[震怒] 為什麼政黑推文要用英文 難道不愛台灣嗎?

看板 HatePolitics
作者 oodh (oodh)
時間 2009-04-26 13:55:13
留言 55則留言 (30推 0噓 25→)

Because Taiwan, our mother has been bullied by China and will be sold by special mayor Ma. We loss the country, our land: There's such shame to speak our mother language, since we can't protect her. All we can do is go on the street on 517 to show our anger and all the Taiwanese's real mean in mind. We'll speak Taiwanese again, just after we Taiwanese become the master of Formosa, this island. -- 霖 鳳 宮 丙癸 中吉 柳毅傳書 奉公謹守莫欺心 自有亨通吉利臨 目下營求且休矣 秋期與子定佳音 二零零九 三月 二十九 求於 三山國王廟 -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1240725316.A.AA9.html

rosgbz:Mr.Ma rolls back to the big land la! 04/26 13:56

olaqe:your title doesn't match your words at all!! 04/26 13:56

AbianMonster: good job! 04/26 13:56

RobinTsao:You can mail this article to Taipei Times~ 04/26 13:57

oodh:the Title in En is too long to be put in the bar 04/26 13:58

rosgbz:5F is a handsome boy! 04/26 13:58

AbianMonster:To show our rage to KMT, we must go on street! 04/26 13:58

jokem:..... 04/26 13:58

rosgbz:6F is a handsome boy, too. 04/26 13:58

mrcat:6F has a crush on 5F... 04/26 13:58

shouri:100 Grade 04/26 13:58

payeah:有人想自肥結果被斷了XD 04/26 13:58

jokem:6F is a handsome boy, 吐 04/26 13:59

sasiburi:S 04/26 13:59

AbianMonster:We must go to street to show our rage to Ma Dog. 04/26 13:59

dierguarder:EVERYBODY IN HP IS HANDSOME 04/26 13:59

oodh:oh thank you theR 04/26 13:59

jokem: Give me nothing but Little Charcoal >////< 04/26 13:59

sasiburi:only LC is a beauty 04/26 13:59

payeah:INCLUDING dierguarder >////< 04/26 13:59

delavino:hold your weapon, hold yuor anger! let's depart!!! 04/26 14:00

olaqe:oh! Holly Little Charcoal!! Viva Little Charcoal!! 04/26 14:00

mrcat:The one Little Charcoal is talking about is ME. 04/26 14:00

oodh: Give me nothing but Little Charcoal >////< 04/26 14:00

dierguarder:I SHOULD BEGAN STUDY, I MEAN IT 04/26 14:01

BinaryLife:簽名檔沒用英文﹐不愛台灣 04/26 14:01

olaqe:Please don't go!! Little Charcoal!!! run away with tears 04/26 14:01

sasiburi:kill very large!!!!!! 04/26 14:01

mrcat:Now! Everybody!! Confess your love in chaos!! 04/26 14:02

banbanzon:給我閉嘴,歐巴馬 04/26 14:03

ilyvonne:A+ 04/26 14:10

rosgbz:A Plus!!!! 04/26 14:10

sevenhahaha:hahahahahahahhaahahaha 04/26 14:15

POPSTAR5566:I love Little Black Charcoal, please marry me. 04/26 14:22

oodh:upstair just come out in disorder 04/26 14:24

aaice:It's good day to learn 04/26 14:27

delavino:haha, but everybd gets the chance to propose Charcoal 04/26 14:28

ohya74921:YES WE CAN!!!!! WE NEED CHANGE!!! GIVE ME CHANGE 04/26 14:31

magecandy: THIS IS SPA~~~~TA! 04/26 14:31

sevenhahaha:I love sexy girl with small eyes. 04/26 14:32

olaqe:oh?sevenhahaha likes girl who has red phoenix eyes? 04/26 14:35

delavino:that must be Kulapika... kerker 04/26 14:37

olaqe:Kulapika has red FIRE eyes not red PHOENIX eyes. 04/26 14:42

delavino:haha, looks the same :P 04/26 14:43

WeAntiTVBS:看沒啦 04/26 14:45

olaqe:丹鳳眼跟火紅眼會一樣?你說說看啊 你說說看! 04/26 14:46

sunti:http://translate.google.com.tw/translate_t# 04/26 14:49

WeAntiTVBS:今天是世界地球村日 所以推文內文一定要用中文以外語言 04/26 14:58

delavino:sorry about that...I only notice about 'red' bad En 04/26 15:10

sevenhahaha:I like nipples pink flavors. 04/26 15:37

newid123:Open Gun !!!!!!! Save Taiwan 04/26 15:45

asubaruka:OH, I SEE! WHY PEOPLE USE ENGLISH TODAY!HAHAHA~~~~ 04/26 15:55

josephhuang:PLAY GUN 04/26 16:01

ll2233445566:UN for Taiwan~ 04/26 18:50

joeyptt:應該有人會推"台灣人請用台文"吧 04/26 20:33
