看板 Foreign_Inv
作者 Latte7 (nonono)
時間 2019-03-28 03:48:42
留言 12則留言 (7推 0噓 5→)

上上週寫信給Guggenheim Investments要QII資訊,只回我找tax advisor,上週再打電話 加寫信,終於公告了。 內容: Dear Sir, Could you help provide or disclose the 2018 qualified Interest Income percenta ge of GOF?? Like the format below shown in your website. I have consulted with my broker and financial advisor. Seems only Guggenheim Investment Company has the information. Many thanks. 回信: Thank you for your interest in GOF. You can find 2018 QII tax information on o ur website at: https://www.guggenheiminvestments.com/cef/literature 一樣寫信給PIMCO,不過還沒回。 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Foreign_Inv/M.1553716126.A.316.html

AYLiu: 感謝大大 看起來GOF要退至少70%以上耶 03/28 06:35

AYLiu: 有大大可以幫忙寄給TD嗎 03/28 06:35

badfood: broker是會有這些資訊的 只是broker從來沒有保證會處理 03/28 07:46

ArthurDX: 這太棒了,感謝! 03/28 11:56

yu830913: 想問一下可以拿到的金額就是NRA Exempt下面的金額嗎? 03/28 12:27

luaniu: 富邦有退GOF耶 看來該放棄TD了 退稅比例跟QII差不多 03/28 21:03

yu830913: 可以問一下L大,富邦GOF退多少? 03/28 21:49

luaniu: 跟QII差不多 03/28 21:51

yu830913: 謝謝L大,等到好價位從富邦下單 03/29 00:01

chenyuchug: 謝謝原po,用此資訊問了客服說需要自行打電話給Tax tea 03/29 12:49

chenyuchug: m。算一算去年能退的也才7塊美金就算了 03/29 12:49

arielprince: 請問firstrade有退嗎?想把gof從TD移走了 03/31 17:00
