Re: [請益] TD 爭取降低手續費回覆

看板 Foreign_Inv
作者 lunchkuo (RC)
時間 2019-05-17 21:03:35
留言 2則留言 (1推 0噓 1→)

小弟是加入TD約三年的小戶投資客,目前習慣4次/年定期定額投入 前兩天也寫了信給TD爭取降低手續費,目前收到官方回應如下,不曉得小弟理解是否有誤? ---- Good evening XXX-XXX, Thank you for writing and allowing me to assist you today. I appreciate your request to reduce your commission fee and am happy to see what we may be able to do. So that I may provide the best information to the Risk Management team can you please let me know if you hold any additional outside assets or trading activity to be considered? I do see that we have received your recent wire in of funds which I will mention in my request as well. => 請問這一段是否TD客服想確認 若降低手續費後我是否會有額外的買賣規劃? 我應該怎麼回比較洽當? In regards to the Commission Free ETFs, while Vanguard may not be available I am happy to say that on June 2, 2019 we will be going from 308 ETFs to 569 available, with 21 new providers. I hope that you received the announcement email on May 6th, we are very excited to provide this. => 印象中新增的幾檔沒有Vanguard, 我目前的投資以VTI/VEU/VWO為主 XXX-XXX, if you would reply to this email I will submit the request promptly on your behalf. I look forward to hearing from you. --
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gp03sp: 基本上跟客服說你目前還有多少資金打算匯入TD,以及交易頻 05/18 00:39

gp03sp: 率是否增加,客服評估後會給你結果。目前爭取到的是3.95 05/18 00:39
