[閒聊] 成就系統

看板 Hearthstone
作者 jackloutter (WithoutReason)
時間 2013-12-28 12:18:28
留言 14則留言 (5推 2噓 7→)

來源: http://bigwatermonster.blogspot.tw/2013/08/quests-non-repeatable.html [情報] 爐石戰記任務:非重複(Quests: Non-repeatable) 成就系統: 1 Card Pack (1個卡片包) Name(名稱) Description(描述) First Blood(第一滴血) Complete a game in 1 Play mode.(完成一場遊玩模式) Level Up(升級) Get any class to level 10.(任何職業到達等級10) 100 Gold(100黃金) Name(名稱) Description(描述) The Duelist(決鬥者) Play 3 games in Play mode.(在遊玩模式打三場比賽) Ready to Go!(整裝待發!) Unlock every Hero.(解鎖每一位英雄) Crushed Them All! Defeat every Expert AI Hero. (粉碎專家!) (擊敗每一個專家AI英雄) Got the Basics!(掌握基本!) Collect every card in the Basic Set. (收集每一種基本系列卡) One of Everything! Collect every card in the Expert Set. (所有一切!) (收集每一種專家系列卡) 95 Arcane Dust(95個魔塵) Name(名稱) Description(描述) Crafting Time(合成時刻) Disenchant a card. (分解一張卡片) 300 Gold(300黃金) Name(名稱) Description(描述) Chicken Dinner(炸雞晚餐) Win 100 games in any mode(任何模式獲得100勝) Big Winner(大贏家) Win 1000 games in any mode.(任何模式獲得1000勝) Special(特殊) Name(名稱) Description(描述) 1 Arena Credit (Free Round)(競技場第一次免費) Enter The Arena(進入競技場) Enter The Arena(進入競技場) Acquire every Pirate. Captain's Parrot (獲得每一位海盜卡片) (船長的鸚鵡) Acquire every Golden Pirate. Captain's Parrot (Golden) (獲得每一位海盜金卡) Captain's Parrot (Golden)(船長的鸚鵡金卡) Acquire every Murloc. Old Murk-Eye (獲得每一位魚人卡片) (老瞎眼) Acquire every Golden Murloc. Old Murk-Eye (Golden) (獲得每一位魚人金卡) (老瞎眼金卡) Beta Hero!(Beta英雄!) Thank you for helping to test our Store! (感謝你幫忙測試商城) Gelbin Mekkatorque(Golden)(傑爾賓·梅卡托克金卡) 每日任務: 40 Gold(40黃金) Name(名稱) Description(描述) Druid Victory(德魯伊勝利) Win 2 games with Druid.(用德魯伊獲得兩勝) Hunter Victory(獵人勝利) Win 2 games with Hunter.(用獵人獲得兩勝) Mage Victory(法師勝利) Win 2 games with Mage.(用法師獲得兩勝) Paladin Victory(聖騎士勝利) Win 2 games with Paladin.(用聖騎士獲得兩勝) Priest Victory (法師勝利) Win 2 games with Priest.(用法師獲得兩勝) Rogue Victory(盜賊勝利) Win 2 games with Rogue.(用盜賊獲得兩勝) Shaman Victory(薩滿勝利) Win 2 games with Shaman.(用薩滿獲得兩勝) Warlock Victory(術士勝利) Win 2 games with Warlock.(用術士獲得兩勝) Warrior Victory(戰士勝利) Win 2 games with Warrior.(用戰士獲得兩勝) Destroy them All(摧毀他們全部)Destroy 40 minions.(摧毀40位手下) Only the Mighty(只有強大) Play 20 minions that cost 5 or more. (使用20位法力費用大於 5的手下) The Meek Shall Inherit Play 40 minions that cost 2 or less. (溫順的人必承受) (使用40位法力費用少於 2的手下) Spell Master(法術大師) Cast 40 spells.(施展40個法術) Beat Down(擊倒) Deal 100 damage to enemy heroes. (對敵方英雄造成100傷害) 3 Victories!(3場勝利!) Win 3 games with any class.(任何職業獲得3場勝利) 60 Gold(60黃金) Name(名稱) Description(描述) Druid Dominance(德魯伊支配) Win 5 games with Druid.(用德魯伊獲得五勝) Hunter Dominance(獵人支配) Win 5 games with Hunter.(用獵人獲得五勝) Mage Dominance(法師支配) Win 5 games with Mage.(用法師獲得五勝) Paladin Dominance(聖騎士支配)Win 5 games with Paladin.(用聖騎士獲得五勝) Priest Dominance(牧師支配) Win 5 games with Priest.(用牧師獲得五勝) Rogue Dominance(盜賊支配) Win 5 games with Rogue.(用盜賊獲得五勝) Shaman Dominance(薩滿支配) Win 5 games with Shaman.(用薩滿獲得五勝) Warlock Dominance(術士支配) Win 5 games with Warlock.(用術士獲得五勝) Warrior Dominance(戰士支配) Win 5 games with Warrior.(用戰士獲得五勝) 100 Gold(100黃金) Name(名稱) Description(描述) Total Dominance(完全支配) Win 7 games in any mode.(獲得7場勝利在任何模式) 從爐石資料夾 \Hearthstone\Strings\zhTW 的ACHIEVEMENT檔案也可以看到,不過沒寫獎勵。 感謝 感謝
※ jackloutter 來自: (12/28 13:15)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1388204311.A.2E7.html

iambiaggi :push 12/28 12:19

usemame2003 :100金成就混入了兩個300金的 12/28 12:20

alex53001 :請問這個實裝了嗎? 12/28 12:34

usemame2003 :這個就是目前的成就與任務 以後應該會再新增 12/28 12:36

hank11235813:看的到自己的成就嘛? 12/28 12:38

usemame2003 :目前無法看到成就 也無法看到跟ai以及好友的勝場 12/28 12:48

yufung :http://tinyurl.com/m3693hs 不要複製貼上我翻譯的 12/28 12:50

yufung :版本 然後說是在資料夾裡面看到的... 12/28 12:50

yufung :http://tinyurl.com/lfy7wkk 你可以換官方版本 12/28 12:53

yufung :不然請附來源 12/28 12:53

littlcrn :http://d.pr/i/Ysxi 12/28 13:01

vvvccc1d := =我以為有新的成就 12/28 13:06

hank11235813:我現在終於知道為什麼有漁人傳說卡了... 12/28 13:12

johnruby :我以為是新的成就........ 12/28 13:22
