Re: [問題] 關於Nvidia比賽的賽制和規則....

看板 Hearthstone
作者 badboy821022 (BronZer)
時間 2015-03-26 21:52:39
留言 9則留言 (5推 0噓 4→)

POSTED BY : cevo.spangler Due to a problem with users being scheduled against players from a different server, this match will need to be rescheduled. Please disregard this match, as you will be scheduled against a new opponent shortly and this match will be removed from your tournament record. We apologize for the inconvenience and will have a new match posted for you shortly. You will have a two week period to schedule the new match with your opponent. Thanks, GeForce eSports Tournament Staff 這是我的對手給我的資料,應該是官方的回覆,大意就是他們在選手安排上出了點問題,之後會重新安排比賽,然後要我們忽略這場比賽。 --
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twyesman : 都不曉得report有沒有成功 辦的比HK差多了... 03/26 21:54

jackal44748 : 我剛直接去team speak找管理員回報對手選錯服 03/26 22:00

jackal44748 : 她也是給我這個答案 建議想快點知道的直接去 03/26 22:00

jackal44748 : team speak 找比較快 03/26 22:00

guinfirst : teamspeak要找哪位阿? 03/26 22:25

twyesman : 確實快多了 去 "NVIDIA Hearthstone Pro/Am Tournam 03/26 22:32

twyesman : 有專人在回答 03/26 22:33

twyesman : 問了以後馬上狀態就改了 變成WFF 03/26 22:34

twyesman : 沒問以前 狀態都還是不會變-.-; 03/26 22:35
