※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1240725316.A.AA9.html
→ rosgbz:Mr.Ma rolls back to the big land la! 04/26 13:56
→ olaqe:your title doesn't match your words at all!! 04/26 13:56
→ AbianMonster: good job! 04/26 13:56
推 RobinTsao:You can mail this article to Taipei Times~ 04/26 13:57
→ oodh:the Title in En is too long to be put in the bar 04/26 13:58
→ rosgbz:5F is a handsome boy! 04/26 13:58
→ AbianMonster:To show our rage to KMT, we must go on street! 04/26 13:58
推 jokem:..... 04/26 13:58
→ rosgbz:6F is a handsome boy, too. 04/26 13:58
推 mrcat:6F has a crush on 5F... 04/26 13:58
推 shouri:100 Grade 04/26 13:58
推 payeah:有人想自肥結果被斷了XD 04/26 13:58
→ jokem:6F is a handsome boy, 吐 04/26 13:59
推 sasiburi:S 04/26 13:59
→ AbianMonster:We must go to street to show our rage to Ma Dog. 04/26 13:59
推 dierguarder:EVERYBODY IN HP IS HANDSOME 04/26 13:59
→ oodh:oh thank you theR 04/26 13:59
→ jokem: Give me nothing but Little Charcoal >////< 04/26 13:59
→ sasiburi:only LC is a beauty 04/26 13:59
→ payeah:INCLUDING dierguarder >////< 04/26 13:59
推 delavino:hold your weapon, hold yuor anger! let's depart!!! 04/26 14:00
推 olaqe:oh! Holly Little Charcoal!! Viva Little Charcoal!! 04/26 14:00
→ mrcat:The one Little Charcoal is talking about is ME. 04/26 14:00
→ oodh: Give me nothing but Little Charcoal >////< 04/26 14:00
推 dierguarder:I SHOULD BEGAN STUDY, I MEAN IT 04/26 14:01
推 BinaryLife:簽名檔沒用英文﹐不愛台灣 04/26 14:01
→ olaqe:Please don't go!! Little Charcoal!!! run away with tears 04/26 14:01
推 sasiburi:kill very large!!!!!! 04/26 14:01
推 mrcat:Now! Everybody!! Confess your love in chaos!! 04/26 14:02
推 banbanzon:給我閉嘴,歐巴馬 04/26 14:03
推 ilyvonne:A+ 04/26 14:10
推 rosgbz:A Plus!!!! 04/26 14:10
推 sevenhahaha:hahahahahahahhaahahaha 04/26 14:15
推 POPSTAR5566:I love Little Black Charcoal, please marry me. 04/26 14:22
→ oodh:upstair just come out in disorder 04/26 14:24
→ aaice:It's good day to learn 04/26 14:27
→ delavino:haha, but everybd gets the chance to propose Charcoal 04/26 14:28
推 ohya74921:YES WE CAN!!!!! WE NEED CHANGE!!! GIVE ME CHANGE 04/26 14:31
推 magecandy: THIS IS SPA~~~~TA! 04/26 14:31
推 sevenhahaha:I love sexy girl with small eyes. 04/26 14:32
→ olaqe:oh?sevenhahaha likes girl who has red phoenix eyes? 04/26 14:35
推 delavino:that must be Kulapika... kerker 04/26 14:37
推 olaqe:Kulapika has red FIRE eyes not red PHOENIX eyes. 04/26 14:42
→ delavino:haha, looks the same :P 04/26 14:43
→ WeAntiTVBS:看沒啦 04/26 14:45
→ olaqe:丹鳳眼跟火紅眼會一樣?你說說看啊 你說說看! 04/26 14:46
推 sunti:http://translate.google.com.tw/translate_t# 04/26 14:49
→ WeAntiTVBS:今天是世界地球村日 所以推文內文一定要用中文以外語言 04/26 14:58
→ delavino:sorry about that...I only notice about 'red' bad En 04/26 15:10
推 sevenhahaha:I like nipples pink flavors. 04/26 15:37
推 newid123:Open Gun !!!!!!! Save Taiwan 04/26 15:45
推 asubaruka:OH, I SEE! WHY PEOPLE USE ENGLISH TODAY!HAHAHA~~~~ 04/26 15:55
推 josephhuang:PLAY GUN 04/26 16:01
推 ll2233445566:UN for Taiwan~ 04/26 18:50
推 joeyptt:應該有人會推"台灣人請用台文"吧 04/26 20:33