[新聞] 路透:臺灣議員就國會改革議題激烈交鋒

看板 Gossiping
作者 powerdavid (hatano yee)
時間 2024-05-17 20:07:18
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備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除 1.媒體來源:reuters 2.記者署名:By Ben Blanchard and Fabian Hamacher 3.完整新聞標題:Taiwan lawmakers exchange blows in bitter dispute over parliament reforms. 4.完整新聞內文: TAIPEI, May 17 (Reuters) - Taiwanese lawmakers shoved, tackled and hit each other in parliament on Friday in a bitter dispute about reforms to the chamber, just days before President-elect Lai Ching-te takes office without a legislative majority. Even before votes started to be cast, some lawmakers screamed at and shoved each other outside the legislative chamber, before the action moved onto the floor of parliament itself. In chaotic scenes, lawmakers surged around the speaker's seat, some leaping over tables and pulling colleagues to the floor. Though calm soon returned, there were more scuffles in the afternoon. Lai, who is to be inaugurated on Monday, won January's election, but his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lost its majority in parliament. The main opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT), has more seats than the DPP but not enough to form a majority on its own, so it has been working with small Taiwan People's Party (TPP) to promote their mutual ideas. The opposition wants to give parliament greater scrutiny powers over the government, including a controversial proposal to criminalise officials who are deemed to make false statements in parliament. The DPP says the KMT and TPP are improperly trying to force through the proposals without the customary consultation process in what the DPP calls "an unconstitutional abuse of power". "Why are we opposed? We want to be able to have discussions, not for there to be only one voice in the country," DPP lawmaker Wang Mei-hui, representing the southern city of Chiayi, told Reuters. Lawmakers from all three parties were involved in the altercations, and traded accusations about who was to blame. The KMT's Jessica Chen, from the Taiwan-administered Kinmen islands that sit next to the Chinese coast, said the reforms were to enable better legislative oversight of the executive branch. "The DPP does not want this to be passed as they have always been used to monopolising power," she told Reuters, wearing a military-style helmet. Taiwan is a rambunctious democracy and fighting does on occasion take place in parliament. In 2020, KMT lawmakers threw pig guts onto the chamber's floor in a dispute over easing U.S. pork imports. The clashes raise the prospect of more turmoil - and parliamentary conflict - ahead for Lai's new government after it takes office. "I am worried," said the DPP's Wang. 台北,5月17日(路透社)——在總統當選人賴清德即將上任而未獲立法院多數席次的前 幾天,台灣立法委員們在週五因為議會改革的爭論激烈推擠、扭打和互毆。 在開始投票之前,一些立法委員在立法院外就已經互相叫罵和推擠,隨後這些行動蔓延到 了議會內部。 在混亂的場景中,立法委員們在議長座位周圍湧動,一些人跳過桌子並將同僚拉倒在地。 雖然平靜很快恢復,但下午又爆發了更多的爭吵。 將於週一宣誓就職的賴清德在一月的選舉中獲勝,但他的民主進步黨(民進黨)在立法院 失去了多數席次。 主要的反對黨中國國民黨(國民黨)在立法院擁有比民進黨更多的席次,但不足以單獨形 成多數,因此它一直與小型的台灣民眾黨(民眾黨)合作,推動他們的共同理念。 反對派希望賦予議會更大的政府監督權,包括一項有爭議的提議,即將在議會上被認定作 出虛假陳述的官員刑事化。 民進黨表示,國民黨和民眾黨試圖在沒有經過慣例協商過程的情況下強行通過這些提議 ,這是一種“不合憲的濫用權力”。 “為什麼我們反對?我們希望能夠進行討論,而不是國內只有一種聲音,”代表嘉義市的 民進黨立委王美惠告訴路透社。 三個政黨的立法委員都參與了這些爭執,並互相指責對方應對這些混亂負責。 來自由台灣管理、緊鄰中國海岸的金門群島的國民黨立委陳玉珍表示,這些改革是為了加 強對行政部門的立法監督。 “民進黨不希望這些被通過,因為他們一直習慣於壟斷權力,”她告訴路透社,當時她戴 著軍用風格的頭盔。 台灣是一個充滿活力的民主國家,議會中偶爾會發生鬥毆。2020年,國民黨立委在關於放 寬美國豬肉進口的爭議中將豬內臟丟到議會地板上。 這些衝突讓賴清德的新政府在上任後可能面臨更多的混亂和議會衝突。 “我很擔心,”民進黨的王美惠說。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體: https://shorturl.at/3TZcw 6.備註: --

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1715947648.A.5E7.html
