
看板 Gov_owned
作者 NenaPolyglot (un NovioGuapo de Espana)
時間 2018-05-14 23:15:27
留言 47則留言 (35推 0噓 12→)

收到版友內信針對台電的英文考題提問,以下說明解釋: 20. Keelung is the ____ city of Taiwan. (A) northernmost (B) north (C)mostly north (D) northest 基隆是台灣最北方的城市,我們說 “northernmost”,但“northest”是不對的, 不這麼用,又如: e.g.: If Typhoon Megi continues to move on its currently projected path, its eye wall is forecast to sweep across Eluanbi (鵝鑾鼻), the island’s southernmost tip, within the next 24 to 48 hours. 21. Surprisingly, Sam passed the exam ____ that he had not prepared at all. (A) thought (B) despite (C) even (D) but 答案 (B) despite 正確無誤,(C) even不對,(A) (D) 就更不用說了 名詞子句的功能與名詞相同,在句中可做主詞、受詞和補語。這一題是 that子句作為介 係詞 “despite”的受詞。另外的表達法: Surprisingly, Sam passed the exam despite “the fact” that he had not prepared at all. even是副詞,不是連接詞,無法連結前後兩個 S+V+O獨立子句,Sam passed the exam和 he had not prepared at all,此外,沒有“even that”的用法,除非搭配連接詞, even要在這題成立,只能改成even though 同理,Wh名詞子句也可作為介係詞的受詞: e.g.: Regardless of “who(m) you voted for”, the exercise of democratic expression was the most important meaning of this election. 30. Our company often holds ____ because we have employees working in different parts of the country. (A) conference (B) audio conference (C) videoconference (D) videos 答案 (C) videoconference視訊(頻)會議 正確無誤 台電推動新政策使用新系統時(例: NDCIS= New Distribution and Construction Information System),總處與全台灣各區處舉行live視訊(頻)會議是常態,了解各地上 線使用情形和回報以便於持續修正,會議不僅看得到人也聽得到聲音 35. Willy has no idea where his sister Judy is. He hasn’t heard ____ her for months. (A) about (B)from (C) for (D) to 答案 (B) from 正確無誤,(A) about不對 hear from 是指得到某人的消息 或 收到某人的的來信 e.g..: It’s been ages since I last heard from my old bestie. hear about 是指聽說“關於”某人或某事物 e.g.: I’ve heard a lot about you. 我久仰您大名 e.g.: Did you hear about the backbiting gossips or rumors surrounding her cross cultural romance? 40. Joyce looked like she ____ cry when the manager told her she was not good enough for her job. (A) was to (B)had to (C) was about to (D) knew how to 答案 (C) was to正確無誤,(A) was to不對,(B)(D)就更不用說了 這一題從時間軸上是從過去往未來看(後推), “be about to”和 “be to” 雖然都有 將要的意思,但有差異,個人習慣英英解釋: be about to: used to indicate that somebody is very close to doing something or that something will (not) happen in the very near future, very soon e.g.: I was about to pray to God when you entered the room. be to : commonly used in news report to talk about events that are likely to happen in the near future, or to refer to arrangements for the future “that can be controlled by people” e.g.: The incumbent President is to meet his Korean counterpart in the previously designated venue. 44. The marathon will be held this Saturday, ____ . It cannot be postponed. (A) sun or rain (B) dry or wet (C) rain or shine (D) raining or shining 答案 (C) rain or shine正確無誤,這題是考制式的慣用語,「不論晴天或雨天,風雨無 阻」,其他選項都不對 51. Taichung is ____ of Taipei and Keelung is north of Taipei. (A) in the south (B) to the south (C) the south (D) on the south 答案 (B) to the south正確無誤,其他選項都不對,這題是考方向相對位置的表達, A 在 B 的 東西南北方 A is north (south/west/east) of B (○) A is to the north (south/west/east) of B (○) “in the south/north of” 表示台中土地涵蓋在台北內,基隆也在台北內 ( X) “on the south/north of" 表示台中和台北 或 台北和基隆互相接壤,交界邊境有相連 ( X) 47. Ken seems unable to keep a job. He ____ in six different companies in the past two years. (A) has worked (B) works (C) had worked (D) is working 答案 (A) 正解無誤 完成式三要素 1. completion 完成,其確切的時間點並不重要 2. duration 持續 3. experience 經驗 前句動詞 “seems” 是現在(簡單)式,和過去並沒有關聯,後句現在完成式 (A) has worked 表示早先於現在之前,就有在6間不同的公司工作的「經驗」,且「持續」有2 年 之久 過去完成式的時間,落在過去的某個時間點之前,所以你想選 (C) had worked,題目句 子要改寫為: Ken seemed unable to keep a job because he had worked in six different companies for two years. 55. Jill almost got hit by a motorcycle because she ____ with her cell phone when crossing the street. (A) played (B) was played (C) was playing (D) had been playing 答案 (C) 正解無誤 這題考(傳達)的是 Jill穿越街道那當時正在玩手機(was playing with her cell phone) ,且這動作早先於她差點被車撞時就持續進行著,「差點被車撞」是突發穿插的事件,那 當下就結束了(所以用過去簡單式 got hit by a motorbike),但Jill玩手機的動作是繼 續往後延伸的,所以用過去進行式,故不能選 (A) played 中學生會看到非常簡單的例子: e.g.: I was taking a shower when you called me last night, so I ended up being naked talking to you. 請畫出一條橫向的長條波紋,它的上方正中央垂直90度再畫出一條縱向交接的箭頭,就能 了解說明了 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gov_owned/M.1526310930.A.4DB.html

orange722: 推熱心 05/14 23:34

drunkard5566: 推,真詳細 05/14 23:35

sun88990: audio conference為什麼不行 05/14 23:40

mmiiggaa: 推,讚。 05/14 23:45

koala1024: 感謝大大解答 05/14 23:55

DDcuteman: 講解的很詳細 謝謝 05/15 00:09

Kiyone: 因為要克服距離相隔導致無法見面的問題 05/15 00:22

Erts: 推 05/15 01:25

Peter05: 推 05/15 02:05

sdbdm115: 推 05/15 07:39

tree459: 推 05/15 07:46

simon21710: 推 謝謝 Nena老師 但我覺得今年英文實在出的太像高中 05/15 07:46

simon21710: 段考 05/15 07:46

Apr1: 推 35題前年的郵局考過一樣的用法 05/15 07:50

raikkon41: 熱心推~ 05/15 08:33

ofl44: 推,好清楚的詳解 05/15 08:43

evey528: 謝謝大大! 05/15 09:01

cherryww: 謝謝 05/15 10:58

Guard: 大推! 05/15 14:07

bear753951: 感謝空姐老師 05/15 14:19

ThisIsNotKFC: 這太強大了… 05/15 15:47

babychu: 推推 05/15 16:07

darvish072: 推 05/15 16:45

add123333: 專業分析 當老師的妳才是最開心快樂的 05/15 18:14

ihope105: Nena老師您好,我查英文字典,發現第51題的(D)似乎也對 05/15 20:11

ihope105: https://imgur.com/a/O7pwMIp 05/15 20:11

ihope105: 小弟沒有要筆戰的意思,當初這題有空下,只是今天訂正時 05/15 20:13

ihope105: 覺得有點奇怪。 05/15 20:14

thehent: 感謝精準解析 05/15 22:09

NenaPolyglot: 回ihope大:A is on the north(south/west/east)of B 05/16 00:23

NenaPolyglot: 表示A和B互相接壤比鄰,交界邊境相連,如美加或中俄 05/16 00:29

NenaPolyglot: 但是對台北 台中 和 基隆不適用~ 05/16 00:32

ihope105: 瞭解了,謝謝Nena的解說 05/16 13:03

crys: 推Nena正妹 05/16 18:39

ball141: 原po外文超強,哇,韓日風正妹一枚耶!FB追蹤者上百人,不推 05/16 18:48

ball141: 不行啊! 05/16 18:49

divinity47: 高手,有看到妳在多益 托福 雅思 全民英檢版和西班牙 05/16 21:37

divinity47: 文 韓文版回答版友的問題,加了line和FB,氣質空靈出 05/16 21:38

divinity47: 眾的正妹無誤! 05/16 21:39

crys: 原po正妹 嘻嘻 05/16 22:41

crys: 太棒了 05/16 23:19

Samsung23: 推Nena正妹跨國會議即席口譯好威,台北區處和總處來的 05/17 22:10

Samsung23: 長官都驚豔,尾牙又跳K-pop女團舞蹈,舞姿超美正翻了! 05/17 22:11

Samsung23: 奇葩!我是妳的忠實粉絲喔 05/17 22:12

bl00003411: 推用心! 05/19 17:55

divinity47: OMG!發現妳也在俄文版,神人! 05/20 15:26

D214002001: Nena 老師教得好棒,口筆譯好厲害,見過本尊! 05/29 12:19
