會盡可能用最有效率的方式在中後期換怪、清場, 然而當法師出了DK時能穩住場面,遊戲基本上就結束了。 沒有任何牌能抵過法師DK的換牌價值。 有時候你必須得玩中期牌組,有時候控制牌組, 這些是你不能決定的。 在跟法師對戰時,你知道他會有變羊或其他移除法術, 所以你多方嘗試引誘他們出招, 到後來可能兩方都只剩幾張牌, 賽局也接近尾聲, 右手變得很重要, 血量跟節奏的平衡拿捏在一個巔峰的局面。 突然他下了法師DK, 你從原本多少有50%的勝率一瞬間驟降為0, 這我認為非常不對。 The other deathknight i think is just really unfair, is Shadowreaper Anduin is mostly because of the play effect. So when you're playing agains priest the way you beat priest, is by having bigger minions than the priest, thats how you do it in arena, or just tempo them out in the first few turns. But again you're not always given that aggro deck thats capable of doing that. So you dont get to choose whether you can do that or not. Some degree you do through the draft but not really. You typically are given a set number of high power level cards, and you are given the deck type, then you make a few of choices to adjust it. So sometimes you have a mid-range deck sometimes you have a control deck. You're playing agains priest, you win by having a bigger minion most of the time, and yeah you can play around shadowword death, you can bait the card for shadowword death, you can bait a card for mind control. Its actually pretty interesting, theres a lot of very high level technical play when it comes to doing that. Now one card you absolutely cannot play around, is mass shadow word death in the form of Shadowreaper Anduin. You cant do that, you just cant. If you're playing around shadow reaper anduin, you'll just not beat almost any priests that you'll play against in arena, and the issue with that, is shadowreaper anduin shows up one in like twentyfive one in thirty priest drafts. Lets say one in ten. Typically you're give the state when less than half the deck is drawn. Even if its one in ten, which its not, they've drawn half the deck approximately, but u never keep shadowreaper anduin in arena, so five percent chance, you'd never play against a five percent option, for you to lose the game versus winning the game otherwise in arena. Theres just no case, you wouldnt even do it for flamestrike, you just wouldnt do it. The odds dont make sense to play around this card, lets say 5 percet probably more like 2 percent by the way, but lets say 5 percent of the time, you instantly lose, so u make the right play and u instantly lose... That is just the worst feeling, especially when ur streaming, and people tell u to play around shadowreaper anduin, u know they're wrong then they actually have it, then okay, thats just me alright. 另一個DK我覺得很不公平的是牧師DK, 主要是因為它的戰吼效果。 跟牧師對戰打敗他的方式就是要有比他更大的怪, 或前幾回合就把場優搶下來,但不是每次都能玩到快攻牌。 你無法決定自己牌組的特性, 雖然牌組是自己選, 但能選的牌不是。 通常你會拿到幾張強度高的卡, 大概知道牌組要是長甚麼樣子, 後面選牌再來微調。 跟牧師對戰大部分就是要有比他更大的怪, 你可以提防暗言術:死, 你可以誘出心靈控制, 這之中其實挺有趣的,有很多高技巧性的打法來提防特定卡片。 但有一張牌你絕對不會去提防的, 也就是以大量暗言術:死型式出現的牧師DK。 即便牧師DK大概每25次到30次選牌會選到一次, 就算我們假設提高到每10次好了。 通場情況下遊戲不會抽到超過一半的牌組, 就算假設每10次會選到一次牧師,即便根本沒那麼多, 也算他們大概抽了一半的牌好了,即便開場根本不會留牧師DK, 你絕對不會為了這5%的機率去提防一張牌, 而導致你輸掉一場本來可以贏的對戰。 即便是烈燄風暴都鮮少會去提防,何況是DK。 沒理由為了這5%,其實更接近2%的機率去做這樣的事。 然而當發生的時候, 你會立刻輸掉遊戲。 不去提防一個極低機率出現的DK; 來換取獲勝的大幅可能性是對的, 然而你卻因為做了對的事而輸, 那感覺真的糟透了。 尤其當你開直播觀眾叫你要提防DK, 你雖然知道他們都是錯的, 但偏偏對手還真的有...好吧,那只有我會碰上。 Last few cards on my list i have Kabal Talonpriest, This card when it came out is just bullshit, Priest is the one of the best arena classes just because of this card, Just because u draft like 5, and you play one on the other on the other on the other, and its basically a 3 mana 3/7, for class that wins if it has minions that can stick on the board. Obviously with a card like that it sticks on the board. Again, its a crazy power level card in the common slot, in the class card slot, which means it has extremely high occurrence in arena, and theres not much play around, like yeah against the priest, u typcially trade agains the two drop, thats it, but how often can you do that? half the time? Sucks to lose against this. 最後幾張牌,黑謀會魔爪祭司, 這張牌出的時候就覺得太扯蛋了, 牧師因為這張牌成為競技場最強的職業之一, 單純因為你選到五張,一個接著一個幫彼此BUFF。 這張牌基本上是三費 3/7, 只要你有能存活在場上的怪, 而有了這張牌可想而知, 當然會有能存活在場上的怪。 這是一張超級強力的普卡同時也是職業卡, 意思是有很高的機率會碰上它。 對上牧師你也許會說把2費怪換掉就好, 但你能多常清掉那2費怪呢? 能有一半的時候? 輸給它真的很糟。 Then Vilespine Slayer. Vilespine slayer is a really annoying card to play around. I think its pretty good for constructive, because rogue needs that help, needs that extra bit of removal, but in arena, rogue and mage are kind of like the removal tempo kings, and having a card that is more efficient than all prior options, really gets a bit out of control. Not only that, again we have that issue where its an epic quality card. Epics are still pretty rare,, you can choose to play around vilespine at the high wins if ur ahead enough, but usually ur not, because rogue is a tempo class, which means ur typically behind, and if ur behind u cant afford to play around, with the fairly small chance if they have a very specific epic card. So alot of the time you're forced into playing something into vilespine, and then they have it, then u lose and thats bullshit. 惡棘屠殺者 惡棘屠殺者是一個提防起來很惱人的卡, 在構築中它很不錯因為賊需要一些解場, 但在競技場法師跟賊是清場節奏王, 而有這樣一張高效換牌的卡往往讓遊戲失控。 不僅如此,這張卡是史詩卡, 這又談到史詩卡該防還是不該防的問題, 在高勝場對戰你可能領先夠多可以提防, 但通常都不會有足夠領先, 因為你打的是節奏, 通常會落後一些, 而如果你處於落後, 不會有閒暇去預防一個史詩卡。 很多時候你會受迫打出一個被惡棘屠殺者解掉的大牌, 導致你直接輸掉遊戲,真的很瞎。 Then we have Primordial Glyph. I think out of all the cards out of the list, the one that frustrates me the most is this one. The fact that u get the mana discount on another turn, basically makes the mage's opportunities u know... just ultimately... like u cannot play around these things. You see primordial glyph on turn 2, u might have to play around a five mana flamestrike, can u play around a 5 mana flamestrike? u cannot, its not possible to do that, and have any chance at winning the game. So ur just forced into positions, where ur no longer playing around cards, which basically means u go from playing what was once a strategy game, into playing a fancy version of solitaire single player, so thats just not cool. 接著是原始雕紋。 我認為名單中所有牌, 這張最讓我困擾。 發現法術之後還扣費,這讓你根本沒辦法去防法師的任何東西。 t2看到原始雕紋後,你必須得提防t5的烈燄風暴。 你有辦法在提防5費的烈燄風暴下出牌? 不可能,那樣根本不可能獲勝。 這些牌逼迫我們從原本玩一個策略遊戲, 變成玩一個花樣很多的單機接龍,這一點都不酷。 I like arena for a lot of reasons that, i think alot of u guys like to play arena. Its a very interesting dynamic game mode where u have to adapt, make the best out of the given situation, and it used to be the case that u were rewarded for doing so. These days, its who has the first bonemare, who has the first cobalt skalebane, who has their deathknight when they needed, who has the epic removal card, or whatever crap u cant be bothered to play around it, because its not right to play around it, and then u lose because they have it, its a lot of that. And i think Blizzard can do us all a big solid, by just screening some of these cards. I think its really clear the problem cards, before they get introduced into the game when a new expansion comes out. I dont think i'd miss playing around bonemares, if they didnt exist in recent expansion. I mean like oh man i really miss when bonemare was in arena, i would love to play arena with lots of bonemares, nobody thinks that alright? Hopefully some consideration, hopefully the message reaches the right people, and possibly something can be done. For now, hope u guys enjoyed my opinion, and let me know what u think, and ill see u guys tomorrow. 我喜歡競技場,原因跟大家一樣, 玩家必須適應它的多元複雜性, 在有限的條件下做出最好的決策。 以往確實能因為做對了決策得到回報。 但這些時日, 已經變成誰第一個出骸骨戰馬, 誰第一個打出鈷藍逆鱗龍人, 誰在需要的時候有DK, 誰有不該被預防時打得出來的史詩清場法術,就能獲得勝利。 我認為暴雪只要稍微過濾一下這些牌就已經是莫大的幫助了, 尤其這些牌是這麼顯而易見。 沒有人會懷念那滿是骸骨戰馬的競技場。 希望這些訊息能被該看見的人看見, 好讓這一切能有甚麼改變。 讓我知道你們的意見,下次見。 -- -- 大家好我是 Rextremistz, 喜好翻譯有趣的各領域影片跟文章, 若有人感興趣之內容想要翻譯,不吝站內信。 --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1508596347.A.8A8.html

Ahhhhaaaa : BabyRage 10/21 22:37

rhox : Never lucky 10/21 22:40

jensheng09 : K 10/21 22:41

jkespn : 推 10/21 22:41

DannyDrummer: 連kripp都說防不了牧師dk 我安心惹 10/21 22:42

gipgip12 : 好險這版本完全沒摸競技場,大概增加五年壽命惹 10/21 22:42

weister : 希望改成開放比較好玩 然後把op卡都ban掉 10/21 22:46

YW222 : 推翻譯 10/21 22:49

timtim99921 : 我覺得競技場先後手差距比較惱人.. 10/21 22:49

timtim99921 : 拿到後手真的有點想直接下一把 10/21 22:50

WindSignal : 現在競技場就是看誰先滾雪球,看AMAZ就知道了 10/21 22:52

WindSignal : 以前法術多少可以處理,現在體質已經處理不了了 10/21 22:53

Weylulu : 推 10/21 22:53

linceass : 很中肯啊 10/21 22:53

brian21201 : 我覺得是比手順和右手拉 10/21 22:54

potionx : kripp:那手防就是錯的 然後被懲罰 XDDD 有點好笑 10/21 23:00

purpleforest: 蛙靠 這番了多久 10/21 23:02

XAIOQ : 推 現在真的打起來看到對面那些就很無力 10/21 23:02

Qoogod : 上一版比誰劍術龍騎多的也沒比現在好多少 10/21 23:05

yellone741 : 後手可以投了...超級劣勢,競技場先後手問題也存在 10/21 23:06

yellone741 : 很久了 10/21 23:06

karta0681608: 推 10/21 23:18

Chrisority : Kripp真的never luck 10/21 23:20

EEEEEEEnd14 : 上版是聖騎盜賊法師天下 現在是中立天下 10/21 23:21

turningright: 這翻譯猛 10/21 23:24

cookiey : 讚 大咖都開示了 暴雪趕快改 10/21 23:27

oqangeloq : 感謝翻譯 10/21 23:28

MisuzuXD : 牧師DK競技場還好吧 就跟一個AE清場一樣啊 10/21 23:29

japanda : 如果不ban卡 至少卡片等級要合理 戰馬龍人劍龍騎術 10/21 23:31

japanda : 至少要做到史詩 暗殺花史詩倒是沒有問題 dk傳說等 10/21 23:31

japanda : 級強度高正常 史詩在競技場沒那麼好選到 傳說更不 10/21 23:31

japanda : 用說有時一輪沒半張 能選到機率低的卡高勝一點也算 10/21 23:31

japanda : 是競技場的樂趣 現在競技場就算你選全藍白卡也屌打 10/21 23:31

japanda : 一些選史詩傳說高費卡手的 史詩卡廢物一堆 傳說卡費 10/21 23:31

japanda : 用太高 10/21 23:31

bbqomfg : he plays cards babyrage 10/21 23:31

frankkk : 不覺得Kripp有特別雖小阿 10/21 23:32

frankkk : 他就喜歡一直強調自己很雖 10/21 23:32

Aggro : 調太多史詩構築就會出問題的 10/21 23:32

Aggro : 現在已經不少人抱怨套牌有點貴了 10/21 23:33

twic : 劍龍騎術也是北爛 10/21 23:41

japanda : 當然也要一定牌數史詩改成普通精良 不過那些卡可能 10/21 23:42

japanda : 沒辦法進構築0.0 大家還是會合史詩戰馬 那些變便宜 10/21 23:42

japanda : 的傢伙依舊沒人用 10/21 23:42

kimimskimi : 真的該BAN 10/21 23:43

liliwhite : 以體質來算的話戰馬的體質算是4.5費(比雪人大1點) 10/21 23:43

liliwhite : +5+5&嘲諷 效果算是5費 (6費BUFF有黑暗幽光、4費有 10/21 23:45

liliwhite : 王者祝福、取兩個中間值算5費差不多、結果戰馬是7費 10/21 23:45

liliwhite : 照理說戰馬應該是要張9費的牌、結果他是張7費普卡 10/21 23:46

linceass : 早就說了戰馬是10費怪 55已經算優質體質了 10/21 23:48

liliwhite : 蒼藍龍體質等於4費巨魔+1.5費抽牌結果只算5費所以進 10/21 23:53

liliwhite : 冥人堂了、骸骨戰馬你也趕快進去吧? 10/21 23:53

omanorboyo : 戰馬 龍人 幼雛 法DK 剩下都還好 10/21 23:54

Hsu1025 : 這就是我認為bz設計師都沒腦子的原因,這些卡真的是 10/21 23:54

Hsu1025 : 鬼扯蛋 10/21 23:54

omanorboyo : 那幾張的問題點也在於普卡太容易選到了... 10/21 23:56

S890127 : 普卡一堆做壞的超值效果隨便你選 傳說做一堆廢物 10/21 23:56

S890127 : 結果稀有度有個屁用 10/21 23:57

S890127 : 金光一閃看到傳說期待一下 出來三張垃圾 10/21 23:57

omanorboyo : 競技場BZ不一定要照著卡片稀有度給相同機率啊 10/21 23:58

omanorboyo : 應該要根據強度各自微調吧 因為有太多明顯壞掉的 10/21 23:59

arcslam : 推個 10/22 00:28

eddy12357 : 華爾琪554那張也很扯啊 10/22 00:43

japanda : 競技場好玩的地方就是用稀有度選牌 不是好卡爛卡機 10/22 00:44

japanda : 率都一樣 好卡機率低 你可能10輪才選到戰馬龍人 但 10/22 00:44

japanda : 是你那輪就很開心的玩 每場都屌虐我想不會有人出來 10/22 00:44

japanda : 說什麼 就像以前高勝場遇到的對手t7出爆爆博士 我 10/22 00:44

japanda : 看到也覺得好棒棒竟然選的到 能走到這裡贏了那麼多 10/22 00:44

japanda : 場合理 輸給你我認了 我選擇死亡~ 現在打高勝場 t6 10/22 00:44

japanda : 的時候我都會想你不可能沒有戰馬的 不惜一切代價先 10/22 00:45

japanda : 把場面解乾淨 這也是現在後手吃虧的點 你先手先龍人 10/22 00:45

japanda : 先戰馬根本優勢換怪 尤其一堆強力buff 先下一定贏 10/22 00:45

pride829 : 推 10/22 00:46

orion1991830: 戰馬跟瘟疫比 就不是十費等級 但瘟疫早就是15左右 10/22 00:49

orion1991830: 等級的 10/22 00:49

liliwhite : 以最超值純抽牌法術來看(祕法智力3費抽2)抽1張1.5費 10/22 01:21

liliwhite : 瘟疫抽5張牌就值7.5費 10/22 01:21

liliwhite : 造成5點傷害已最近似的火球術跟熔岩爆發來看算3.5費 10/22 01:22

liliwhite : 得到5點護甲從戰士的強韌外皮來看算1費 10/22 01:23

XianYang : 翻譯推 10/22 01:26

liliwhite : 加上法術叫一隻5/5生物以體質算4.5費總計16.5費 10/22 01:26

liliwhite : 然後跟你說通通加起來打六折就好只算你10費 10/22 01:27

liliwhite : 請把終極瘟疫送進名人堂謝謝(?) 10/22 01:29

z83420123 : BB:我知道了 但我就是不改 你拿我怎樣? 10/22 01:29

japanda : https://i.imgur.com/rIr3n9F.jpg 準時龍人根本屌虐 10/22 01:33

s8900117 : 推 10/22 01:39

japanda : 要做瘟疫超強卡是ok 但要歸類為傳說 就像聖騎傳說超 10/22 01:41

japanda : 強卡塔林姆 競技場你根本選不到 但有了石丘又是另一 10/22 01:41

japanda : 回事了 10/22 01:41

zxasqw0246 : 今天遇到一個雙隕石 一雕紋隕石 一雕紋風暴的 幹 10/22 02:01

KeyFSN : 翻譯的很好耶 10/22 02:40

digitai1 : 華爾琪那張還沒強到這種程度吧 10/22 03:10

a43164910 : 女盾侍(6)+星火術(6)+疾跑(7)=終極瘟疫(10) 記下來 10/22 03:37

a43164910 : 就不用在那邊算一堆還不準 10/22 03:37

webermist : 推 10/22 04:07

x414qqx : 以前競技場常選的很猶豫 現在無腦選op卡就好 10/22 07:50

ultradoublez: 翻譯很到位 給推 10/22 07:51

kaku216 : 推 10/22 08:08

Sunofgod : 我法師DK輸給一場德魯伊過 因為他打出兩張終極瘟疫 10/22 09:36

Sunofgod : 且沒爆任何牌 牌被耗光也沒法做水元素出來GG 10/22 09:37

skypieazero : BZ:沒有你覺得對不對,只有我讓不讓你玩 10/22 10:06

rx1304 : 謝謝翻譯 10/22 10:48

jds2518 : 不能更同意S大了 出一堆垃圾傳說 普通戰卻又爆幹強 10/22 11:51

yulo : 翻譯超強 看原文懂意思可是翻不出來QQ 10/22 12:00

engelba : 體感真的很差 拉開牌差加場優 一張瘟疫就返了 10/22 12:04

lacoste1113 : Kripp正在示範牧DK在競技場到底有多鬼扯 10/22 13:46

brycejack : 對面準時雙龍人站了2回 T7下DK瞬間崩潰 10/22 13:54

zxc12385 : bullshit要翻牛屎嗎ㄎㄎ 10/22 14:32

ykes60513 : 那個雙龍人跟戰馬都有 我看那應該也是12勝牌組 10/22 14:39

derlin12345 : 感謝翻譯 10/22 14:59

super009 : 老實講 終極瘟疫如果是傳說勉強能接受 但傳說沒法術 10/22 15:15

ykes60513 : 幹!!kripp12勝卡包還拿到德DK!! 賺翻!! 10/22 15:22

ykes60513 : 任務可以算是傳說法術 10/22 15:23

chiu8512252 : 推翻譯 10/22 16:07

S890127 : 卡札克斯:我傳說做出來的10分費法術比瘟疫還爛 10/22 16:17

super009 : 倒過來想 如果是10費5/5食屍鬼是傳說 能戰吼 10/22 16:28

super009 : 5傷5甲5抽 其實也超超超超超OP XD 10/22 16:28

rocknuke : 推個 10/22 19:47

Chen96770 : 推個 10/22 21:06

cmonmusic : https://imgur.com/a/ZsYGr 競技場真好玩 10/22 21:54

LeoSW : https://goo.gl/HJHzms 講到DK就想到這個 10/24 14:01

LeoSW : 9:30處 10/24 14:02

LeoSW : 水管連結: https://youtu.be/IMyOmRSu4f0?t=9m30s 10/24 14:14
