Re: [請益] TD Ameritrade 的API程式交易

看板 Foreign_Inv
作者 teras (Tera)
時間 2015-05-27 02:55:28
留言 2則留言 (2推 0噓 0→)

: 寄了n封mail去TD 的API TEAM 申請, : 全都石沈大海,完全沒回覆 : 跟TD的客服反應了N次也沒用, : 真是無言… TD 的 API Support Team 總算回信如下... Please note that individual access to the TD Ameritrade API requires: -A TD Ameritrade account with either an account value of $XXX,XXX or more OR 30 trades per quarter If your TD Ameritrade account does not meet this requirement, please email us back in a few months, as we are currently working on expanding access. In the meantime, feel free to try thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade, which has a built-in scripting language as well as a number of tools to enhance your trading experience. ==== value of $XXX 是多少請自己去問, 因為我懷疑這是因人設事 >< 美商是很有彈性的呢 XDDD --
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bobbie: value of 500,000. 每個人都一樣的 06/14 01:00

Earrl: 我也寫信去問了,也是收到一模一樣的回應 XDD 10/14 19:54
