[請益] 有關在IB收到的一封英文信

看板 Foreign_Inv
作者 mooninwater (Heavy Smoker)
時間 2018-07-16 19:33:17
留言 9則留言 (1推 0噓 8→)

不好意思,請教各位前輩,我在IB收到一封英文信,應該是有關股東權益之類的, 但反覆看都不是很懂,可否麻煩前輩幫忙說明一下? 信件內容如下: This corporate action has at least one revision! To see the details, click here Cornerstone Total Return Fund, Inc. has announced a subscription rights offering. Subscription rights under the symbol CRF.RTS have been issued for effective date 2018-06-15. Rights were issued at a ratio of 1:1. Terms of the offer are as follows: Subscription ratio: 1 share for every 3 rights subscribed Subscription price: the greater of (i) 107% of NAV as calculated at the close of trading on the date of expiration of the offering and (ii) 90% of the market price per share at expiration CRF.RTS trading period: Not applicable Short close out date: Not applicable Minimum & Multiple rights required to exercise: 3 Rights Is over-subscription available: Yes Please note: The estimated price will be used by the Depository for processing purposes until the final price is determined. Any difference between the estimated and final price will be refunded or reinvested. If you wish to have the refund reinvested please submit a ticket prior to the expiration of the offer instructing IB to reinvest. Rights exercises, once submitted to the depository/agent, will no longer be eligible to be withdrawn. Customers whose accounts are allocated a short position in the rights should take note that the account may be held liable for the terms of the rights offer, including any over-subscription when applicable. Liability will be determined shortly after the end of the rights period. IB reserves the right to perform a credit check on the basic rights subscription request at the time of submission to the agent or depository. Basic subscription requests will be reduced or rejected in the event the processing of the request would result in the account being in margin deficit. Over-subscription requests may be submitted through this election tool. Please note, IB will accept requests to over-subscribe only in the event the account has fully subscribed to the basic rights subscription. IB reserves the right to perform a credit check on the over-subscription request at the time of submission to the agent or depository. Over-subscription requests will be reduced in the event the processing of the request would result in the account being in margin deficit. Over-subscription requests may be subject to pro-ration at the time of allocation based on the terms of the offer. Over-subscription requests must be specified in the election below as the number of new shares you wish to purchase. The deadline to submit instructions for exercise will be 2018-07-20 @ 11:00 (America/New York). In the absence of an election, the subscription rights will expire worthless and be removed from your account. 然後最後有3個選項: 1 (Default) Take no action 2 Quantity of rights to submit for exercise (Basic offer) 3 Quantity of shares to purchase through over-subscription privilege 比較有問題的是選項2、3,尤其是3,不是很清楚是甚麼意思。 勞煩前輩解惑了,感謝~~! --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Foreign_Inv/M.1531740800.A.712.html

daze: 你可以加購一些基金部位。加購價格是107%NAV與90%市價間較大 07/16 20:15

daze: 者。如果你打算加購的數量在你現有股數的1/3以下,一定可以 07/16 20:16

daze: 買到。如果你要買超過1/3的量,那就要等所有的1/3以內需求都 07/16 20:18

daze: 被滿足後,如果還有剩下的,才可能會買到。 07/16 20:20

daze: 如果你在7/20前沒有選擇,預設是不買入。如果你有100股,想 07/16 20:21

daze: 加買30股,你可以選第2項,使用90個right以買進30股。 07/16 20:22

daze: 如果你想加買50股,那第2項用99個right可以買到33股,剩下17 07/16 20:23

daze: 股要走第3項的over-subscription,不保證買得到。 07/16 20:24

mooninwater: 感謝daze大解惑,謝謝~! 07/19 11:36
