Re: [新聞] 歐洲商會示警「藐視國會罪」 吳思瑤轟藍

看板 Gossiping
作者 A6 (短ID真好)
時間 2024-04-29 00:00:42
留言 0則留言 (0推 0噓 0→)

: 歐洲商會示警「藐視國會罪」 吳思瑤轟藍白:外國都知嚴重性還不收手? : 4.完整新聞內文: : 藍白過半新國會亂象不斷,國民黨立委近來提出「刑法部分條文修正草案」,擬增訂「藐視 : 國會罪」,最重可關3年、罰30萬,引發各界譁然,擔憂恐危及外資對台投資意願,歐洲商 : 會也公開示警。立法院民進黨團幹事長吳思瑤今(28)日說,「藐視國會罪」踢到鐵板、問 : 題搞大了,外商都說話了,外國人都看到問題嚴重性,藍白難道還不收手嗎? : 藍白強推「藐視國會罪」引論戰。歐洲商會本周發表「台灣政治評論」文件,文中向外商分 : 析台灣政局,還提到在野黨要推動將「藐視國會」定罪,台灣法務部憂心引來寒蟬效應,歐 : 洲商會也引用媒體相關評論,。 歐洲商會原文 是在這裡 Notable Legislation Yuan developments 來仔細看看這句話 The KMT Legislative Yuan caucus recently emphasized its plans to pass whistleblower legislation. The process to pass whistleblower protection legislation, for both the public and private sector, dates from 2012. KMT legislators also proposed to criminalize “contempt of the Legislative Yuan ”, similar to the criminalization of “contempt of Congress” in the United States. A this would have a “chilling effect” on the willingness of witnesses to cooperate with the Legislative Yuan, and a commentary in Taiwan media called the proposalabsurd”. 歐洲商會特別說了 這法條和美國的藐視國會罪 類似 怎麼了 學美國有問題?? 吳思瑤 你今天疑美了嗎 另外 他是引述 台灣媒體說這是 歐洲商會 只是引述的說法 結果變成歐洲商會說 ?? 笑死 妥妥的出口轉內銷 ㄎㄎ 順道我們再來看看歐洲商會還示警了什麼 Analysis: The good thing about the appointment of Cho as Premier is that he has spent his entire career in politics. Having served as a Taipei City councillor and Legislative Yuan member, at the DPP headquarters (including as party chairman), at the Executive Yuan, and at the Presidential Office, he has a thorough understanding of how Taiwan’s government works, including the day-to-day relationship between the Presidential Office and Executive Yuan as well as between the Legislative Yuan and Executive Yuan. On the other hand, having spent a career in politics mean. He will have to rely heavily on the relevant cabinet members to drive the economic policy agenda. Just like Cho, foreign minister-designate Lin has served in a variety of politically appointed as well as elected positions. Lin lost re-election as Taichung Mayor in 2018, and he resigned as Minister of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications following a 2021 train accident. As the foreign minister always meets visiting European parliamentarians, Lin will play a key role in advocacy for a Business and Investment Agreement (BIA) between Taiwan and the European Union. 歐洲商會評論 林佳龍晉升顯示 台灣民進黨的政府官員 並不需要因為過去的錯誤 而影響其仕途 千杯 千杯 ㄎㄎ --
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